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Messages - Fourth Oracle

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: September 13, 2014, 01:31:15 pm »
I get the feeling we need to start protecting ryder boys from skrim

Please, don't, he may recall about Oracle and start seducing him again.

It's too late, Tanya. It's already begun.

The Lounge / Re: That Moment When...
« on: September 13, 2014, 08:45:14 am »
That moment when Dan fires you again.

Hello everyone! You are all invited once more upon the main deck of the Metamidion for a wonderful night of discussion! This week we have guests from two newer teams.

JubJub is the leader of the Praetorians whom recently have put together a new ship in light of losing the Holy side. This week they proved that they can swing with the best, winning the Sunday Community Skirmish against the Storm Ryders.

Scorpione is the leader of 404, a clan that has been steadily growing better and better in recent months and have already made a name for themselves as the Kings of the Comeback. Every week they improve heavily and are threatening to break out as one of the top teams in the near future.

This week we'll be discussing these teams' places in the Guns of Icarus Online competitive community as newer contenders. We'll be discussing their views of the meta and what they're doing with it to make themselves stand out.

As usual, the Metamidion is taking place an hour after the Iron Fork of Friday, at 9:00 pm EST. Next week, however, will most likely have a new time and date for our European viewers.

The Metamidion is not dead; it is alive and still kicking! Our next episode will be airing half an hour after the Iron Fork this Friday at 7:30 pm EST.

I again am entertaining the Thralls this week with two of the masterminds behind their strange strategies and ship designs: Alistair MacBain and Crafeksterty. The latter is probably known best for flying his Spire, The Wizard, in a competitive setting--and winning. We'll have them aboard to discuss some of their thoughts on new builds and new build ideas. Prepare for plenty of number crunching and theorycrafting. However, I've been informed that these two don't always agree...

The stream will take place at

Keep in mind that chat is always open on my second monitor, and I'm always reading it. If you have a question or a point you think is important, let us know live, and we may address it. We want you in on the discussion.

Community Events / The Metamidion is Returning Next Week!
« on: July 01, 2014, 05:37:55 pm »
Hey guys, this is just to reassure you all that the Metamidion isn't gone! It will be returning next week on Friday half an hour after the Iron Fork. My guest will be Imagine, another caster who's been covering the Anvil division of the Hephaestus. It'll be on my stream at

Welcome aboard the Metamidion once again! This week, it's time for us to take our critical eye from metagame to application. Skrimskraw will be joining me as we take a look at the most recent competitive matches from the Hephaestus (including video!), what the teams are doing well, and what they may need to improve upon. If you're looking for a place to bolster your betting score, this week may be the right place for you!

As a move to help our European viewers, the Metamidion is being moved to a new, earlier time for the foreseeable future! Instead of after, it will now be two hours BEFORE the Iron Fork, which means that you will be able to see us at 3:00 EST.

It will be broadcast over on:

If you missed the last episode, it can be found here:

Welcome aboard the Metamidion, a talk show all about the Guns of Icarus metagame... well, most of the time. This week will be a little bit different as we examine the people who go under the hood of the ship to keep it running even as explosions are rocking it: the engineer. From a spectator's perspective, it looks like the pilots and the gunners are the important roles, but none of what they do would be possible without the engineers that keep things running. It's an intense and demanding job, but somebody's got to do it.

We'll have competitive vet Tanya Phenole to talk about her experience engineering aboard a broad range of vessels... and under a broad range of captains to show how different it is to engineer for a competitive vessel.

It will take place half an hour after the Iron Fork and will probably run somewhere between an hour and an hour and a half. If you can't make it, then the recording will be available on my Twitch channel. Last week's show with Rotted Beef can be viewed here:

I'll see you there!

I'm happy to announce that the Metamidion's second showing will take place on Friday the Sixth! This week I will be joined by Rotted Beef, a member of Overwatch and, most recently, a caster who I've had the pleasure of working with.

For those unaware, the Metamidion is a Guns of Icarus-centered talk show where I pull in members of the competitive community to talk about the metagame and their experiences as players.

Due to time constraints on my end, I'm unable to change the time slot until after next week's episode, so it will take place half an hour after the Iron Fork (4:30 PST) If you cannot join but still want to watch, the video will be logged in my Twitch account for a week and a half to two weeks afterward. You can watch the first episode here:

If you are involved in the competitive community and are interested in being featured on the Metamidion, send me a message on the forums or through Steam!

Well, the show will be archived on my channel if you want to watch it later, at least. Not the same, but still.

I'll let myself for a little bit of offtopic here, now that you mentioned it (also I'm having a hard time finding you in the game :P).

Is it possible to get the previous matches (Sunday Community Skirmishes #1 and #2, for example) on either your twitch or YT channel? I wanted to re-watch it, but apparently you have it set on twitch that it deletes the videos after some time, and I can't find the videos anywhere. Also, I like your music choice, added Kamelot and Dark Moor to my power metal playlist thanks to you :P

Slightly back on topic, I'll gladly watch the show, can't wait.

Oh, I have the first two recorded (biffed on recording the third one) and I passed them off to Velvet to put them up. I'd go to him for those.

And I'm always happy to share good music!

Well, the show will be archived on my channel if you want to watch it later, at least. Not the same, but still.

The only problem with doing it earlier is that there would be a schedule conflict with the Iron Fork, which I cast with R&D. It would have to take place about five hours earlier if I were to do it any earlier, which may be workable. For the sake of keeping it with the announcement, I'll keep the time the same this week, but I'll consider changing it for next week.

Hey guys! I wanted to let all of you know about the new talk show I'm putting on entitled "The Metamydion" about all things competitive!

The format of the show is very simple: I get one or two people from the competitive community on, and we discuss topics that we find interesting. There are no set topics and no time limit; we simply talk about Guns of Icarus Online and, specifically, the competitive scene around it. It could range to potentially anything in the game. Ship loadouts, specific guns and combinations, tactics, map strategy, or anything else is open to discussion.

The show will take place an hour after the Iron Fork every Friday (7 p.m. EST) and will go on for about as long as we want it to.

Of course, I'll have Twitch Chat open, so feel free to weigh in your comments as well, and we may address them! Questions will be welcome.

It will take place on my stream:

Hope to see you there!

Our first guest this Friday will be Sammy B.T. from the Ducks.

Community Events / Re: Live Tutorials [ Need Volunteers ]
« on: May 24, 2014, 09:20:11 pm »
I wouldn't mind commentating it too terribly much.

Community Events / Re: Team Sacrilege Looking for a match
« on: May 13, 2014, 03:41:41 am »
I will take you all on. At once.

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