Ever wonder if your life has meaning? A purpose? Ever wonder why you sign up on a ship just to be kicked off to make room for someone? Why every time you’re just about to kill that Pyramidion you find yourself blown to smithereens because the engineer starts drooling on his buffing hammer as he whacks the balloon on a Goldfish. We know why—it’s because you don’t have a group. The only remedy to these dreaded life questions is “The Cohort.”
The Cohort is an effective outfit tailored to be a tactical machine. It mixes both the numbers and brute force of an armada with the tact and speed of a pirate sloop. Employing skill and training, the Cohort strikes true to turn the tides of battle and sink all vessels who oppose. Harnessing strong leadership with a background of excellency, the Cohort is sure to make anyone that’s team oriented have a great time shooting down those pesky Squids.
What can we offer to give you purpose in this game?
1. Competitive Oriented Play – From small skirmishes to tournaments, the Cohort will be there.
2. Organization – We enjoy working together, and the effectiveness of our tactics reflect that.
3. Training – Helping members to get up to speed to help turn them into amazing players.
4. Great atmosphere within the group – A ruff’n’tuff atmosphere to surely help carve diamonds out of stones!
5. An American based prime time – For all of those who work early and play late, we have a 9pm EST prime time.
6. Skirmishes – Both competitive for bragging rights and for practice to develop tactics.
Do you think you found a purpose in us? See our requirements to see if you fit in with us:
1. Must be 20 or older, although some exceptions can be made.
2. Teamspeak is required along with a working microphone.
3. Must be team oriented - that means being able to follow orders as well as help give them and support them.
4. Thick skin – we are not kidding about cutting diamonds out of stone.
5. Must be a competitive gamer. There is no time requirement, all we ask is that you strive to play at a high level when you do play. Also note that skill level is not the determining factor, ability to learn and communicate with others is key above all.
If you would like to try us out or speak to me personally about The Cohort, feel free to contact me in game or through steam.
Steam user name : zrba
Steam nick name : Salous