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Topics - Lung Drago

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Q&A / A couple of questions from a newish Pilot
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:47:20 am »
Greetings, I've played a few games with my premade crew of friends and had lots of fun, but there are a couple of questions and annoyances that came up and I would like to discuss them.

1. I've definitely noticed that on many maps there's wind. I turn off the engines and my junker noticeably drifts to the right after going straight forward so it's not simply inertia. Other times I can "feel" the resistance when trying to turn/fly against it. However, in the heat of steering and battle I find it difficult to actually gauge both the direction and force of the wind in any way. I've examined the steering wheel with a magnifying glass and I see only a longitude meter and engine power controls. How do I gauge the wind, then? It's annoying when I decide to "fly into cloud cover" only for the clouds to be blown away, ending with me chasing it while the Benny Hill theme plays in the background.

2. Am I correct in thinking that in the Battle of the Dunes map the sandstorms spawn randomly? It happened countless times that while brawling with other ships a goddamn sandstorm comes all over us  with no warning whatsoever (and nobody noticing it coming) no matter how paranoid me and my crew are about them. The only conclusions we have is that the sandstorm spawns right on top of us or comes from below us where we can't see.

3. How exactly does the Tar Barrel work currently? I've sprayed some ships with it while escaping but each one just flew through it and kept chasing us, am I just too much of a pussy with my engines or is the tool simply not good enough?

4. I believe the Captain Spot button (B) is not good enough. It's just barely noticeable and goes away too fast so I don't bother with it anymore even though the concept itself is very useful.


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