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Messages - SteamBrains

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General Discussion / Re: Alliance factions
« on: April 01, 2017, 02:46:39 pm »
The brawlers can have different gun combinations though, ive seen just variations of gat, mortar, artemis, carro, and flamers for the brawlers. The snipers seem to always have hades flak.

How do we know when the factions started getting into the war effort?

General Discussion / Re: My personal issue with GOIO
« on: March 30, 2017, 08:33:29 am »
The main problems with being able to accurately balance, is ship loadouts and player attitudes. I personally have had good experiences with novices and will gladly hop on one of their ship although it gets rough if no communication as we all know. But ship loadouts. That's hard to take into account. A team can be thrown by a bad loadout, or vets may be taking an intentionally bad loadout to semi balance a lobby. So weather the match is balanced or not can't really be take no into account. I can't really see a good way to do this other than to make sure vets keep coming back to assist novices, and all those teachers get out there into those novice matches! I usually have a bunch of fun in them, most of the people there are pretty eager to play.

General Discussion / Re: Dafuq
« on: March 28, 2017, 09:05:33 am »
So how about that alliance mode. I'm actually pretty excited for it to hit.

How spooky

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: March 16, 2017, 02:00:08 pm »
I ban huskarr so that shaded can't. Which would be restarting the ShadedxCarn logic loop.

Gameplay / Re: How did you get your hell mode achievement/gas mask?
« on: March 10, 2017, 08:38:50 am »
Survival, Stormbreaker, double carro front, banshee, L flak. One engineer had either normal repair kit, or hull camp kit. The other had mallet, spanner, buff. And the other had pipe wrench, extinguish, buff. The buffs are important. As for special abilities everyone had the advance dynabuff kit, and captain had drift. Everyone had greased rounds and the captain took burst for more doc on the flak when there was a drill. So. The front two carronades had to be buffed for engagements, they were used to strip hull as well as pop balloons. We could have a hull out with those carro's from 1 clip. Even quicker if buffed. By popping their balloon we were able to manage engagements better, and take them in more 1v1's. If there were many to attack, and engineer would pop the buff ability and they would be destroyed in seconds. Banshee would be used to finish them off and had better downward arcs, and the flak was more used for the drill. For the boss it was especially easy. An engineer would pop a buff, it would only take one clip carronade on a hard point in order to strip hull. We were also able to pop the bosses balloon, often unintentionally but it worked out. Then just 5 shots of banshee to kill its hull section. The buff lasts for a whole minute so we would have the boss down in about that time. If we died, it was usually to a stray corsair/axil but by that time our buffs had recharged on another engineer.

This also worked on defense but survival is usually quicker.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: March 08, 2017, 10:50:02 am »
I ban shaded for being old fashioned

A Flak and a dream!
signing up  :P
In game, MagicMetlaMan, SteamBrains

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: February 23, 2017, 10:31:03 am »
I ban shaded for falling into a carn x shaded logic loop

The Lounge / Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« on: February 22, 2017, 11:13:41 am »
Ah, the turtles and shampoo ^^^ :P

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:00:44 am »
That moment when someone suggests boarding


The Lounge / Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« on: February 21, 2017, 10:54:22 am »
Me as cap on a king of the flayed hills match.

"OH that carrospire scared me!"

General Discussion / Re: Is it wrong to chang regularly of clan?
« on: February 21, 2017, 10:43:46 am »
As for leaving clans, as long as you communicate with your officers and fellow members it's usually ok. I've been in Alto 2 years now and have never been in anything else :P so I've seen many come and go. pretty much everyone who's left has had good reasons and that was just fine. For inviting people with spam is just kind of laughed at. Clans can range from very serious to just friends having fun, so how people leave is up to your clan really.

Q&A / Re: What is this poster about?
« on: February 17, 2017, 10:47:11 am »
That's a great picture of him xD

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