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Messages - High King Thorgrim

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Guides / General guidelines for new players.
« on: July 11, 2015, 09:09:09 pm »
I play from time to time with new players and figured I would post things that new players often do wrong. See these tips as general guidelines and not rules or laws. I will update this thread as soon as I recall more things. Spelling is bad i know too lazy to fix.

1. Spot the enemy using your spyglass. this makes it easier for captains to coordinate and maneuver. Fighting an unspotted squid sucks. Oh and it makes it easier for crews to shoot.

2. Do not use lochnagar in manticore...yet. The day may come when lochnagar rocket is useful but today is not the day. (yes this happened today or yesterday)

3. Faster ship launches it attack from the slower ship. What i mean by this is for example if a galleon and squid is flying toghether the squid can not just fly into the enemy thinking the galleon will provide fast fire support. Squid should instead launch attacks from the galleon like some kind of mothership and its fighters.

4. Recomend loadouts. it is easy and one of the best things Muse has ever bestowed on the game.

5. Keep an opened mind. Too many have tested their builds in novice matches or low level matches and handed out smackdowns to everyone which leads them to think their build is the best in the world. Often it might not be so.

6. Do not blindly follow more experienced players. While they are often correct some still have a bit too learn (usually the right ammo loadouts).

7. Lead targets. This usually comes with experience but this is aboslutely vital.

8. Burst ammo is not the utlimate 1337 ammo for every gun possible. Yes it gives you more ammot but it actually lowers dps for certain guns.

9.Do not mic spam ever, which includes music spamming and what not even if you see high level music notes people do it. I am quite merciful but a lot of people will never remove you from their blocklist once they have put you there.

10. Do as your captain says. I have been crewing for newer captains and i disagree with a lot of things they tell me but i still do it. Basically even if you do not think it is correct it is their ship and they want you to do it so just do it. Who knows you might even learn something.

I will edit this post if i find any new things to write down.

Can't wait.

The Docks / Re: (Wagh) Bad Moonz Flyin Gitz!
« on: July 10, 2015, 05:22:01 pm »
Greenskins  >:(

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