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Messages - Kamoba

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General Discussion / Re: Are You a Troubadour?
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:13:03 am »
Additional note:
I poked Muse with a little reminder of yours, mostly because it's awesome! Hopefully they'll be back to you soon.

General Discussion / Re: Are You a Troubadour?
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:09:35 am »
Did you guys get the free item and the title?

I sent a guitar recording to, but I haven’t got any sort of reply. Maybe I did miss the deadline (if there was one), maybe the spam filter ate my e-mail. Who knows?

I guess I’ll just post it here:
It would be interesting to hear the covers from others.

Very cool!

As for reply from Muse, I think they've just been a bit busy, what with balance changes and the changes that went wrong, I can only imagine their email got flooded during the time that Lochnagar was broken...

The Docks / Re: Clan Clan! It's a clan!
« on: March 20, 2016, 04:14:45 pm »
Bard here, dropping in a good word, I know many clans, and clan clan are the most clan, clan I can think of, good clan members in clan clan, fun to play with and have been around since before I joined.
If you're looking for a clan to clan with clan clan could likely be the clan you're looking to clan with.

The Gallery / Re: GoI Fan Fiction
« on: March 20, 2016, 03:31:34 pm »
It's too bright, that's what I meant.

About the story: I like how it goes so far, it's nice introduction. There are few mistakes, though I must say that I won't recall them now and I'm not a native speaker (PL).

A little hint for writing, from someone who tried it more in the past than would like to admit: write stuff down, LEAVE IT COMPLETELY ALONE for at least a week so you can forget stuff you wrote, come back to it when it sink and turns to dust, read it, correct stuff that is not sound.

Can confirm this is a good thing to try!
Back when I used to write, if I re-read something while it was still fresh in my mind I would miss mistakes, or basic quality issues, but after re-reading after a long break, would find mistakes or re-write paragraphs to something which usually ended up reading smoothly.

Also agreed that the introduction feels good, looking forward to seeing more.

General Discussion / Re: Heavy Clip: What is it good for anyway?
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:57:19 am »
I think the point of heavy ammo is to reduce the spread of the guns. This means it will function well in guns with a big spread like banshee, minotaur, carronade and hawacha. At short range however, the ammo have no practical use

That's what it should be, but certain changes over the past year or so have made this less and less true... :-/

General Discussion / Re: How would you balance/change the game?
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:55:59 am »
I can easily balance the game with this balance change:

Stamina is removed.
Piloting tools are removed.
Engineering tools are removed.
Gun ammos are removed.
Classes are removed.
Normal ammo is removed.
Guns are removed.
Ships are removed.
Maps are removed.
Asymmetry is removed.
Lobbies are removed.
Game is removed.

Ez changes.
- Boarding is added

Boom! Someone said it!

General Discussion / Re: How would you balance/change the game?
« on: March 20, 2016, 02:29:18 am »
Keeping to the theme of balance suggestions not intended to be serious, I would keep the current Loch as it is and balance the game around current Loch gat mortar combo, because LIGHTNING DAKKADAKKA has been the most fun I've had on a Gatling.


"LIGHTNING DAKKADAKKA" Being the words I was screaming while shooting the gatling on Zanc's Junker.

"ELECTRIC CHARGED FIREBALLS MOTHER F***ER!" Came to mind while stripping spire armour with Hades, within 1 clip...

The Lounge / Re: Prove you're oldfag
« on: March 19, 2016, 06:46:04 pm »
Blocked Ceresbane when he was still Ceresbane.


Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Open Testing Tuesdays
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:37:18 am »
I like this idea Rich, and as you mentioned, if it's done in a way it does not need to be serious every week, allowing crazy changes (Gravity being 10x stronger, or popped balloons launching ships upwards.) It could be a lot of fun, it could help Muse a lot too and allow those "little tweaks" over "big gameplay changes" to be a thing.

It has my vote.

Community Guide / Re: The observations of a madman:
« on: March 19, 2016, 05:53:02 am »
Hail the mad Mann!


Spire has been classified as an "Easy" ship in the game and has been allowed in novice since the last two patches. Please fix this.

I agree..

It also encourages really crap meta ideals to Novices who will not experience the pain of Hades.

Novice players will take double gunners, they will win in a Spire against other novice ships through luck, assume double gunners are a good thing, then they will face off same ship and loadouts against one hades, they will die horribly and either rage quite, accuse enemy of cheating before rage quit, or give up after two more matches...

The Spire should not be in Novice for many many other reasons..
The only reason I think it is in Novice is the "point ship forward and win" frame of mind it brings... Like the fish, and Pyramidion...

Very few Novices leave using Junker successfully, those rare few that do tend to stay for a while...

The Lounge / Re: Prove you're oldfag
« on: March 19, 2016, 05:36:48 am »
I remember when buffed loch merc could strip a fish in one shot...
RIP buff loch merc.

The Docks / Re: [♫] The Bards
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:33:08 am »
\o/ Bardies!

I have a few things I wish to discuss based on information I have received  :-[

First and foremost;

Officers can add members to the clan.

The new application system does not prevent you. The primary aim of the application system is to gain an understanding of people we do not know. Much like a job application or a CA application.

Secondly, I have heard rumors of bards telling new players they cannot join the clan due to limited experience and or time played. One such example including a player who has had the game a week.

We accept all forms of players and personally, I wouldn't want to be part of a clan who did not.
We're not elitists, we are a community of people therefore we accept one and all, regardless of skill, music tastes and et-cetera.

if a player asks you about applying - please refer them to the application form and officers. Both of which can be found on the Clan Page.

Thank you!

Anytime I am asked I direct players to our clan page :) I also remind them to hit the Like button! :)

Only a pyrophobe would bring the fire extinguisher, chemical spray, and heatsink ammunition!

Or a Mann trying to prevent Fire Clan from spamming him with invites xD

Lol, I remember that night.

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