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Messages - Megabear

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Character Cosmetics/Voiceover Wishlist
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:23:05 pm »
To answer your questions 1) How often do you actually look at the face of your avatar, or the face of other peoples avatars? I don't really at all to be honest. 2) The Japanese voice command option, is because there is a decent Japanese player base for the game. So unless there is a sizable demographic that plays the game, and speaks another language, I doubt it. 3) Aliens? Really? Doesn't quite fit with the established lore very well, and would in all likelihood cause an uproar among a good number of the players if Muse tried. 4)Ninja's are a maybe, there is a gunner outfit that has a samuraiish look to it. But there's a better chance someone in the workshop will make something like that, rather than Muse.

I actually do look at the face of my avatar as well as others time to time, mostly to see what unlocks are available and how my avatar fare in comparison aesthetically.  Regardless I knew that most people don't look at the faces of other avatars, but this is also true for many games and yet, people spend obscene amount of time customizing their avatars.  I think it'd be a fun novelty to be able to customize the avatars in a more in-depth fashion.  Plus in its current form avatars are quite ugly even at distance. 

It wouldn't be too difficult to add more voice overs and it may attract more players for very little effort.  Existing player base would certainly try non-native languages for fun.

Aliens are far out and yes it does contradict established lore.  But not everyone cares, myself including.  I myself prefer a bit of lighthearted humor and amusements.

Feedback and Suggestions / Character Cosmetics/Voiceover Wishlist
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:41:03 pm »
I feel that character designs are pretty terrible, especially in the face department.  I think overhaul down the road would be great. 

That being said we have Japanese voice.  I think it's great that they added another language and would love to see other foreign languages such as French, Spanish, German, Korean, Chinese, Middle Eastern, etc.  If we want to be really crazy we can add aliens such as Martians, Lunarians, etc with made up alien voiceovers.

Costumes in relation to different cultural backgrounds would be fun too.  Ninjas are probably one of the first things that come up in the minds of many player base.  It would be funny to see ninjas running around running the ship and fixing stuff.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Night mode?
« on: June 16, 2015, 04:34:29 pm »
Night mode map sounds great.  It would promote more close quarter and hit and run tactics as opposed to sniping.

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