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Topics - Dibujaron

Pages: [1]
World / Adventure mode- home city?
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:40:52 am »
Hey guys. I've been looking around adventure mode and it looks really cool. I thought I'd share some of the things i've uncovered about the various factions and the world, and then you guys can share where you think your "home city" will be and why.

Early in this video (the second topic) is a thorough explanation of the factions and what they are each like:!

a large map with all the city names and more accurate place names:

and another one with worse names but factions overlaid so we can see who will have power where:

So where will you live? Who will you join? I'll start: I plan to live in the city of Illion, within the Order of Chaladon. I like Chaladon, and I like the fact that Illion is on its own little island, so that's where I'll be, probably.

How about you?

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