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Messages - Tanya Phenole

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So, the team,
 formerly known as The Waddles

formerly known as The Rolling Ducks

formerly known as DU/KC

formerly known as QISS

Is now changing their name and logo to following:

**Praise and love us, cause no other team rocks more than us. Literally.

The Gallery / Re: Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:52:46 am »
Love the new piece. Makes me eager for adventure Mode. 

aha... someone in facebook asked if it was an update for adventure mode XD

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:30:39 pm »
Hillerton: Medic, do you get erotic pleasure by flying carro fish?

He stolen that one from me!

The Gallery / Re: Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:58:02 am »
One thread was simply not enough?

It does not exists anymore.

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:56:54 am »
- Gloomwater Trolls
Russian stream

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: September 13, 2014, 02:05:44 pm »
I get the feeling we need to start protecting ryder boys from skrim

Please, don't, he may recall about Oracle and start seducing him again.

It's too late, Tanya. It's already begun.

You can always get a political shelter on my kitchen. It is claimed as a skrim-free  territory

The Gallery / Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: September 13, 2014, 11:56:53 am »
Hey there! The old topic with  my draiwngs was deleted by my request, and I am making this one, to stop spamming the gallery  with tread for every picture.
I'd love to open this tread with my newest artwork of aeroport. The original idea belongs to Letonator

Here are links to my old artworks

I'm your Captain (Mild NSFW)

The Storm

Nike, the Figurehead (Mild NSFW)

"Thank you Caroline" crew
(Fiasco Total, Mezhu,
Leria, Frostbound)

The Bloody Wrench
Featuring Sammy B.T. - poorly drawn, but maybe
you'll enjoy seeing Sammy knocked out

Quack quack, motherduckers

Elite Engineer Mezhu

B'Elanna from Cakes.
Cures your plague with spanner

Paritan Clocktower
(used as bg for Figurehead later

My charachter
First picture drawn ever

Lueosi and Nicolas Phenole

Geo from Ryders.
Was first effort to draw a background

The Lounge / Re: What are your internet speeds?
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:03:40 pm »
No, but a HDD's Write rate is fast enough to keep up with that. SSDs aren't needed.


Community Events / Re: TimmyB Tournament Week 4 information & Sign-Up
« on: September 11, 2014, 07:21:54 am »
I'm insulted you think such amateur art could be from me. Being the gracious patron of the arts I allowed gorath to make it.

Here was my attempt.

One don't generator,  a copy pasted Google search and one break later and boom.

Yeah we went with gorath's


Community Events / Re: TimmyB Tournament Week 4 information & Sign-Up
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:15:39 am »
The Team

formerly known as DU/KC
formerly known as Rolling Ducks
formerly known as the Waddles

Is changing their name and logo. I present to you



Sammy B. T.
Tanya Phenole


Great job, Sammy <3 The crown of the Team's art director is migrating on your head!

The Lounge / Re: What are your internet speeds?
« on: September 11, 2014, 03:33:17 am »
I've just spilled my coffee.
1000 mbps for only 14-18 dollas per month, TV INCLUDED. WHEN DID ROMANIA DO DIS? :OOOO
I can't wait for my contract with the current ISP to end. Also, my current ISP(Romtelecom) will have a rebrand! Bye Romtelecom, welcome Deutsche Telekom.
Oh and a reminder, I pay 24$ for 12 mbps per month(Phone included, back in the time we needed a phone to use nets, even if we don't use the phone)

Yeah, optics are pretty awesome. GPON can make up to 1gb/s.

The question is - I can barely imagine why would you need more than 350mbps at home , unless you want to host a little game server... no, stil much XD
Don't get me wrong, but the idea of downloading a 9GB game in a minute...I could install my entire game collection in 1 hour or so.

Yeah, but you don't have place on SSD for all of them at same time XD

The Lounge / Re: What are your internet speeds?
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:24:04 am »
I've just spilled my coffee.
1000 mbps for only 14-18 dollas per month, TV INCLUDED. WHEN DID ROMANIA DO DIS? :OOOO
I can't wait for my contract with the current ISP to end. Also, my current ISP(Romtelecom) will have a rebrand! Bye Romtelecom, welcome Deutsche Telekom.
Oh and a reminder, I pay 24$ for 12 mbps per month(Phone included, back in the time we needed a phone to use nets, even if we don't use the phone)

Yeah, optics are pretty awesome. GPON can make up to 1gb/s.

The question is - I can barely imagine why would you need more than 350mbps at home , unless you want to host a little game server... no, stil much XD 

The Lounge / Re: What are your internet speeds?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:17:32 am »
And is that 49 down, 76 up from DSL also? (Phone line connection)?

It is not DSL, it's GPon.

Like for 35$ you can get 200 mb/s. Proof:

Russian currency is like 30 per 1 dollar. I have discounts because I am student ^^

The Lounge / Re: What are your internet speeds?
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:12:19 am »

And this awesomeness costs like 5$/month.

Feedback and Suggestions / Moderate the game's community hub
« on: September 04, 2014, 12:01:56 pm »
As I had some expierence uploading artworks to the Guns of Icarus community hub in steam, I met with an upsetting thing going on. Currently, the artwork page is loaded with tons of images and drawings which are not related to the game. Is the steam cimmunity hub moiderated by the game dev's or is it moderated by steam itself?

Could we, as community members, do something to clean up the artworks page in steam?

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