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Messages - Mr. Mask

Pages: 1 [2]
So im quite enjoying your game, but im concerned about the art direction and what it might evolve into.
Im not looking to make your game serve my personal fancies, but i feel what i have to say could be useful. Maybe i can even find someone who shares my opinion, you never know.

The very core of what im gonna say is, dont go anime on me. That statement has nothing to do with the japanese art style by the way. What im saying is, please let the world be ugly too. Dont let your characters devolve into fairy-faced magazine models, dont shove six-packs, rippling biceps, thunder thighs, or granite buns in my face. And no skeletal, balloon chested, doll-mask chicks either.

I make that sound very demanding, its obviously your game in the end, but id like to see a small revolt against these pedestal-stereotypes that so many franchises peddle. Because they are incredibly boring, Not at all visually engaging.
Your artists did not draw slim, smooth-skinned, streamlined figures in art school.

Im basing all this crap on these concepts:

There are two, VERY slightly varying bodytypes here, a male and a female. I see the underlying strokes of this, And i think theyre good, and i declare that you can do better.
Even technically, its not unthinkable to have a dynamically varying body shape.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Hardcore mode
« on: May 13, 2013, 09:07:53 pm »
How about just making customizable match options?

General Discussion / Re: Adventure mode wish list
« on: May 13, 2013, 09:01:07 pm »
Personally, i hope they go all out roguelike. I like a game that doesnt hold your hands, yet has a simple baseline, that still allows you to go in depth.

If you leave things like plotting a route across the land to the player, without any handholding, leaving them to read landmarks on a map, scrounging through the rainblasted fog, frantically keeping an eye out for that well known rocky peak. That would put alot of value on veteran and bright minded players.

Also im all for finite ammo and fuel, as long as the mechanics sorrounding it arent tedious, I do not want to memorize spreadsheets in my spare time. The game still needs to be fundamentally fun i think.

Im also hoping that the player is given free hands in a dangerous world, meaning you can raid and pillage anyone, provided they can do the same to you. So a merchant wont leave port without an escort, wich they will have to pay for their trouble.

And perhaps most importantly, Keep levels irrelevant to gameplay. You can have a fancy title, and that might theoretically seperate the men from the boys, but a new player has to have the potential to be exactly as dangerous and a rugged veteran.

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