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Topics - Ciruela

Pages: [1]
The Docks / |AntiFA| Join the Renaissance Today [An-F]
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:26:43 pm »
Clan Name: AntiFa

Clan Leader(s): Admiral Mirk, Ciruela

Clan Tag: [An-F]

Members: 3

Website: We dont resort to that. We gather in Guns of Icarus to practice and have merry times.

Location: We are from the Unites States and Puerto Rico, but we invite both english and spanish speaking players.

Looking For: The skill requires to join is the basic tutorial skills not that important but you must be attentive of both the enemy movements and the things you team mates are up to.

Other Assets:  We use GameVox to communicate in matches. Join our ranks and enter the network.

Recruitment Thread: N/A [Send me, Ciruela, a PM]

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