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Messages - Asteria Bisset

Pages: 1 [2]
« on: October 30, 2013, 02:38:56 am »
Surprisingly, I've been finding the changes to be pretty great, personally speaking. Though, I am concerned since I've lately been on Artemis ships for the majority of my time and it seems to be a stronger than I expected (?). In the hands of a good gunner and pilot, you can effectively shoot down a ship with Artemis/Merc and never have them shoot you back. This might be due to the fact that most of the ships I was up against were Brawler combinations of various kinds that needed to get up close to shoot at us and when they did they didn't do nearly enough damage to warrant me to jump off my gun and repair. I could have easily been a second Gunner instead of an Engineer since one Engineer was enough to maintain the ship.

The damage on the Gat/Mort combo might need to be looked at further if they're hardly scratching us when they actually get in range to shoot. And that's shocking to say that it wasn't actually fun or interesting to shoot them down because they did hardly anything. I'll try to keep playing though and form a more informed opinion on the changes though. I've been having lag issues so I haven't been jumping in as many games.

The for now, angle I really want to get at is that the guns have no bite from what I saw. They don't bring the same sense of danger they did before (and that was only because I understood how effective the combination was) and it's really making them fall flat. I actually want the Gatling and the Mortar to be dangerous. I don't want them close to me. I actually want the tingly sensation in my fingers that I get trying to play keep-away with the high-explosives.

The guns have to both be fun to play against and fun to use. Right now they definitely are very lackluster to play against.

The Gallery / Re: GOI - Screenshot Gallery!
« on: August 17, 2013, 05:04:42 am »
The glory that is 4 Mobulas with 4 Mine Launchers + 1 Harpoon. Fantastic and fun match.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Marking Indicator/Box Color
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:28:49 pm »
In addition, I think it would be cool to have an indicator icon pop-up on the edge of your screen when a fellow crewman or allied crewman spots an enemy ship that's out of your FoV. (Obviously it would be replaced with the normal box indicator when it comes into view.) Of course, I can understand if this would be a little much for some people and would be fine with not having it.

That would probably be a fantastic idea to give information to pilots. Especially people who pilot ships that often block their field of vision (coughSquidcough).

Feedback and Suggestions / Marking Indicator/Box Color
« on: August 15, 2013, 04:27:24 pm »
With the new cloud cover to maps like Dunes and Canyon Ambush, I noticed that -- especially since those maps are incredibly bright and sunny -- the marks/spot indicators blend in with a lot of the lighter (almost white) clouds. I've actually lost a ship in the clouds that way, only for them to reappear near me or MUCH farther away (to which case the mark gets lost which is fine by me).

It would be somewhat convenient though if the box was maybe a kind of off-white (almost silvery grey). It'll be easier to spot in bright maps and it would still be pretty visible in darker maps.

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