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Messages - Zirilfer

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Feedback and Suggestions / Suggestion: Captains Coin Flip
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:53:54 pm »
    I thought it would be neat for every ship to have a coin icon next to it's name that the captain could flip, and everyone could see the result of. This would help solve the who get's to be gunner/buff/whatever question on many ships, and the shared visual would show the captain has no bias.

   Simple, uneventful idea, lemme know what you think


Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Positive feedback only
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:35:05 pm »
1. The new Banshee
2. Recommended loadouts
3. The new Banshee
4. The new 2v2 maps
5. The new Banshee
6. Crew formation is quick and effiecient now, making it easier to get a full clan ship than ever before
7. The new banshee

Guides / Re: Guns of Icarus Ships Graph
« on: October 30, 2014, 06:21:18 am »
Awesome, However on the "threat page" The spire is listed as having 2 medium guns, it only has one.

Gameplay / Re: Dual @ Dawn Spawns
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:23:47 am »
Haven't played much new Duel at Dawn, but I hated the old spawns.

Q&A / Re: How to approach a Galleon
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:30:21 pm »
I find approaching above works well, especially with high speed ships as you can ram the balloon out. additionally, a lot of approaches work with disabling ships. The galleon can keep you away while it has guns and engines, so remove those.

Gameplay / Re: Poor Squid
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:58:30 pm »
I've been having a lot of luck with banshee front, mine side as of late. Albeit not it excessively competitive lobbies.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Idea: Shark
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:32:59 pm »
Like the idea, like the silhouette. I worry about dual mercs with tar on a fleeing ship though, possibly stagger those guns a bit?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fire Stack Timeout
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:42:07 pm »
I like this idea, but I also like chem spraying, so... take it or leave it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Game Mode Idea - Weighted Deathmatch
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:10:34 am »
    Alright, Like many Guns of Icarus Players, I crave a few new game modes. So I came up with this one this evening, which I think would be fairly easy to implement (albeit not to perfectly balance). It shares many similarities to Deathmatch, in that the goal is to destroy the ships of the opposing team until a set cap is reached. However, I thought back to various 3v3 and 4v4 games, in which one ship was barely touched and yet did massive damage to the other teams ships, in an effort to balance that, I came up with this game mode (My apologies if someone had this idea previously)

    Basically in this game mode all ships start with an equal value of points (Say 1000). For every time a ship dies, that value of that ship is added to the opposing teams score, and the base value of that ship on respawn is lowered (Say 100 each time, to a minimum of 200 (but I'm not really a numbers guy, balance as gameplay dictates)). A ship can increase their value by dealing permanent (permahull) damage to enemy ships or killing them. These mechanics can be increased in complexity if need be, for example whatever ships breaks the hull get's a quarter of the points attributed to the damage that followed the hull break.

    This game mode I feel would increase the cooperation and coordination of teams while simultaneously lessening the burden of poorer ships on your team. Additionally, I'm rather fond of the risk/reward of targeting a high scoring dangerous ships rather than the first come first serve mechanics that often fill current deathmatch lobbies.

As always, I'd like to know what everyone thinks, be it a critical flaw, an improvement, praise or shame.


This may have been brought up before, but what if instead of giving the gunner an ability beyond multiple ammo types, we add additional ammo types to make multiple ammo's more viable.

Here's a few ideas I'll throw around

Shatter rounds: Gun damage is significantly traded off for added shatter damage, for when things aren't going your way and you need a disable (great for flak, banshee and mortar to get some extra utility when the hull won't fall)

Explosive rounds: Like shatter rounds but with explosive damage, great for balloon poppers and hull strippers to get a little utility once their job is done

Reinforced rounds: Your gun takes less damage, for those merc/art assaults as you move through, sort of a reverse heatsink

A front ship specific mounted captains gun: The captain controls this gun with lmb, but it only shoots straight, anyone could load this gun, but it may be the gunner if other ammo types/load locations don't synergize well with the mounted gun

I think the shatter and explosive rounds works best, as you're likely to use that on otherwise 1 ammo type guns like gat, carro, mortar, banshee, maybe even bring merc off the charged rounds for once.

Let me know what you guys think

Feedback and Suggestions / Suggestion: Environmental Buffs and Nerfs
« on: August 27, 2014, 12:16:15 am »
So I was in a match and someone mentioned how their shouldn't be so much fire in a raining map. So I thought it would be cool if different maps had buffs and nerfs. Like increased impact damage on jagged maps like duel at dawn or paritan rumble. Less fire stacks on raining maps. decreased impact damage on watery or sandy maps, slower rise speed on cooler maps, etc. etc.. Not all of these ideas are fully baked or balanced yet, But I think it would add some more variation to the game. Lemme know what you guys think

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