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Messages - Tanya Phenole

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 26
The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: July 29, 2014, 07:52:44 pm »
But the big flak misses so much! D:
Guns don't miss. People do.

Mini misses like never.

The Gallery / Re: I'm your Captain. (Mildly NSFW)
« on: July 29, 2014, 09:58:58 am »
Thanks for your comments, guys  <3

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:11:40 am »
Aaaaand now
aaaaaand now
aaaaaaaand NOW

Mini-Gunner and hid scary flak

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:43:49 pm »
-G- is a clantag which the Gents put into their ship names

The Gallery / Re: Tournament Art needed
« on: July 27, 2014, 10:06:03 pm »
I might help but I need more broad concept to know what to work on

By tradition, offering myself to sub for any team <3
Tanya, if you want to play and don't have a team, make sure to sign for the Black Cloaks. We would welcome you gladly, since it's usually very close to get 8 people
Hey I already did but you like ignored that or something.

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:17:25 pm »
Sometimes I wonder about what you do in your free time Tanya. ???

Free time? what is it lol

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: July 27, 2014, 09:39:38 am »
Duck was exploring St. Petersburg last week.

Also, found a duck pond where ducks have their own castle!

I'd love to settle there but there were two angry black swans guarding ducks from people.

Q&A / Re: Question about the front gun.
« on: July 27, 2014, 09:24:22 am »
My dear, you don't understand. One of those other engineers was doing the gunner role, and took the proper ammo for it.

It is usually done because that gunning engineer can buff the gun all the time.  You should learn the roles and loadouts for them, captains usually tell you loadout and role - be more attentive to chat and voice chat in the lobby.

That engineer probably left front carronade because was doing some repairs you have missed. also, carronade is very-close-range-gun, so approaching ship is not a reason to start shooting.

Once you spoil your role,  you spoil the role of other person too. That is very important to understand

By tradition, offering myself to sub for any team <3

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: July 26, 2014, 03:53:15 pm »
A  OVW - MUSE  5:4 , OVW passes to C
B SAC - TAW 5:4 , SAC  passes to E

C SIR - OVW 5:2, SIR passes to G
D Clam - DPA 5:3, Clam passes to G

E MH - Sac 5:4 MH passes to H
F Cake - BFS 5:2 Cakes passes to H

G SIR - Clam 5:4 SIR passes to Final
H MH - Cakes 5:3 MHatters pass to Final

Final SIR - MHatters 5:4  , SIRs enter golden playoffs.

I am not sure in any prognoses, cause all these matches are really close.

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: July 26, 2014, 02:33:37 pm »
That moment when you are Galleon. You are flying full speed dead ahead, moonshining, breakind the clouds and sandstorms. Suddenly, an enemy junker appears on your way, and you feel it is too late to turn off moonshine... You crash into him, and he eplodes into gears... the junker's team is sending you "WTF?!" messages to match chat and specs are exited with it, and you feel yourseld exited and a bit dirty.

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: July 26, 2014, 12:12:17 pm »
So Alistair, where are my candies?

The Gallery / Re: I'm your Captain. (Mildly NSFW)
« on: July 25, 2014, 01:24:34 am »

The Gallery / Re: I'm your Captain. (Mildly NSFW)
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:44:35 am »
Please, notice that there are totally no any personal insert. I am not a pilot and I prefer maledom XD

I no longer feel safe flying with Tanya o.o

Like you ever did before XD I bet we have not gaven commendations yet

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