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Messages - Tanya Phenole

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 26
The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:49:16 pm »
Never expierenced it before =)

The Docks / Re: A call for Black Cloaks for Sunday Skirmishes!
« on: August 09, 2014, 11:37:02 am »
My wrench is ready to fight on this sunday.

Tanya Phenole on steam.

General Discussion / Re: Captain-speak
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:08:50 pm »

"CHEMSPRAY TEST!!!" Sammy, when sees a flamer approaching. "U FAILED" when anything catches fire

"Nicolas Cage attacks!" - mine kill by Purple Fog.

No one read my first post that started this thread lol.

I did, and I totally disagree with your idea which will totally ruin the original balance system

Community Events / Re: The MLG Charity Tournament
« on: August 08, 2014, 07:52:38 am »
This will happen at like 6 am for me, but late practices become a usual things since I joined ducks

I am really interested in taking the design part, working on logos, announcements and streamoverlays to make them in same style. I had no expierence on that, but I really want to try, and i need  a lot of help from casters, to know what exactly the want in techical details (resolutions, etc.).

If you are giving gunners any passive buffs, I request introducing dash for engineers. Cause someone has to be in 2 places simultaneosly since that lazy butt always sits on his guns.

Also, I kinda thought of builds where gunners entirely replaced by engineers, and came to interesting conclusion.
Heavy carronade on goldfish REALLY needs a gunner. Because charged actually has 20% more damage and 10-ish% more DPS than buffed vanilla. And on a distance of heavy clip you may afford baloon engineer buffing front gun.

I guess, if light guns had such difference from ammo, as heavy guns do,  it will be nice having different types of them, the situation will be same with my example above. But game has only 3 ships with heavy guns (and one of them is claimed underpowered). So I see, that new ammo types and changing effects from current ammo types is the only possible way to make room for gunner and save the game balance.

I might totally look like slowpoke, but I came up with any opinion on this topic only now.

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:44:41 am »
I keep sketching possible options for the logo.

I feel like this one might look nicely as baloon decal, and from far-far away you can see that is a duck ship XD

Community Events / Re: Changing to Bo3
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:51:09 am »
Wunds, you do realise that west coast has quite few difference with some russian regions ? Russia has 9 offficial timezones.

instead of Anvil and Hammer division, we could have Eu and Am ones. since there were matches inside one division and cross-divisional match , we can schedule them in following order :  Eu matches, double-streamed, Cross-division doublestreamed, Am matches double-streamed. So streamers will still work simultaneously and won't be locked to their division.

On other limit, HC was quite early for American players as well, because mathes starting at 16:00 means people need to get to 14:30 (or 12.30 considering western coast).

I am great fan of scheduled matches, but this only illustrates how much we need more attentive attitude to scheduling.

Community Events / Re: Changing to Bo3
« on: August 05, 2014, 02:52:53 am »
As you can see, the fugures are illustrating that we dont actually need "best of 3" system. I was trying to figure out all arguments against and all ways to avoid that;

However, I still would like to split divisions into Eu and Am, because EU/AM competitive teams ratio is close to 50/50,  or at least take regional properties of team into scheduling. Eu-Eu matches earlier, Eu-Am in middle and Am-Am in the end. Even in this tight 3,5 hours ovelapping period it can significantly influence teams in a good way. I volunteer to work on this scheduling on season 2.

Community Events / Re: Room for Improvement
« on: August 05, 2014, 02:08:18 am »
Daniel, changing substitute rules is a field for a separate tread. I feel like you probably should  create one, if you have so much to say about this.

The Docks / Re: The Black Cloaks Mercenary Team
« on: August 05, 2014, 01:35:46 am »
I am up to next sunday. Steam "Tanya Phenole"

Community Events / Changing to Bo3
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:16:57 am »
 As I know, to be integrated into MLG, we need to change regular league to "best of 3" system, instead of current "best of one". Here I'd love to present my idea of how it could look like.

First of all, best of three matches will consume significantly larger amount of time, but the timezone overlap is quite narrow. If we want to keep the event's lengh with approximately same amount of teams participating, we have to split up to regional timezones.
On this picture I compare current system and possible Bo3 system, when we move from 2 random divisions, playing and streamed at the same time, to geographically-organised divisions streamed one after another, overlaping in "cross-zone"  period, when cross-divisional matches can be hosted. Every "best of 3" set is given a limit of 1,5 hours.

However, this system leads to several problems.
  • will significantly split up players from different timezones. Most european players won't be able to watch later american streams, and on the earliest matches streaming chat will be almost dead.
  • it loads up the administration with additional time. These people spend time on organising events for us, and we can't demand them to work a full 8-hours day on their weekend for our leisure.
  • no post-show talk, which gave the tourney streams a festive touch. I am dead serious here, I am convinced that this has become important part of the league, and we can't just throw it off
  • Every 2 new teams will add a week to the event's duration.

Another idea is to split the games into Saturday and Sunday.

  • More flexibility to teams number
  • More tolerant to timezones
  • Less time in a day consumed by organisers
  • Room for Australian/Asian players, who could join european division if they want late night time, or American, if they'd prefer earliest morning

  • NO SUNDAY EVENT (greatest disadvantage)
  • Administration and streamers waste 2 weekends instead of one on this
  • Poor European people who need to wake up early for work/scool/etc

The team should define their regional preference during sign-up. If there would be uneven amount of european and american team, a team would be offered to volunteer to take other region's division and given a priority in later/earlier times when scheduled.

Community Events / Re: Room for Improvement
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:34:44 am »

Is the HC League too long, too short, or just right? Why do you feel this way?
It was just fine. Really good format for seasonal league, 2-3 in year will be best to keep teams in tonus

Much of the league uses a best of 1 system. Would a best of 3 system have felt better, or was the best of 1 option a good way to protect your time and the audience's time?
I loved the usage of Bo1, however, I believe that in case of smaller amount of teams (8 or less) Bo3 is possible
The HC League (re?)introduced a separation of casting and administration, but failed (largely due to me) to separate administration and referees. Was the separation good? Would you have liked to see more separation between administration and referees?
I see no difference between motivation of tournament hosts and referees. It will be great, if administration will have abilities to hire more referees, but I see no disaster if hosts need to be referees themselves

Time limit rules came into play multiple times. Were these rules a good way to end the match, both as a player and as a viewer? Is there a different format that you feel might better protect the ability to bring any style to competition?
HC showed that with any playstyle in 2v2 is possible to get kills on limited time. We seen sniper battles finished in 10 minutes, we seen brawling builts, who haven't got kills in given time... I consider calling longer time for a match is a total disrespect to other teams and organisation. Also, there are quite few people who can afford playing more than 6 hours a day, and we can't all be oriented on their capabilities.

Were the set start times a good or bad thing? Did you feel you were left waiting in full lobbies too long waiting for your match to start? Did you enjoy knowing exactly when your match would start? Did it allow you to schedule better and get friends to watch you? Would a rolling start time or a different format work better?
Set start time was a huge impovement. I expierenced waiting for 1,5 hour in crew formation during sky league, not being able to leave, because game could start any time, and that was quite exausting. Fixed starts allow viewers to view streams in chekmate order, which is a great advantage both for streamer and viewers

Did the lobby time limit provide an adequate arena for selecting your ship without opening the match to excessive ship swapping? Did you feel safe to take unusual builds, or would a different system make you feel safer in taking unusual builds?
This is  teamwork-based game after all. Build, perfectly trained by crew always wins newly taken one, even if it is a perfect counter. The example of double junker, runned by the Mandarins, illustrated this well enough - they survived and destroyed even under carronade fire. That is why I am convinced, that swapping always punishes the swapper, and plays fewer role in match score

Were the pause time rules fair, and fairly enforced? Were you ever concerned that server problems or player disconnects would ruin a match for your team?
I believe, that pauses were helpful to avoid several connection problems. Unfortunately, they can't protect from all the disconnects. And yes, server issues influenced the team's performances a lot.

Were the substitution rules sufficiently flexible to allow you to make all needed substitutions? Did you ever feel the substitution rules were too lax, allowing a player or team to abuse them?
Substitution rules were greately liberal. I remember how much drama strict subbing rules called in Sky League. Unfortunately, we currently have a situation where one captain was able to play for three different teams, which atually mixed up the team's ratings a bit.
I am absolutely agreed with Frogger, who mentioned that team captains must be locked to their teams. The person in captain slot does greater difference to team's performance, rather than crew substitute.  That is why a person, piloting for one team, must not be able to pilot for another.

Were there any rules you felt strongly for or against? Something you felt harmed the integrity of the match or League?
The ranking, based on kills, needs improvement. Maybe it needs to be balanced with kill/death ratio or other ways to protect teams from being unfairly underscored

Do you feel that the map pool provided sufficient variety, and that the maps each added something beneficial to the map pool? Was there a map that detracted from the quality of the League that you felt should have been removed?
I have very strong pesonal dislike of "Battle in the Dunes" map. It's removal needs to be discussed

Would you be intrigued by a restructuring of the regular season to allow more fluid participation, or would you prefer a second season to maintain a more strict adherence to current structuring?
I loved the current structure of league, and I would prefer to keep it

Would you be interested in playing more than one match per day (Bo1) even if your matches were not scheduled consecutively?
Absolutely no! only if my match time will be scheduled in advance, so I can plan my evening

Would you be interested in taking an axe to the pause rules and removing official pauses?
No chance, current pause rules protect players, not abuse them

I totally agree with AbbyTheRat that  forming divisions considering the teams' region will give a great advance both to american and european parts of community. The overlap between timezones is narrow, but large enough to put cross-divisional matches there

Sup, avaliable as sub today ^^ poke me on steam

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: August 03, 2014, 11:12:22 am »

Now, as a winner, I request a figurehead of naked  Fourth Oracle for my galleon, a date with SammyBT... no, better with Frogger, also, I want my promised candies ! CANDIES ALISTAIR !!

Fine give me at least one candy nd I'll leave you alone. I love dark chocolate (not milky!)

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