Guns Of Icarus Online

Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: Arturo Sanchez on September 30, 2015, 05:41:55 am

Title: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on September 30, 2015, 05:41:55 am
"No burst is not good on gatling gun. Anyone that says so is a liar even if they actually believe it."

"No inci ammo is not good for close range hwacha"

"Of course mallet is great on a gunner. If you like your guns broken for most of the match and like to die with no means to defend yourself in time."

come on. Surely us vets have seen little habits new players tend to do.

"Having chem and extinguisher is great way to save the ship from fire! But together what will you do when something actually breaks or gets damaged?"
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: PixelatedVolume on September 30, 2015, 11:20:23 am
Burst... gat.... Is good though?

Unless they changed something.  Been awhile.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Newbluud on September 30, 2015, 11:30:30 am
Burst... gat.... Is good though?

Unless they changed something.  Been awhile.
It is not.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: HamsterIV on September 30, 2015, 11:54:32 am
If you don't know if it is a good time to ram an enemy ship, don't ram it.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: BlackenedPies on September 30, 2015, 12:10:29 pm
Back in my AI flame squid days there was the occasional experienced player who announced they're bringing both chem and extinguisher. They didn't stand a chance.

Get off your gun every reload and repair. Stay off the gun until it's almost ready. If it gets hit by any shatter weapon immediately get off and repair even in the middle of shooting. Don't be on a damaged gun.

Constantly burn engines until you don't need to.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on September 30, 2015, 05:30:02 pm
so in agreement then. tip box should actually give some goddamn tips.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: DJ Logicalia on September 30, 2015, 05:32:36 pm
I like the sassy tips a lot, but, yeah, there should be some real advice in there as well
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: michael.hauda on October 02, 2015, 12:25:50 pm
"Leaving early doesn't protect you, the Recent tab sees all"
"Pyramidion < Hwacha < long range disable, all hail the mighty Mob"
"If you believe yourself to be god with the hades, you are but a novice"
"The Ready button is for when you are prepared, collected,  loaded out and most importantly, ready"
"If fire is op, why do you spanner/mallet/buff? save yourself before you know there is danger"
"Chem on, apply directly to your ship; Extinguisher, apply directly to your smoldering husk"
"Burst ammo increases AOE, it does not grant it"
"Gunners can fix guns" along with "Your pilot tools can be turned off" and "Why are you buffing the squid hull?"
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: BlackenedPies on October 02, 2015, 12:47:53 pm
If you want to change class during match leave and rejoin from your recent list, pressing resume doesn't work. This is an "anti-cheating" measure.

Ask what ammo you should use in guns. Gunners always bring wrench.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: GrimlockWarlock on October 04, 2015, 12:47:05 pm
Burst... gat.... Is good though?

Unless they changed something.  Been awhile.
It is not.

Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Mannson on October 05, 2015, 02:35:02 pm
I actually find burst on gat decent. Not good, but decent. Big difference!

"That cooldown is not gonna tick down faster, no matter how many times you hit it with a tool"
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: MightyKeb on October 05, 2015, 02:38:25 pm
I actually find burst on gat decent. Not good, but decent. Big difference!

"That cooldown is not gonna tick down faster, no matter how many times you hit it with a tool"

...But what if it did?
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Newbluud on October 05, 2015, 03:27:20 pm
I actually find burst on gat decent. Not good, but decent. Big difference!

"That cooldown is not gonna tick down faster, no matter how many times you hit it with a tool"

...But what if it did?
Makes me think of a tip that might help me a little...

"This isn't TF2, you don't have to circlestrafe while rebuilding components with the spanner."
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on October 05, 2015, 05:30:49 pm
I actually find burst on gat decent. Not good, but decent. Big difference!

"That cooldown is not gonna tick down faster, no matter how many times you hit it with a tool"

Why teach people to use decent ammo when you can teach the exact best for every given scenario? None of which is burst on gatling.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: BlackenedPies on October 05, 2015, 06:18:12 pm
Don't use burst gat. It isn't viable in any situation. Burst light carro however is useful and increases dps despite not having an aoe radius. It's not a primary ammo but if you're an engi and already have burst, use it.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Daft Loon on October 06, 2015, 03:27:36 am
The pointless math:
By the time a greased gatling would have reloaded burst will have fired 87/98 shots doing 217.5 damage to hull (I read the wrong number to start, makes no difference though)
A full greased clip does 196 damage
By the time the burst gatling fires its last shots doing 245 total the greased gatling fires another 20 shots doing 236 damage and passing the burst gatling 5 shots (0.375s) later.

So burst is marginally better in a few very specific situations timing wise that can't be predicted beforehand. It might plausibly be worth loading if you have it against a junker or galleon.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: nhbearit on October 06, 2015, 06:44:47 pm
So burst is marginally better in a few very specific situations timing wise that can't be predicted beforehand. It might plausibly be worth loading if you have it against a junker or galleon.

Well... sorta... however, once you account for repair cycles, Burst simply isn't worth it. You'd be better off with normal. (Or greased)

Oh, and in case you don't have it yet
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on October 06, 2015, 08:54:37 pm

somehow make this moment into a tip box tip.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Mannson on October 10, 2015, 05:39:28 pm
So burst is marginally better in a few very specific situations timing wise that can't be predicted beforehand. It might plausibly be worth loading if you have it against a junker or galleon.

Exactly that what makes burst semi-decent load. Though I hear in such situations heatsink is much better, but still.. Majority of cases, use dem greaseds.

No, I am not teaching anyone to use burst even as normal ammo replacement, goodness gracious, no. Each ammo has their places and main guns after all!

Anywho, actual useful tips to mingle with the humorous ones sounds good. Keep 'em coming!

"The ground shares very injurous relationships with flying ships"
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Hilary Briss on October 10, 2015, 11:29:21 pm
Lost your Balloon? Going to Crash! Did you equip Impact Bumpers? You did! OK. Activate Bumpers just before Crashing!
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on October 11, 2015, 09:33:38 am
"Impact bumpers don't make you immune to bullets. It helps against impacts."
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Daft Loon on October 12, 2015, 07:55:44 am
"Reversing makes it harder for enemies to stay behind you, moving forwards makes it easy"

"Did you know airships can fly in reverse"
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on October 12, 2015, 07:39:19 pm
"When something is not trying to dodge why have the ship move?"

"Turning while in reverse is actually a thing."
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Hilary Briss on April 04, 2016, 02:16:55 am
"When something is not trying to dodge why have the ship move?"

"Turning while in reverse is actually a thing."

If i had a pin for every time i had to tell a Scrub that.... Well nuff said.
Title: Re: Anti noob habit tips on tip box
Post by: Richard LeMoon on April 04, 2016, 08:59:15 am
"Practice flying only backwards for a day. You will thank me later."