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Topics - Mkah Mvet

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Feedback and Suggestions / Matchmaking ideas
« on: May 31, 2013, 02:03:06 am »
I'm still new, and just wanted to give my feedback so far.

I've reached level 3 as a pilot.  Out of my first 30-ish matches in levels 1-2 I won about 25, many without incurring a single loss.  I researched my loadouts, I feel like I'm a decent pilot.

Then I got to level 3, and locked out of the level 1-2 matches.  It feels like all other pilots are so far out of my league, I dread actually joining a match.

If I could make a feature request, it would be for better tools to pick more evenly balanced matches.  Maybe quick join sets people up more evenly matched, I don't know, I never use that feature in any game.  Still, a "competency rating" of some kind for each ship+crew/team/match would be a nice tool to find matches that could be used to find balanced matches would be awesome.

Along those lines, it would also be awesome if there were a tool to help a crew swap matches together for those cases when they, for whatever reason, want to be in a different match (maybe more or fewer players, or in search of a more balanced match) but still crew together.  Yes, that could be put done with existing mechanics, but a system to facilitate it would be nice.

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