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Messages - Tanya Phenole

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 26
General Discussion / Re: Why GoIO is not for every one
« on: June 19, 2014, 04:05:29 pm »
Generally people seek 2 things in multiplayer games. Competitiveness and interaction. Those desires realise themselves in 2 branches of gaming activity - PvP and PvE. Successfull PvP player and PvE player - are completely different gamers, with different desires, online hours and different demands to the game. First ones attached to their own stats and achievements, like win counts, kill/death ratio, etc . Second ones prefer being a part of group with clear role. That is why in classic MMOs we see lot of PvP activities for solo/small groups, and so much PvE realised as raids. Organised PvP raids are rare. PvE solo gamers are very inactive and generally not involved into game's community, as they play MMOs similarily to single.

 Current skrimish mode of GoI is a bit uncomfortable for both types of player. Stereotypical PvP gamer has to give up his interests for team, he is unable just leave the losing group, because he can't win alone. Stereotypical PvE gamer misses redemption from game - idea of fighting for the fight, without loot  and rewards, is pretty weird for him.

Of course, stereotypes are not living people, and people, who are balanced with both sides stayed in GoIO after mess of novice matches, ignoring difficulties of language barriers and social interactions.

Personally, I predict that adventure mode release would attract significantly more people, as it will be more standart  gaming activity - PvE for group of players. Tons of multiplayer games wih different mechanics succeeded on this model, they have high sales rate in steam.

Also, it is great that skirmish mode was released before adventure mode. If adventure mode would be released first, skirmish mode wouldn't have got it's recognition and had no chance to develop into some kind of e-sport we have now.

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:23:08 pm »

The Docks / Re: Glowwater Thralls now recruiting.
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:09:50 pm »
(month ago)

Skrimskraw : No, Tanya, we don't need a thread on forum.

I'm glad you actually made this XD

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:32:13 pm »
Alright frogger and sunderland beat me this week (((

Eating into your lead. Very slowly.

Don't take it from me! I need to win at least anywhere XD

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 17, 2014, 03:29:30 pm »
Alright frogger and sunderland beat me this week (((

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 14, 2014, 10:39:28 pm »
Week of upsets.

Can't wait for the scores update.

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:09:53 am »
Glowwater Thralls - Mad Hatters 5:0
Nothern fjords is so dammed imbalanced map, where just the spawn place would give you 40% to victory. Thralls have red spawn, and their domination is obvious. Also, Oracle mentioned yesterday, that Hatters have a new pilot for the team, which could weaken  them as well.

Clamour - Muse 5:2
Awwww, I am so glad that our small paddling of ducklings finally migrates from fjords! I hope this match will be fun and tense.

Overwatch - DPA  5:1
Dunes Red Spawn, Overwatch doing really well last days and FluffyHetshe in the team - these are three factors, which tell me : Deadpool fleet will break before they manage to rush the enemy! But sniper's matches already gave unpredictable results when Cake got their glorious victory over Sacrilege. I don't know if Deadpool army can snipe though.

Sacrilege - TAW 5:2
I suppose SAC will fight with all their fury after last week, and canyons will help them in there.

SIR - Cake 5 :3
I am a real fan of Kirk now! Cake did amasing job  by this moment, but SIRs are strong rivalry. I expect an interesting to watch, tense battle.

Merry Men  - BFS 5:4
By this moment Merry Men performed nicely, and Bully Boys did not. But! BFS got a cool red spawn over there on Fjords.  Can't really predict this match, but I expect this to be close and intense as well. No clue what wil be, if they go for sniping.

HRA - Ryder 5:4
HRA already dominated on Duel and Ryders have 2 replaces in the team because of schedules issues.  I expect a close game, and if Ryders, despite my prediction, win this, I will get drunk to celebrate! 

Surprize of the wek : The vultures defeated by falcons, Ryders beat HRA 5:4

That was awesome! I mean, I had a lot of fun XD Dream to repeat that sometime

Will sub for Sunday XD

Clamour is not planning to signup this week.

Contact me through steam, steamname  Tanya Phenole

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:36:31 pm »
I ban Hunter for having too nice voice ^^
I ban Tanya for being too kind in general! =D
And there is no room for kindness in the bitter skies full of hatred and explosions and cake and wolves and ducks and warfare and thralls and sacrilege and...

I ban Hunter for forgetting Ryders in this list.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:12:33 am »
In terms of cosmetics,

I have always liked the idea of being able to change my tools, i,e a golden spanner or a fire extinguisher with a decal on it, ship cosmetics i like the royal theme, but how about the opposite a run down theme were everything is falling apart and held together with tape glue and hope.
and helpless gunner tears. my favourite. :3

how about engines, fixed up with old women's tights?  I seen this creative solution of repair on old russian car and it completely stroke my mind XD

But if seriously, some slobby theme will be really cool.

The Gallery / Re: Pyramidion model.
« on: June 08, 2014, 11:16:02 pm »
I love the hull armor model, can you show a more detailed pic?

Wow. Super awesome model ! I'd buy something like that if I saw it in a shop.

Hey, salute for a Dresden Doll reference ^^

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 08, 2014, 09:34:17 am »
I won again, where is my cookie?

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 07, 2014, 02:09:27 pm »
Rydr - Overwatch 5-3
I believe in OVW. They are doing amasing job on their practice. Hope the will land several kills

GwTh - Muse 5-2
Muse surprised everyone last week, I give them chance to land 2 kills. Thralls are still good, but so so so unreliable =)

Clamour - MadHatters 5-4
I expect close battle of metamidions)

Bully Boys - Holy Romans 3-5
According to last practice, Bully boys are progressing.
SAC - Cake 5-3
I love  Cakes, and Kirk does amasing things sometimes, but Tropo has such a handsome voice =)

SIR - TAW 5-2
Go,  Rhinos ^^

DPA - MM 2-5
I don't know Merry Men, but Deadpool loves blind charge too much, which can be punished easily.

 Mirror idea is awesome and more interesting , then camera, I think. (it is fucking steampunk game, no electronics pls) .

It might be not a really precise mirror we could see, but we should be able to see shades and lights reflections.
Which also :  gives more control over clouds if combined with flare. Allows to control "blind zones" of airships - you see the reflection of moving ship, it is not allowing to shake the spot

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