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Messages - SteamBrains

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Beep Beep
« on: November 02, 2017, 11:00:49 am »
Mobile foghorn lets goooo
Would they be customizable? :) or ship specific, that would be cool.

Fun idea!

World / Re: Faction Words for other Factions: A Cultural Experience
« on: October 31, 2017, 12:52:54 pm »
From the high officers of the fjord baronies,

Arashi: Sandy peasants/Possible recruits
Angleans: TRAITORS (Yes we're still salty about that attack)
Mercantile: The Least worst
Yeshan: Never even see them on the map, government nuts.

Community Events / Re: Sunday Community Skirmish #165 (August 13th)
« on: August 12, 2017, 09:02:30 pm »
Poc: SteamBrains, Altec

Altruistic Armada, signing up!
In game, SteamBrains, Altec

Altruistic Armada
Poc: SteamBrains and Luharis

Altruistic Rhapsody
Signing up, In game: SteamBrains, Altec

Aw man hard to hear. I think the dragon breath is an awesome idea, and the heavy carro is kind of the only gun it fits well. The cannonball fits so perfectly for a lumberjack mkII.

So that's dragon breath for me!

I think option 2 would fit the carronade better. That being said the cannonball sort of idea would work great for LJ and seems like a good course of action.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Swivel gun generic MKII concept
« on: May 10, 2017, 01:38:29 pm »
This is an interesting idea. I do like the idea of having some mkII guns with some arc changes. The conflict I see is that all of the guns in goi are (for the most part) balanced. They all have distinct strengths and weaknesses. They can all be combined in different ways and compliment each other. Having a new category of mkII weapons that are just straight up enderpowered seems a bit off. Example, the mkII flak is stronger with the clip reductions and such. This gun is different but not bad. It makes for a great gun but a bit less forgiving if your gunner is struggling. I think if light mkII weapons are pursued I think a good blend of new stat changes that compliment the weapon would be the best course of action. The other conflict is that the idea for these guns only suit 1 purpose, which is to be a throw away weapon. Which is fine and all, but if it can in no way compete with being a main gun then it's questionable why it would be balanced as such. This is a bit weird when harpoon and flare are brought into the light because they have questionable use as a main gun, but that's just their thing. I do look foraward to some new ideas for mkII guns though! Seems like some great ideas will be coming out of it

Interesting things I've tried is double gunner double engie pyra. The two gunners each have hades and since they have more versitility with ammo types it's more effective. This way the two engineers switch out on the helm (one with claw the other with shine or Kero) it's a bit weird with that setup but could kind of be adapted into a captain double gunner engie. If anything it was fun to be switching on and off the helm, probably not the most efficient but it's something to be refined.

We are actually dropping out due to crew constraints and that our people gotta study. kinda ironic

2 stubborn 2 quit
In game: SteamBrains, Biowarfare

The Gallery / Re: GOIO memes
« on: April 25, 2017, 10:52:22 am »

Adequately Prepared

Points of contact: SteamBrains, BioWarfare

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