Guns Of Icarus Online

Info => News and Announcements => Release Notes => Topic started by: Grixis on February 23, 2016, 05:25:11 am

Title: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Grixis on February 23, 2016, 05:25:11 am
New features / new content:


Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: MightyKeb on February 23, 2016, 05:47:33 am
Nothing ship balance wise?
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: ZnC on February 23, 2016, 06:01:44 am
They're probably still refining the changes.

Great improvements all around. Also, holy crap the Skyglass and Wrench skins - would pay for them!
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Newbluud on February 23, 2016, 06:05:17 am
- Male googles: Green and Gold Aviators

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 06:10:52 am
More video options:
- Soft Particles (was part of Postprocess Effects, improves cloud/ground intersections when enabled)
- Shader Quality (older GPUs may see a performance improvement if set to Limited or Low)
Flares (and other light sources) no longer stack brightness as crazily on clouds
Running water effect removed during rainstorms (due to performance, quality issues)
Client connection times out less quickly under unstable networking conditions

Score panel is now available on the deploy screen too
Clan chat is now visible in all chat tabs
Hitmarkers are now shown as your own if you get off the gun after firing
Hats and outfits of the same type now stack in character customization inventory UI
Report window doesn’t disable chatbox

Recommended loadout would save just like other loadouts.
Does this fix the issue of recommended loadout changing after a disconnect-reconnect?

Captain target mark is now visible off-screen too
Guns being fired by other players aren’t played
What does this mean?
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 06:11:44 am
Great improvements all around. Also, holy crap the Skyglass and Wrench skins - would pay for them!

what are these?
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Grixis on February 23, 2016, 06:16:52 am
Recommended loadout would save just like other loadouts.
Does this fix the issue of recommended loadout changing after a disconnect-reconnect?

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Grixis on February 23, 2016, 06:17:32 am
Great improvements all around. Also, holy crap the Skyglass and Wrench skins - would pay for them!

what are these?

Clan level 13 and 15 rewards - golden spyglass and wrench :)
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 06:20:48 am
Great improvements all around. Also, holy crap the Skyglass and Wrench skins - would pay for them!

what are these?

Clan level 13 and 15 rewards - golden spyglass and wrench :)

cool, these look really nice! I didn't realise the patch was live yet, not wanting to sound ungrateful, is there anyway to switch back to the old skins?
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 06:23:33 am
Clan chat improvements are nice, you can't use it in game or on other chat windows like the match window though =/
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: C r o w on February 23, 2016, 06:38:43 am
I actually complained recently about captains that leave, only to see it resolved in this patch and made Novice-proof.
I am pleased by it.

Thank you based Muse
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Grixis on February 23, 2016, 06:40:48 am
Re: golden tools -- there's a switch in character customization screen (once you unlocked any of those) which allows you to turn off the golden skin.

Re: chat in clan while in global/match tab -- should be doable, there are just a lot of hot keys... we'll take a look.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 06:48:03 am
Bug - Red and blue scores are swapped on the end match screen.
Is it okay to report them here?

(ps that font is really ugly, i think it might just be the rendering tho)

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Kamoba on February 23, 2016, 07:57:36 am
I already miss the old hit markers...
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 08:04:40 am
I already miss the old hit markers...

new ones are v hard to see, also I think they're bugged, all my own hits are red even if the hull is up.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Atruejedi on February 23, 2016, 09:09:06 am
I already miss the old hit markers...

new ones are v hard to see, also I think they're bugged, all my own hits are red even if the hull is up.

This seems like a design decision. An awful, but purposely done, design decision. It was present in the developers app or Alliance recently (can't remember where I saw it, but it was there). We must rebel. Our voices must be heard. The old system was very, very good. There were no problems. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now it's extremely hard to tell where your shots are landing if they are ineffective (and even when they are effective!). It's a bad, bad change, and we all need to let Muse KNOW that. Otherwise they'll keep it in... I can't imagine explaining to newbies how to shoot and where to shoot now... sigh...

#HitmarkerGate #CrosshairControversy

Also, while the new victory/defeat screen is surely pretty, it isn't functional AT ALL. Now rematches seem even LESS likely to occur, and holy crap, the scene change from ship to ship is so fast it's ... distracting.

And to add injury to insult [sic], I'm playing in 1920x1080 resolution on a 27 inch monitor and the new UI fonts are TINY to the point of absurdity! Goodness, Muse, why!? My eyes! My poor eyes!
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Solidusbucket on February 23, 2016, 09:24:37 am

New skirmish match-end with crew stats and match summary

The screen flashes too quickly from ship to ship.

It needs another 1.5 - 2 seconds added before swapping.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Solidusbucket on February 23, 2016, 09:37:57 am
I already miss the old hit markers...

new ones are v hard to see, also I think they're bugged, all my own hits are red even if the hull is up.

This seems like a design decision. An awful, but purposely done, design decision. It was present in the developers app or Alliance recently (can't remember where I saw it, but it was there). We must rebel. Our voices must be heard. The old system was very, very good. There were no problems. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now it's extremely hard to tell where your shots are landing if they are ineffective (and even when they are effective!). It's a bad, bad change, and we all need to let Muse KNOW that. Otherwise they'll keep it in... I can't imagine explaining to newbies how to shoot and where to shoot now... sigh...

#HitmarkerGate #CrosshairControversy

I agree. The previous hit markers were always satisfying for me. These ones do not have the same feel. I would say keep these hit markers for shipmate hits and return the old ones for our own hits.

I also do not see any more yellow markers to designate hitting armor and components. I only see red. If this is intended then that is fine.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Keyvias on February 23, 2016, 09:48:02 am
Hey guys,

The new hit markers shouldn't be going out yet and the balance changes are upcoming. They are a little more aggressive than normal so we're going to be doing more testing and we'll keep you informed on what's happening with it asap.

Keep an eye out for the announcement!
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Watchmaker on February 23, 2016, 09:57:07 am
One balance change snuck in by accident - fall speeds were briefly more physically accurate (meaning faster than they used to be.)  This is disabled in production again now, it's something we're still testing.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 23, 2016, 10:26:22 am
Hey guys,
The new hit markers shouldn't be going out yet and the balance changes are upcoming.

Aww, and here was me all happy that you hadn't changed the heavy flak.  :(
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: DJ Logicalia on February 23, 2016, 01:23:59 pm
I don't mean to complain about a good thing here. I love new things being added to the game, but... we haven't had an update since October? There was the small December update, but that wasn't much. Is it possible to get more regular patches? Even small additions or balance changes, just to test the waters with new things would be super rad. Roughly 5 months between updates is grueling
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GurasOguras on February 23, 2016, 02:48:31 pm
all my own hits are red even if the hull is up.

Red X shaped are replacing old big hitmarkers while white, smaller + shaped replace old small hitmarkers. hitmarkers no longer indicate hull armor status. Gotta learn how to pay attention to logs now. Puts a lot of pressure into better crew communication. I like it, but of course everyone will be whining so I guess there is no chance that will be coming out for real.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Areus on February 23, 2016, 04:31:31 pm
Big fan of this patch. Well done.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Huskarr on February 23, 2016, 05:04:20 pm
I also really like the patch.  Big fan of the new victory screen and the changes to practice mode. So keep those, imo. I love the new skins and want more. Love the new title, I'm just not sure if I like the fact that my clan was already level 15 when I logged in today. I got myself all exited about levelling with my mates, but I also get all the rewards from day one so yay.

The new hit markers look really stylish and I feel that the are kinda dumbed down. I like the fact that the old hit markers gave you 3 types of information,  while the new ones only portray 2 unless you think around the corner. Most people (myself included) probably prefer the old ones cause we're used to them.

I'd also like to be able to see the objects again by pressing the map button,  additional to the change in how you show the objectives. It's just really useful to know how many points you need to get in cp and ck
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Areus on February 23, 2016, 06:00:58 pm
Roughly 5 months between updates is grueling
PC gamers lol
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: LeRenard XD on February 23, 2016, 06:45:57 pm
  • ...
  • Clan chat is now visible in all chat tabs

Minor bug with this: when a clanmate joins another match, you'll get a notification that seems as if they just joined yours.

Love some of the other changes, so far.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: ZnC on February 23, 2016, 07:04:25 pm
Clan chat is now visible in all chat tabs
Minor bug with this: when a clanmate joins another match, you'll get a notification that seems as if they just joined yours.

This happens when they log in/out of the game and join/leave clan chat. There should be a way to mute it in-game as it can be pretty distracting.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: BlackenedPies on February 23, 2016, 08:01:28 pm
Friends should not join tutorials

I didn't see it listed in the changes and I don't think it's necessary to show every practice match and tutorial to those with the Teacher ability

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Solidusbucket on February 24, 2016, 12:34:52 am

New skirmish match-end with crew stats and match summary

The screen flashes too quickly from ship to ship.

It needs another 1.5 - 2 seconds added before swapping.

in 4v4 the screen has no fade out or fade in animation when swapping ships.

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Byron Cavendish on February 27, 2016, 11:11:03 am
I don't mean to complain about a good thing here. I love new things being added to the game, but... we haven't had an update since October? There was the small December update, but that wasn't much. Is it possible to get more regular patches? Even small additions or balance changes, just to test the waters with new things would be super rad. Roughly 5 months between updates is grueling

You see, that's the kicker. You're absolutely right, 5 months is pretty bad; but there is something even worse than that. It's been 5 months, and Muse pushed this patch out with nearly no testing, and no warning. At least with this next balance patch, they are at least doing *some* testing. They keep doing this this, they keep saying they're gonna change their habits, but they never do!

I don't understand how Muse can go 5 months without a patch, or talk of a patch, and then suddenly have one pushed out and another wanting to be pushed out. And with this next one, they are probably going to do their usual "test it for 1-2 weeks, put it out and then tweak afterwards regardless of our feedback."

You guys should be talking about this, preparing us so we know it's coming and we can clear a few weeks or even months of weekend time, and then phase testing a patch over those weeks or or months, like nearly every other damn game in existence. Hell, I've been close testing Verdun's same content patch for 6 months, and it's still not out yet.

You guys have us as a resources all the time! Why do you wait for months and than rush something out, like you're in high school, and you woke up the morning a project is due without having done any work on it?! I love you guys, I want to be positive about you guys, but you keep making the same irrational, irritating mistakes over and over and it pisses me off.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Dementio on February 27, 2016, 05:09:45 pm
Did anybody notice that the Blood and Brass titles get cut off from the victory screen nowadays? Like, "Blood and Brass Champion" just says "Blood and Brass". I mean, I don't mind being the literal personification of a tournament, but that's not what the title is supposed to mean, I imagine.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: GeoRmr on February 27, 2016, 06:01:16 pm
Did anybody notice that the Blood and Brass titles get cut off from the victory screen nowadays? Like, "Blood and Brass Champion" just says "Blood and Brass". I mean, I don't mind being the literal personification of a tournament, but that's not what the title is supposed to mean, I imagine.

Yes, it puts last word champion on the line of the person below you. It also affects master engineer elite, master gunner elite.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: BlackenedPies on March 03, 2016, 01:26:04 pm
Spire is now classified as a novice ship and is allowed in novice matches. This should be included in the patch notes

Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: DJ Logicalia on March 04, 2016, 03:57:52 am
Spire is NOT a novice ship. I hope thats a mistake, because that's not gong to lead to anything good
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Schwalbe on March 04, 2016, 04:41:48 am
Sweet baby Jesus, hell no. O____________O

It's a high risk high reward glass cannon, never this should be classified as novice ship.

I'd barely classify junker as novice ship, as it requires strict discipline aboard, but spire? No, no, just NO. o_@
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Daft Loon on March 04, 2016, 05:27:53 am
In the context of novice matches the spire is one of the easiest ships, point it at the enemy and shoot many guns at them is about all there is to it.

Classifying it as easy in regular matches where mobulas exist and people can hit with a hades is rather misleading though.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Schwalbe on March 04, 2016, 05:32:02 am
This might lead to a weird thought.

Is variable responsible for displaying the difficulty level of ship handling is ALSO responsible whether it's allowed in novice or not? ^^

(just curiosity)
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: nanoduckling on March 04, 2016, 06:40:20 am
Out of curiosity do we know who does the statistics for Muse? Because my understanding is Spires have high win percentages, but I've never seen a proper analysis of the game data for how the ships are balanced taking into account win rates or MMR or some similar measure of skill. Spires could win frequently for a number of reasons, but it certainly isn't because they are easy ships to pilot and crew.

I worry that the Spire is being treated as a novice ship because it is successful, which is a poor proxy for the skill needed to operate it. Is there any way that future patch notes could come with an explanation for why the changes are being made the way they are? Even better would be the hard numbers the decisions are being based on.
Title: Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
Post by: Dementio on March 04, 2016, 08:42:08 am
I am very sure Muse only looks at the win rate of ships, not taking guns or player MMR into account. I am also sure that the Spire has a high win rate, because some poor unfortunate souls decided to take a Junker or Pyramidion against a Hwacha Spire, that will spam Hwacha and win without effort, because Hwacha is clearly in a balanced state.