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Messages - Cheeseycom

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Helm rope - Tool or keybind suggestion
« on: September 03, 2013, 08:46:28 am »
I would tend to agree that it could be harmful in the wrong (e.g. inexperienced) hands, but potentially quite useful for advanced players - especially in matches where you're stuck without a full crew.
However this could be easily avoided by making it an unlockable item gained upon reaching a certain pilot level.. say.. anything from level 3 onwards.

It makes sense to me that it would be a pilot item, as the benefit of gaining another (temporary) Engineer or Gunner would be balanced to some degree by the loss of an additional pilot item.
You would have to be careful with it though - if it works simply by selecting it, in the heat of battle a player might scroll through their items only to end up accidentally locking the wheel at a bad time.
Perhaps a combination of the two, such as pressing a key once the item slot is selected (perhaps there could even be different keys for selecting steering lock, altitude lock, or both).

I think it would also be prudent for the lock to deactivate should another player take the helm, just in case the pilot gets distracted and doesn't notice the heading is about to plough them into a bit of terrain.

I think it could be a very useful item that would enable some advanced tactics on certain ships (I can see the Galleon benefiting from this far more than the Mobula, for example). As Dasfoxx says, on some ships it would more than likely get you killed.

Feedback and Suggestions / Sandstorm Sound Effect
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:51:10 pm »
While the damage sandstorms cause is pretty evident the moment it hits, it'd be nice if around the edges of the storm the wind picked up and there was the sound of sand blowing against the hull, until you were right in the middle and the wind was really howling (maybe even the noise of the engines spluttering as they become clogged up with sand - although I'm not suggesting change the mechanics of the clouds themselves to cause an effect like that).

Other than looking slightly different from other clouds, I don't know if there's any way of determining if a cloud is a sandstorm or not without flying into it. Certainly I've had my fair share of encounters with clouds that looked dangerous only for them to have no effect, and likewise have been seriously damaged by clouds that looked no different from their surroundings.. so visually assessing them is a bit hit and miss.

While making them visually more distinctive would make it easier to avoid them, it might make it too easy.. with a sound effect it would be more subtle, and would only really make navigating them easier when out of battle, when it is easier to listen for.
On top of being more atmospheric (literally!) it would give experienced & cautious crews a slight edge over the more gung-ho crews that charge through clouds blindly, since it would leave their ships in slightly better condition when entering fights.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Sound for being hit by the chaingun
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:37:12 pm »
By the way just noticed someone else posted the exact same topic last month, though it didn't get this level of discussion (although one of the Muse team did drop in to post a joke xD).

Seems like this is a popular idea..

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Sound for being hit by the chaingun
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:30:43 pm »
Also if people are worried about the constant pinging you could just play a ricochet noise every couple of shots.

Rather than "tatatatatatatatatatatatata" against the hull

A "" etc.

How about a bit of both?

At long range there could be the sound of random ricochets, but when the enemy is right in your face and scoring hit after hit, it could be the more prolonged volley sound.

Obviously the sound level would have to be fine tuned so as to not drown out all other sounds completely, but it could making facing gatling guns that little bit more intense.

It would also be nice if there was a difference between the sound of the rounds hitting hull and hitting the balloon.. for example, the hull would sound like metal, but the balloon would make ripping and puncturing 'thock thock thock' sounds when bullets hit it (I'm imagining 'thock' something like the sound of a tennis ball being hit, but louder and more violent).

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