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Messages - SteamBrains

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Gameplay / Re: Fun Builds
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:09:09 am »
I'm just gonna say it...I miss Hadesmidions. Sad with the Pyra sucking donkey poo right now. Always loved the chaos and terror the Hadesmidion brought. Dual hades ripping into ships, spreading fire everywhere, armor could never stay up and the Hades delivering decent enough crack to the hull to keep crews in a panic.

No way in heck I'd take one now.

 Mythical donuts and I take a double engie double gunner double hades pyra. The 2 engineers have a pilot tool and switch out repairing and piloting, one engie has moonshine, the other has claw. It's so much fun

Gameplay / Re: Ramming in alliance?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:53:14 am »
Its the ai ships mass, which is leading to very ineffective ramming. The balloon does seem to absorb a lot, but I don't think that's the biggest problem. We made a practice match and took alliance ships against normal goi ships and the Rams absolutely murdered them. The ai ships have about the same health as skirmish ones, we tested that with guns and gauging how many shots it took to kill them. Chaladon was the one we tested most. An axil has about as much permanent as a fish and the sentinel has a bit more. But as you know, ramming an axil doesn't work well. Once again a bit of its balloon, but their mass is weirdly high for the ai ships I believe.

Gameplay / Re: Burst ammo, oh no. Artemis, why you so good?
« on: January 04, 2017, 10:19:02 am »
The points you raised were very interesting! I agree with most of them, I'm definitely for the gun arc changes for Artemis. Ever since the mobula arcs were spread out the first time, it's been basically mandatory for Artemis on mobula. (but double banshee double flak for me :P) I think nerfing the Artemis arcs would open up the door for some more variation in mobula builds. Which would be awesome. And yeah inverting the arcs would be weird. The only current upside to taking a mobula without Artemis is that it can take full potential of its balloon capabilities and skim low, then harass a ship while being able to use its gun arcs. The Artemis restricts it to being a high flying sniper platform, no problem with that, but if the arcs get restricted, people may start seeing some more interesting builds and tactics. The burst changes are very reasonable too, I like the most recent proposed change. The only thing I would also want to consider is to not nerf the Artemis arcs enough, so that they aren't viable on a spire. While I'm all for stopping (or just hindering) sniper mobs, that spire should be able to capitalize on Artemis. I didn't have too much of a problem with sniper Junkers too, I think their not too bad of offenders. I guess this reply kinda morphed into "nerf the Artemis" sorry :/ but I like those ideas!

Who needs a coinflip?
(Logo incoming)
In game: SteamBrains and Luharis

Who Needs a Coinflip?

In game; SteamBrains, Luharis

Its impossible to beat that rydr logo so im not even gonna try

Salty Steam x Coinflips

In game: SteamBrains, Luharis

no logo so heres a number 2


Flares X CoinFlips 2k16
Contacts ign: Luharis, SteamBrains
No logo, must do coinflip to decide


Altruistic Trading Company!
(hello one, hello all)

In game: SteamBrains, HungoverEnige, LoreDeSpades

Oh it did upload, Just really weirdly  :-\

Altruistic Trading Company
(An Alto DdCo Alliance)
Contacts: SteamBrains, HungoverEngie

(It was cool tho)

The Lounge / Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« on: August 19, 2016, 09:06:52 pm »
Hello There!
I am SteamBrains (SteeamBrains [ALTO] on steam) and I am a new CA. You may know me from the Alto clan which I'm an officer in, or have just seen me around.
Either way, I'm so glad to be here! I will be mostly focused on novice Teaching/introduction/integration into this community, and hope to bring in more players.
 I also have a hand for editing/filmmaking so I'm up for working on promo stuff as well.
 Can't wait to get out there and start working for the community!

I SteamBrains, In the light of the decibels of Icarus, Pledge myself to the Muse staff, To assist, to lead, to guide, and to challenge those in, and out of this wonderful community.
I pledge to always (99%) keep an open mind, clear head, and be respectful to any and all of the Guns of Icarus community.

How can this be called a "Balance" update?

Really though, Muse I appreciate everything your doing with guns of Icarus, it's An amazing game and I really enjoy it. But there are a ton of major problems with this update, let's start with the pros
Harpoon was buffed which is pretty cool, opens up possibilities of cool new ship load outs. Another good thing (in my opinion) is the new way loch works, it's cool that it can be used in something besides a heavy flak lumber or carro, but that doesn't mean I like it better :P (FLAKSPIRE PLZ) anyway. that's basically the only good things I can say about his update. time for the fun stuff
-First of all fanning out the guns on the mobula was a huge mistake. It was not the way to fix the OP cancer mob/cheese mob whatever you call it. (Basically a mob with a merc and at least 2 arts) I loved the mobula because as long as no one in the lobby took a cancer mob, you could experiment with different close and long range builds, for example you old put framers and banshees, Carros all that. (I personally love 2 flaks hades and banshees) but now that the arcs are spread out that destroys the possibility of finding new loadouts
     I believe the correct way to fix the OP mob problem is to nerd the Artemis arc. Artemis are great guns but when you have 2 combined with a merc kinda op. Now if there's just one that opens up the possibility of banshee or flaks which may lead to some more fun matches, than just dunes snipe-fest 2k16.
     Basically why ruin one of the most capable ships of making fun new loadouts when you can just nerd one guns arc and open up so many more new loadouts?
     The second Huuuge problem i see, is the new indirect buff of the meta. I have taken some time to fly around with the new update before I wrote this and I have seen almost everyone flying meta-midions with gat flak + loch. How I see it, is why does the meta get a buff, and ruin the possibility of fun new loadouts.
     Why nerd the spire? I agree the spire was getting too op, but once again maybe just nerf the arcs, also the new Hflak, and lochnagar functions kinda nerfed it in itself, but still spire needs that extreme turn speed, that's what sets it apart. Why not keep the speed decrease and increase the turn speed, if balance is really the goal.

   In Conclusion

I think that this update failed what it set out to do. The game was more balanced the way it was before. Why buff the meta, and completely ruin the possibilities of new loadouts? Especially with the Mobula, the fan out really puts a set back that could have been fixed by just nerfing an Artemis a bit.
     Before players were rewarded for trying out new loadouts and experimenting with new gun combos, but now it seems that the direction the game is taking is to just be meta builds all over the place and pointing in every possible direction. I only like 2 of the things this update "balanced" and I do believe they could be easily fixed.
     All in all, the old way was better. Just plainly. It had a few problems, but that could be easily fixed wthout "fanning out guns" and messing with new gun functions or ship speeds

Community Events / Re: Cronus League Signups!
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:42:13 pm »
 ONE (team name is Saltro)

Community Events / Re: Cronus League Signups!
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:36:03 pm »
Sorry for cutting it short, SteamBrains again with our team name, Altruistic Rhapsody (the followers of Grentism)

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