Signups are now LIVE! Signups will close at 12PM EDT on Friday, November 1
11AM EDT/3PM UTC on Saturday, November 2.
Please click here to view the rules of the tournament. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q4gwTRhmbTlG9zkJpp6MUrz5X5lrNFuONVUgOxSXIv0/edit?usp=sharing)
Please click here to join the COG Discord for all the latest tournament news. (https://discord.gg/rnDFHcv)
The sign-ups close at 12PM EDT on Friday, November 1 11AM EDT/3PM UTC on Saturday, November 2. Reply to this thread to register your team. You may register as:
- An individual, in which the organizers will place you in a team. Declare your preferred role: pilot, gunner, or engineer
- A ship, in which the organizers will place you in a team
- A full team
A minimum of two pilots is needed to form a team.
Teams may request AI slots for a ship if they so desire.
You may register through:
- This signup thread
- A private message to an organizer on Discord
- An email to contests@musegames.com
Once your team is formed, please present the following information:
- Your team name.
- A point of contact that can be reached in-game
- (Optional) A team logo
The following players have signed up:
RomixAA has signed up as a gunner or engineer.
TheEnoShark has signed up as an engineer or pilot.
Manfart has signed up as an engineer.
- Gaius Octavius - has signed up as an engineer or gunner.
mr.mr.ghost has signed up as an engineer or gunner.
Inkjet has signed up as an engineer or gunner.
The following ships have signed up:
DZJWho, Robercop, Ricewonder, Seedob
Glowwater Research Expedition signing up!
PoC: TearsRfuel, MightyKeb and Rensen.
Legio Lepidoptera Leviathan signing up.
Contacts: Mirwen, Captain Scrobeard
The following team has signed up via discord DMs:
Team name: The Honeybeaters
Point of Contact: GFJ
Signups have been extended until 11AM EDT/3PM UTC on Saturday, November 2.
The following team has been put together via individual and ship signups:
Bookkeepper, RomixAA, TheEnoShark, Manfart, DZJWho, Robercop, Ricewonder, Seedob
This post will be edited later to confirm the full team signup.
All contacts who registered have been alerted to their new team.
The following team has registered via Discord:
Skyborne Rangers signing up!
POC: Sundstrom, Solidusbucket
The following team has been put together via individual and ship signups via Discord:
Ship 1: Steamingbeans, BodaciousEbony, Girthworm, TBD
Ship 2: Redria7, - Gaius Octavius -, mr.mr.ghost, Inkjet
Please get together and confirm your team name and points of contact before 11AM EDT/3PM UTC.
Signups are now closed. Good luck to everyone participating!