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Messages - Malarosa Agresti

Pages: 1 [2]
Gameplay / Re: Taking the Spyglass as a pilot.
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:51:34 pm »
I used the Spyglass for awhile when I was first starting out and didn't really have a firm grasp on how damn useful the Piloting Equipment was.  My typical setup is Claw/Kerosene or Moonshine/Tar, cause I love quick escapes from bullshit I don't deserve to get away from.

Sometimes when running a anti-balloon build I regret not having the Spyglass, cause the enemy will often pass far beneath you.  I fly with a usual crew that I communicate with, but it's still sometimes frustrating to see a target and not have it spotted.  Still not worth losing another piece of gear, though.

Gameplay / Re: First/Third Person and FOV
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:47:51 pm »
I have been playing FPS's forever, and I tend to go with the highest FOV I can manage before my head starts to hurt.  And sometimes, even further.  >:3

Gameplay / The Gunner.
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:41:24 pm »
It seems to me that almost no ship or ship setup benefits from having a Gunner on board.  Having one of the only 3 classes be merely situationally useful doesn't seem like a good state of affairs.  I may be wrong.  I HOPE I'm wrong.  And I'd love to hear a reason why.

I'm waffling on how much I need to explain my position.  It seems kind of obvious to me how much more utility an Engie brings in comparison.  Just having the ability to more quickly rebuild / mitigate fire stacks seems / buff your weapon seems more useful more then one gun mod.  Even if the Engie plans on almost never helping with general ship repairs, in a pinch the extra tools seem to be much more important then having a useful mod for a second weapon.

For clarification, I'm not talking about having a dedicated Gungineer.  Nor am I talking about how the odd build here and there may benefit from a Gunner.  1 x Pilot, 3 x Engineers seems to objectively be better almost all the time, and I want to be told why I'm wrong.

Gameplay / Re: Echidna vs. Scylla
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:06:36 pm »
What's this Cogs I keep hearing about?  Haven't picked up that bit of nomenclature yet.

I've ended up preferring the Scylla myself, but both my usual crew as well as most pubbies tend to prefer the Echidna, so I have ended up rolling with that.  Sadly, given how underused the Scylla is at the moment.

Gameplay / Re: Artemis Rocket Launcher
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:04:15 pm »
Well, if I could make the small request of not dialing it back too much please.

I never really used the carousel much in 1.14 but I loved that its buff brought another light weapon into the forefront and into frequent use. When it was nerfed shortly thereafter it became so weak we'd practically mock ships who took it as a primary weapon.

I love to see a diversity of ships and weapons all be valid and competitive and I think almost everyone's agrees, especially awkm, so please don't smite us for our seeming lack of gratitude (guys you have to admit we've been a little petulant, asking for months for the Artemis to be buffed only to complain intensely the moment awkm gives it a ever so slight boost in speed and turn arc).

I strongly agree with this sentiment.  The more 'real' options available at the higher levels of play, the better.  I don't think anyone disagree's with that.

I do think the weapon may need a small nerf, but I'd wouldn't want to see it's range impacted.  There aren't a lot of options for the sort of ranges the Artemis is able to work at.  I would just reduce it's Hull damage to reinforce it's purpose as a disabling weapon. 

Gameplay / Re: Artemis Rocket Launcher
« on: May 05, 2013, 03:13:42 pm »
Though I have to wonder whether it's that the gun is overpowered, or people are just discovering for the first time that the gun was good to begin with.

Almost certainly the former.  Yah give something even the smallest buff and people are gonna hop on it with a fresh perspective.

Gameplay / Echidna vs. Scylla
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:46:15 am »
The Echidna and the Scylla have some significant overlap in terms of their damage type, with the trade off seeming to be greater consistenty / accuracy with the former, vs. potential dps and obscuring smoke with the latter.  I've messed around with both (usually paired with the Whirlwind for dealing with Armor), and I'm curious to see if there is a consensus on which is the superior weapon. 

The Echidna IMO was the superior weapon prior to this patch, when the Scylla didn't really have a very noticeable trail so it was very hard to place your shots.  Now that the Scylla can actually hit something outside the hands of an elite gunner, I've taken to using it some with decent results.  I wish I had the actual damage numbers, but the wiki seems kinda out of date.


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