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Topics - Daft Loon

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Feedback and Suggestions / Chemical Spray
« on: May 20, 2015, 06:33:22 am »
With the removal of flamethrowers ability to pass through ships i think chem spray can afford to be nerfed and would like to see it targeted at one of my least favorite aspects - spraying everything repeatedly in circles before so much as looking at the enemy.


Remove the ability to refresh chemical spray before it expires, either by stopping the timer from resetting or in the extreme by preventing chemical spray from being applied at all to already sprayed components. Some tweaking to the numbers could be added on top of this.

I imagine at least that rather than risk being left with a < 5s chemical spray duration at the start of a fight if blindly pre-chemming, engineers would instead have to chose how early to apply it - balancing the amount of time before you have to re-apply in combat against the risk of getting burnt early - somewhat of an exciting mad dash to get everything covered before the heat goes on.

Feedback and Suggestions / Gunner as ammo provider
« on: May 10, 2015, 02:55:56 am »
An idea i've seen mentioned a few times and posted here to avoid derailing another thread - giving the gunner a significant role in loading all the guns of the ship with specialised ammo.

My take:

-Special ammo once loaded is only removed by deliberately changing it (not by emptying the gun while not having the ammo type available to reload it)

-Standard ammo is removed except as a place holder for the guns to be initially loaded with.

-All ammo types are made more extreme in thier (side)effects to encourage using multiple ones.

-The select ammo type and leave while it loads mechanic of the recent update is retained.

Do you think giving this role to the gunner could work?

How do you think it could/should work?

Feedback and Suggestions / Underdog System
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:58:19 pm »
After 5 matches playing on the underdog team and several more where i questioned the lack of an underdog tag on one of the teams im rather skeptical of its accuracy.
-From 5 as underdog 2 comprehensive wins 1 win and 2 losses

A suggestion:
Include in the lobby an option for players (all or just those who sign up maybe) to 'vote' and predict which team is going to win. I suspect that the players predictions will be much better than 50%.

- Collect data from this and use it to improve Underdog and Match making ranking

-Possibly make it visible, it could be fun to strive to be the most accurate at predicting matches, it could even become the spectator achievements that no-one but me wants.

Feedback and Suggestions / Clip size rounding and reload time
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:59:27 am »
Currently several gun-ammo combinations receive a significant benefit or penalty from the need to round to whole numbers of shots. Eg heatsink rounds on a 2 shot gun give 3 shots, +50% compared to its stated +30% and lesmok rounds on the same gun has -50% from a stated -30%.

My suggestion: Increase or decrease the guns reload speed for the next reloading proportional to the difference between stated clip size change and actual clip size change after rounding. This would apply to the gun as soon as 1 shot is fired of that ammo type and end when reloading completes or the gun is destroyed. For example firing a greased round from a mine launcher would decrease the subsequent reload time by 20% while firing lesmok would increase it by 30%(assuming a 1:1 translation from clip size difference to reload time).

I think this would increase the range of useful ammo choices on several guns significantly and potentially add some interesting choices in loadout combinations and reloading choices.

If modifying reload time is too broken/time consuming to implement a simpler buff/nerf mechanic such as modifying rate of fire on the same basis could work.

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