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Messages - RaptorSystems

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
The Gallery / Remote control Airship
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:41:11 am »
Just starting this thread, I've only just started putting together an RC (steampunk) airship, I'm not going to even attempt to copy the guns of icarus online airships for multiple reasons.

I've done a very basic electronics (bar napkin) design (spelling mistakes all over the place, should be ruggeduino). 

I'm going to be using 3D printing for the structure to hold the electronics and laser etched paper to create a sort of visual look of an airship.

The Gallery / Re: Guns of Icarus Online Cosplay
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:24:36 am »
Christ those are some awesome costumes. It's nice to see people dressed up Steampunk-ish, instead of like Anime characters, for a change!

One question, why does nobody seem to have goggles? Just buy some old blowtorch goggles and add a leather strap over it or something, I imagine it would look quite amazing.

Old welding goggles can be surprisingly hard to come across, the cheapest and easiest way I have seen steampunk googles done is actually by painting swimming goggles (no joke).

Q&A / Re: Questions about the ENGINEER
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:07:26 am »
Which would be the most effective when including a buff hammer in your loadout?

Option Apipewrench buff hammerchem spray
Option B malletspanner buff hammer (other engineers deal with fires)

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: April 14, 2013, 09:46:22 am »
Yeah I don't know if changing the actual behavior of fire would be beneficial. Just something I thought is worth mentioning.

Is fire damage linear?

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: April 14, 2013, 09:31:30 am »
Just something that has been noticed by a few people including myself, after a certain level of competency with engineering fire seems under powered.

Since the gauntlet has been thrown on to the table, personally I have pretty varied software development skills (c++, c#, java, js,  sql, lua, php, bash, pretty much most paradigms except those used by erlang and lisp) and in regards to UI development I've been a professional web developer by day for the past two years. I'm also aware of how painful floaters can be, and personally I dislike them for accessibility reasons.

I'm time and money poor, but I'm willing to donate time for in-kind support.

If you would like further information, contact me at my accounts email address.

Feedback and Suggestions / Lobby Chat
« on: April 13, 2013, 02:02:39 am »
Firstly please tell me if this is a repost, or delete it if it is a repost and you have super cow powers (linux reference).

It has been mentioned in game a few times, but some sort of lobby (text) chat so that you can communicate between all involved in a match without using regional chat.

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