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Messages - Locutus of borg

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could be great for attacking points too (especially in desert scrap) and flying against a ship wielding such a weapon would certainly encourage movement instead of just stationary shootouts in dessert scrap

could also be an awesome combo with the LJ, pop the balloon and then force the ship into the ground.


Maybe it could have flachette primary damage and shatter aoe, so you could rain down ballon death from above and get some components with aoe (like engine on a junker or squid, pesky front guns on a pyra, literally everything on a mobula)

Hey guys, so as I was shooting a lumberjack the other day on a spire the thought occurred to me that they call this a heavy mortar but if you think about it, it shoots a lot more like a cannon.  Now I might be pulling this out of thin air but i'm pretty sure mortars are suppose to shoot above 45 degrees, so my thought: a gun that is ACTUALLY a mortar. 

The gun would have a maximum downward of arc of 45 degrees above horizontal (it always points up).  Obviously the gunner would not be staring straight into the sky, (that would be kind of dumb) but rather, straight ahead with a sight similar to that of an LJ, accept with range indicators next to the notches (calibrated for vanilla rounds) to help the gunner. So in essence from the perspective of the gunner it would be similar to aiming any other gun except when you fire the rounds they go "up" instead of out.  I think the gun could fire either a banshee like clip or a burst similar to that of a hwatcha.  The idea of all this being that you shoot a gun that actually fires like a mortar with high arcing shells raining down terror from above.  I think this could have a few benefits, first among which, it would make the range finder a necessity on all ships carrying this gun, since a lot of people complain about it being useless, a gun with unintuitive arcs and aiming completely dependent on range would certainly increase the utility of the range finder tool. It could also create some fun piloting techniques as captains use hydrogen to quickly ascend after watching a burst launch from an enemy ship in order to dodge the barrage.

My thought was mainly coming from the perspective of "hmmm wouldn't this be a really fun thing to shoot" and balance is not my strong suit.  Id be interested to hear you-all's thoughts on what sort of damage might be appropriate and at what sort of ranges.  I thought impact damage could be cool since its not used much and it would be effective against many different parts of the ship, seeing as gunner's would most likely not be so ambitious as to aim for a particular component but rather just try their darndest to hit the ship.  I could also see the gun being effective all the way from 10m (look out for friendly fire) to say roughly 800m (btw i cant remember if the game uses meters or feet, i could mean feet)  Its weakness of course would be difficulty of operation requiring coordination between crew-mates and perhaps some simple arithmetic to recalibrate the sight mentally should you want to use lesmok or greased rounds (but with my math skills i think I would stick to burst)

Anyway, my main thought was just that I think it could really cool to have a gun that actually fires like a mortar as it would be something manifestly different from everything else you shoot in game, and these are just a few thoughts on how it could be done, I would love to hear what you guys think,


Feedback and Suggestions / weirdest glitch ever
« on: December 19, 2013, 05:26:05 pm »
so I just experienced potentially the weirdest glitch of my GOI career.  I spawned into a match with no hands!! I don't mean to say it was that one where you can't see any tools until you scroll the mouse, but I literally had no hands. I had no hands in the HUD, couldn't mount guns, and the funniest was I couldn't climb ladders.  I could walk, talk, and do anything in game that didn't involve hands, but I simply was missing my hands. Bizarre right?

The Pit / Re: The Misinformed Game
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:19:31 pm »
Pieman needed something to wash down all those pies he summoned

Why did kirk not answer cake?

Gameplay / Re: Spawn system feedback 1.3.4
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:26:23 pm »
What about if the timer before you can spawn is increased to something like 20-30 seconds?  That way the ship that got the kill has the ability to repair, reposition and prepare for next combat (just like before), and the respawning ship still gets to experience the tactical element of spawn choice.  The draw back is obviously that you have to sit and wait an extra 20 seconds, but you cut down on the rediculous cross-map commutes with your spawn choice, so it would cancel out

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Barracuda Sky Torpedo
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:15:48 am »
If we are trying to make it a good counter sniper (which I like) maybe we could have it bounce your ship around, just like the mines do, cause nothings worse that having your galleon spun the wrong way round right when your hwatcha gunner starts his burst

Gameplay / Re: Needs more mines
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:43:34 pm »
best way to get the white whaler achievement:
1. Mobula with four mine launchers and one harpoon
2. lay 20 mines
3. impale helpless junker
4. enjoy the show

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fog Goggles! Get them Now!
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:15:20 pm »
so this would be pilots tool?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship feature/point: Toolbox
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:37:31 pm »
I see it being a problem for buffing, cause go around the ship buffing at the start, and then right before engaging swap to full repair kit.  big problem

The Pit / Re: The answer to all Balencing, Gameplay, and player base.
« on: October 03, 2013, 10:40:28 pm »
awesome, now I dont have to read the third book   ;)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Harpoon physics overhaul suggestion
« on: October 03, 2013, 10:37:46 pm »
I really love this sugestion, the only problem I see is that you cant close distance using the harpoon with this tweek.  Maybe the rope could automatically shorten with time or something, cause that way you could you use it on a junker or something to help drag in speedy ships like squids

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pom-Poms.
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:39:40 pm »
I stayed mostly in tokyo, but I visited kyoto and hiroshima

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pom-Poms.
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:33:15 pm »
Im too scared to even look at the link to see if its right.  Too many bad memories

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Pom-Poms.
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:19:45 pm »
oh my god!!!  when I was in japan this summer I sang that song in Karaoke with a bunch crazy japanese dudes, it was... disturbing.

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