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Messages - Plasmarobo

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 30
General Discussion / Re: Elite Pilot Costume
« on: June 13, 2013, 11:56:26 am »

This is a solid idea.

However, I worry a bit about the logistics of organizing and event, and stalling RP until such an event can be organized, or time-dilating to compensate. With proper scheduling it should work though (perhaps have alternates, seconds, and/or stand-ins ready!)

I know that the future of Burning Skies is being debated right now, and it looks like it's going to close for a long time.
We're talking about extending that out.

You can read or partake in the discussion here.

A new RP may spawn soon, and I love the idea of settling conflict in game.
Having a pre-adventure mode 'emulator' sounds pretty fun!

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:26:34 am »
That moment when your roommate has a minor life crisis and vents at you while you try to fly.

That moment when people on the forums have the same avatar, and you don't read usernames.

Community Events / Re: 3v3 Tournament day?
« on: June 13, 2013, 08:18:36 am »
question for american players: in the weekend coming affter 4th of july, is that a bad time for this? the 5th-7th

'murica: As long as it's not on the 4th proper, the worst thing should be hangovers.

I'm of the opinion you should be at least 15 to be allowed on the internet.

Now I just need to get my dictatorship off the ground... anyone know some cheap island nations?

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:41:59 pm »
Played with plasma last night. we went as engineers and it was pure teamwork magic. on shinks ship with lambert gunning

I love playing with Shadow. It's always a good time. Plus Who's Line happens!

Crazy King is wonderful.

I had a Sunderland on my ship, and we debated the finer points of kerosene response, and how much the AI runs your careful spanner-driven repair schedule with massive mallet cool downs. 

It's even worse when the pilot's kerosening, and for some reason says "Everybody on engines"

By the time you've explained that you handle it alone, one of your crewmates has already ruined the cycle with a mallet.

In my defense, I only occasionally play with a competent engineer on my ship. Usually I just shoud "Watch my engines". (unless I have a Sunderland on my ship Goldfish and Squids do actually need more than one engie to keep them above half usually).

I guess I'll start working out the finer points of engineering before I dump in the kerosene!

Don't worry, I wasn't referring to you :P

On a Goldfish two engis are necessary for keeping the engines going. I usually like to handle them alone on the Squid.

If only I could have a Sunderland all the time.

Gameplay / Re: Achievement system flaw
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:31:06 pm »
Plasma summed it up perfectly. Serenum, I understand that you care about your level and that's fine, but to say you're being forced to do anything is just false. I ignore the achievements I don't want to do and my levels are just fine. Having a higher level doesn't unlock anything for me, so it's not like I'm forced to put up with farming achievements in order to use a play style that I haven't unlocked yet. I can play the game exactly how I like from level 1.

What I don't understand is why you are defending the status quo of something you don't care about. Then changing it shouldn't cause any issue to you right? What me and other people in this thread are asking is just for the achievement to be all readly available without having to complete them in a specific order, except for the ones that are just "more of the same".
That doesn't sound unreasnable or game breaking to me.

And about level... It matters for 2 things: first, it allows you to unlock cosmetic items without having to spend real money on them. That alone is reason enough.
But then you have to consider that level is supposed to be an indicator of your experience and, up to a certain point, your skill. I'm not bragging but I am a pretty good pilot, thus I want my level to be high enough to represent my skill, so I try to improve my level as quickly as possibile.
Is it necessary? No, but it's something I enjoy and getting enjoyment out of playing is what video games are all about.

So why exactly are you opposed to changes to the achievement system? Why do you enjoy it more in its current form? That's what I would like to understand.

I do care about the levels.

I sort of think of it like meta-breakout.

You've got a set of cells, right? Some are locked at low levels, but you still have a bunch. Then on each cell is a linear progression. Each cell represents a 'theme'. Once you do more of the basic stuff, you unlock more challenging or game-broadening themes. Sometimes these take less time to unlock, but they challenge the way I think about the game, and challenge which things I consider good and bad.

I've realized through this system that nothing in this game is really 'good' or 'bad'. It really comes down to 'I know how to use this effectively' or 'I am unsure how to employ this'. Instead of being a test of how well I grind (so many games out there do grinding, go play one of them if you want to grind levels) it is a test of how willing I am to learn. That is what makes this whole game awesome.

You've got to learn. You've got to work well with others.

The locked progression gives character and accessibility to the system.
I think my little theory goes something like this:
If you play with people around your level, they should have roughly the same achievements. You can swap tips if you have different ones. Not sure if that's why the dev's do it, but it's a little side-effect.

Later on, the system does open up. But the linear progression still provides rate-limiting. I feel that maybe they could be ranked by difficulty or something, but I like that the system has charater. Too many games cop out and give up, telling the players to do what they want.

Guns has a unique system. I'd hate to see it watered down. Even flaws become happy little quirks if you deal with them enough. I've worked pretty hard on some of the achievements, and I'm proud of my modest level. But I honestly believe that doing them helped me to be a better pilot.

So my reasons are pretty personal.
I like difficult, clunky things that people rally around. I also play Dwarf Fortress. Go figure.

The Docks / Re: Zill's Merry Men
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:04:52 pm »
I want to answer the new one.

Aside from time dilation (best thing ever), flight.

Flight. Flight. Flight.

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:01:57 pm »
Crazy King is wonderful.

I had a Sunderland on my ship, and we debated the finer points of kerosene response, and how much the AI runs your careful spanner-driven repair schedule with massive mallet cool downs. 

It's even worse when the pilot's kerosening, and for some reason says "Everybody on engines"

By the time you've explained that you handle it alone, one of your crewmates has already ruined the cycle with a mallet.

In my defense, I only occasionally play with a competent engineer on my ship. Usually I just shoud "Watch my engines". (unless I have a Sunderland on my ship Goldfish and Squids do actually need more than one engie to keep them above half usually).

I guess I'll start working out the finer points of engineering before I dump in the kerosene!

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:56:02 pm »
Plasma gives a sort of nervous laugh, an echo of Nidhogg's.

"I suppose it is rather nice out. But I wouldn't know. I've been away from the city on business. I have seen the reports. Nasty bit of business. Rather appalling that a Galleon was able to get within the defenses. It's actually sparked an audit of the guards! Us fleet folk are a bit lucky to have dodged that bullet. Still, shouldn't happen again I don't think."

He gestures vaguely to the buildings around him as he talks. Indicating perhaps the people within them, or maybe the very institution for which they stand for.

"But I'm forgetting myself. You're new to the city, right? Let me show you around! The city has a sort of compelling beauty to it. It's why so many people stay here in spite of the almost daily chaos. Well, that and it's one of the more defensible places you'll find."

Nidhogg and Tristan, accept graciously, and Plasma sets off towards the Council Gardens. With the two in tow.

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 12, 2013, 04:12:14 pm »
--Fleet Docks--

Plasma paces the dock, barking a few anxious orders at the men tinkering with the ship.
They reply with trepidation, skirting the poor mood of the Lieutenant. 
This only cause Plasma to sour further, the way we often do when others refuse to be targets for our wrath.
He storms out of the dock.

Of course he had missed the battle. Worse, his own mission had nearly failed. The parts which did succeed were prohibitively secret. He stopped, slamming his fist into a nearby wall, frustration overwhelming physical pain.
A messenger comes up to him presently.

"Lieutenant, you've been summoned by Captain Verra. She would like to see you as soon as possible."

Plasma glares at the innocent messenger.

"Very well! I'm on my way then!"
His rage becomes motion, the world rushing past as he strides towards the Administrative Building.

--Administration Building B--

Captain Verra
"Lieutenant. I've received orders about yesterday's incident. I have been reassigned to the Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Information Division, outside the fleet proper. I've requested you follow my command. You will retain your rank, but the paperwork will drastically decrease."

Plasma stares at her. The IRI division generally received orders directly from the council and admiralty, but occasionally acted of it's own volition. The mentality gravitated twos those who prefer to ask forgiveness, rather than permission. It also, strictly speaking, did not exist. A handy, but dangerous tool for any government.

"I'm honored Captain, but I think I lack some of the essential training for-"

Captain Verra
"That is something that can be acquired. This is a chance to do so."

Plasma stares at the captain, but his eyes look past her. Espionage, intrigue. At least he knows he can stand up to a certain level of torture. He might have what it takes, and if not...
At least I'll retain my rank
His eyes focus, bringing the Captains grimace into clear focus.

"I accept."

--Outside, Administrative Plaza--

Plasma sits near the fountain, lost in thought about his future.
He see's Nidhogg and Tristan walk up, looking a bit lost.

"Hey, it's you. The exile, and, ah-"

He looks at Tristan questioningly.

"I don't think we've met."

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Chose what class AI team mates will be
« on: June 12, 2013, 01:20:02 pm »
So, the way the AI works is the captain must command them.

F1 sets the AI to balanced
F2 sets the AI to gunners
F3 sets the AI to repair

You can swap these rapidly. I leave it on F3 mode unless my guns are pointing in the right place, then it's F2 until I start taking large amounts of damage!

It's a crude system, but we might see improvement with the AI directory in adventure (Though I think that's more for PvE).
Balancing AI in game is challenging, but is pretty powerful as they can instantly adapt to your needs. Slightly better than choosing them static at the beginning in my opinion.

But I do hope they make better decisions (and stop malleting all my stuff/getting on completely the wrong guns)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Solution for Title Gripes
« on: June 12, 2013, 11:07:05 am »
Well I don't quite think like that. If your rank would show the ratio of lost and won games, yes, agreed. But I don't think it's a measurement of how well you can follow orders - just because many people don't listen to their captains and bring other stuff to advance in ranks for example, which is the complete opposite of what was just written.

I see where you are coming from. I almost forgot this game has actual captains.
Rank is so meta to me, it has nothing to do with the actual game!
I didn't mean orders from my actual captain (I like to fly, so usually that's me anyway), but I totally get how that is confusing.

I agree, listen to the captains before achievement farming.

The Pit / Re: GoIo trading card game
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:48:37 am »

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:39:15 am »
Crazy King is wonderful.

I had a Sunderland on my ship, and we debated the finer points of kerosene response, and how much the AI runs your careful spanner-driven repair schedule with massive mallet cool downs. 

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