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Topics - Honeybadger

Pages: 1 [2]
From the people who brought you: "How to be pro at Guns of Icarus," "Occasionally Effective," "Why I fly," and General Silliness. Bring to you the Guns of Icarus version of Discovery's "This World is Awesome" (

Now, me and Qwerty could easily "karaoke it up" but we want you! Yes YOU! People of the community to sing for us! You are the voice of the people! All you have to do is record you singing a lyric we need, send it to me, and it will be put into the final video! (Just don't go all hammy and mess it up, we would hate to cut it out D:)

Here is the full lyric list that me and Qwerty slaved over a hot stove to bring you:

Keep in mind that one lyric is a single line. If we need more, we will request that if people want to do two, they can.

Aeronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Aeronaut 2: Nope.
Aeronaut 1: It kinda makes you wanna.....
Aeronaut 2: Break into song?
Aeronaut 1: Yep.

I love the moonshine,
I love the 2v1's,
I love to ram ships,
I love to harpoon squids.
I love the whole game
And all its ups and downs.

Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada,
boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada.

I love to engie,
I love to commentate,
I love to go fast,
I love when we don't die.
I love the whole game,
and its community

Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada,
boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada.

I love the snowmen,
I love to level up,
I love the clear skys,
I hate the dust bowl clouds,
I love the whole game
And all its ships and guns

Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada,
boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada.
Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada,
boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada.
Boom-de-yada, boom-de-yada.......

The submission can be Audio or video, just make sure your singing one of these lyrics along with a "Boom-de-yada."

You can send your submissions to me at with the subject "Here you go you friggin Jagg" or just "Jagg" so I can easily find them!

I will be giving updates so check my posts on this thread so you don't record a lyric that was already recorded! Or do! Maybe yours will be better! (Just kidding)

Thanks to N-Sunderland for the original idea! And reminding me to credit him!

P.S. Hamster if your reading this, and if you wear your getup and sing one of these, (and a boom-de-ada) I will straight up throw my chair into the pool and record it.

Hey guys,

I really think I should be nerfed because I'm 2 good and 2 spooky and yeah and such.

Anyway I think you should also nerf bots because they are 2 good also.

I need to be stopped because people are leaving the game because I'm dunking on them 2 hard.

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