Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: Atruejedi on August 12, 2016, 08:05:18 am

Title: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: Atruejedi on August 12, 2016, 08:05:18 am
Well, that was quick. Good ol' summer vacation. Thanks to Shas'ui answering my call for help earlier today (well, yesterday now...), I was able to rapidly complete (erm, see notes) this project. Let's DO THIS.

(I spent way too much time on this logo)

What is The Gun Range?

The Gun Range (subsequently abbreviated as TGR) is an eXperimental Computing Facility (.xcf) file utilized by GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program (available for free here ( Using GIMP you are able to open the .xcf file and display (or hide) the ranges and gun arcs of every weapon in the game, many with multiple ranges (listed below).

Why did you make this?

I'm a visual learner and a very spatial thinker. I can fairly easily visualize how to keep guns shooting while piloting in the thick of a tense battle, but I wanted concrete visual evidence of theories and of strategies I'd been executing. Plus, I like helping people get better and potentially benefiting and therefore growing the community. This project has been very revealing and informative to me as a pilot, so I hope it helps other pilots as well, and it should also help gunners and engineers! I will be even more of a murder machine now. It's like I'm Robocop and killin' shit is my directive. (

Okay, GIMP is ready. What now?

Glad you asked. Here we go...

1. Download and save this file ( from my Dropbox.

2. Once you've opened the file with GIMP, locate the "Layers - Brushes" window. If it isn't visible, click "Windows" on the toolbar at the top of the screen and select "Layers - Brushes."

3. Once you have the window up, simply click on the space to the left of the "lock" icons. When the eyeball is active, the layer is visible. Click again and the eyeball is gone; now the layer is hidden. It's simple! Observe:


(yes, that overlap should be green; see the notes and help me!)

4. Now you can experiment with however many guns you want! TGR allows you to see if these guns would work well together with overlaps and angles. In the above example, the Banshee and the Mercury have a fairly large overlap, but the Banshee has a much greater range of motion while the Mercury can hit targets much farther away.

Any other details I should know?


Here are the currently "programmed" weapons with their available ammunition options:

Finally, here are some examples...

Every available range and arc in the file is active in the above image.

Any guesses?
Lesmok Hades in yellow, Lesmok Heavy Flak in red, and Lesmok Lumberjack in blue.
That's why it's such a formidable loadout on a Galleon IF YOU CAN AIM.
Do note the minimum effective ranges, though, as the overlays do not reach to the typical origin.

A Golden Age Pyramidion with Light Flak and a Gatling gun.
This image presumes the Gatling gunner has Lesmok ammo and the Light Flak engineer has greased.
The Lesmok Gatling in yellow has a significantly increased range while the Greased Light Flak in red has a shorter range than usual but matches up much more closely with its partner.
All that orange is great for keeping your crew in effective range!
Do note how much shorter the range is compared to the Galleon above, however...

Anyway, that's all. Feel free to post your own images here using TGR to show off potential loadouts and help scrubs git gud. Feedback, compliments, and worship are welcome.
Title: Re: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: Watchmaker on August 12, 2016, 11:36:54 am
Color theory moment.

There are several sets of primary colors, depending on how colors mix in the medium you're looking at.

Screens use additive color mixing, in which the primary colors are red/green/blue and if you mix them all together you get white.

Physical dyes (paints, markers, printers, etc) use subtractive mixing, in which the primary colors are (usually) red/blue/yellow and if you mix them all together you get black.

That's why your red/blue/yellow overlays aren't mixing as expected: you're not actually mixing primary colors.  You may be able to adjust the blend mode (the dropdown where it says "Mode: Normal") to get something closer to your original intention, or use red/blue/green as your primary trio.
Title: Re: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: Daxrash on August 12, 2016, 11:41:07 am
Is there a way to convert this to a PSD file, so it can be opened with Photoshop?
(Version: Elements 8.0)
Title: Re: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: Atruejedi on August 12, 2016, 12:57:09 pm
Screens use additive color mixing, in which the primary colors are red/green/blue and if you mix them all together you get white.

Physical dyes (paints, markers, printers, etc) use subtractive mixing, in which the primary colors are (usually) red/blue/yellow and if you mix them all together you get black.

Well, crap. As silly as it might sound, I thought a computer image I created would be physical (even though, yes, the monitor is shooting light at my face right now) so I went with RYB instead of RGB... even though I know all monitor settings are RGB. Embarrassing :-X

That's why your red/blue/yellow overlays aren't mixing as expected: you're not actually mixing primary colors.  You may be able to adjust the blend mode (the dropdown where it says "Mode: Normal") to get something closer to your original intention, or use red/blue/green as your primary trio.

I experimented with this and it works, but it isn't what I want. I really, really want a "pigment" theme for the overlaps, I'm just unsure how I'd get it. When red and yellow overlap, I want the field to be orange. When yellow and blue overlap, I want it to be green. I'll just leave it alone until a better solution can be found out, but thanks for the education and interest! If you have any other ideas, please suggest them :)

Is there a way to convert this to a PSD file, so it can be opened with Photoshop?
(Version: Elements 8.0)

Ask and ye shall receive. Tell me if this ( works for you, as I can't test it.
Title: Re: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: xedeon on August 12, 2016, 05:28:12 pm
This is pretty damn cool, and now we just have to get it on easy access to new pilots. Maybe set this up in a Steam guide? (after you fix RYB/RGB?) Or Muse could integrate it into the game, accessible through the ship editor page. That's a thing. Probably not that easy tho.
Title: Re: Welcome to The Gun Range, the Premier 2D Weapons Range/Arc Visualizer!
Post by: Atruejedi on August 12, 2016, 06:56:43 pm
This is pretty damn cool,

Thanks!!! :)

and now we just have to get it on easy access to new pilots. Maybe set this up in a Steam guide?

Yeah, I already plan on doing a Steam guide for "typical" loadouts, but I definitely need suggestions for what those loadouts should be. Obviously gat/mortar Pyra...

(after you fix RYB/RGB?)

On hold for now. See the above discussion with Watchmaker... I don't know how to do what I want, so I'm not going to do anything until I get some concrete answers ;D

Or Muse could integrate it into the game, accessible through the ship editor page. That's a thing. Probably not that easy tho.

I think they could do a way better job than me and make it 3D. Perhaps Alliance will get a treatment like that. Muse has acknowledged how out-of-date the ship loadout screen is... maybe they've got some revisions in store for us!