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Messages - Buchou

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:41:31 pm »
"I hit that on purpose"

"Move ship forward!" (using the signals)

"Watch my hull, I'm going in dry"

"Fire the Gatling Gun"

"Stop firing the mines in front of me"

"Crew, prepare to be hwacha'd"

(When blatantly flying through dust storms) "I hope you like repairing" or "Anyone need repair achievements?"

"Everyone start shooting. If we're going down we're taking them with us!"

"Don't shoot the Galleon. I can't be bothered trying to kill it"

"Wow noob teammate. Report"

"Balloon is on fire"

"How did we get that kill?"

(In lobby) "Gunner bring greased rounds please" (5 minutes later) "yeah, or don't. That's cool too I guess"

"Can you pop our balloon please, captain? I've almost levelled up"


"...I think I just moonshined into a wall behind us"

(When captain hits terrain) "Are you drunk!?"

"Don't worry about our hull. I got this" (every time I've said this, we've died)

"Don't worry, crew. At least we tried"

General Discussion / Re: Do you use any custom keybinds?
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:20:39 pm »
Changing key bindings is among the first things I do when getting a game.

Plz don't judge me:
W/S - forward/back
R/F - up/down
T/Y/U/I - Global, team, crew, party chat
Z/X - Team, party voice chat
Mouse Thumb Button - Voice chat
Middle Mouse Button - Captain Mark
Q - Map (makes it really easy to check map quickly)
M - Cheevo quicklist

The Lounge / Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« on: January 25, 2014, 09:48:29 pm »
Pyramidion - JMHX is a Top Pilot
Blatantly stole this name this name off the real JMHX because he is actually a bloody legend. You are missing out if you don't know the legend of JMHX. I admit I don't even compare the the calibre of pilot that he is, but I hope one day I will see him again and with this name maybe JMHX-senpai will notice me.

Junker - Weed Smoke Day Every
Name stolen from Snoop Dogg (and then put in a blender). To commemorate the truly blazed attitude you must have to enjoy flying a 5-mine junker. Was previously called Fort Wenty, but some people didn't get the pun. Now, almost nobody gets the pun.

Goldfish - No More Heroes
Named after the video game. I have a hwacha and 2 mine launchers on this one. If I actually manage to hit you, you're going to need a LOT more than a hero to save you. Was originally named Hail Satan for similar reasons, but the name kept scaring people out of the lobbies.

Squid - Sikkest Skwid
Because only the sikkest lads drive squids, right...? But really, I feel like a gangster doing drive-bys in my squid, so the name helps get me in the mood. Was originally named The Other Ship so enemies would always be directed to fire at my teammate, but that didn't really work as well as I was hoping.

Galleon - Teemo
If the enemy knows what Teemo is, they will generally focus me through sheer hatred. When I fly a Galleon, I want the enemy to be very mad. This name certainly helps. Was originally named The Citadel, but it seems that Mass Effect references have become mainstream in Guns of Icarus.

Spire - Fix the Hull
Had this name from the days when the hull was on the bottom of the ship. Some of my most vivid memories of playing this game in January 2013 are of sitting at the hull on a spire and not moving the entire match.

Mobula - One-eyed Snake
I fly a sniping mobula, and I really feel bad when I do. It's a dickish loadout, hence the name. Started flying mobulas after crewing with a guy that called his Candiru, so this is also a homage to that. (Google Candiru).

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