Guns Of Icarus Online

Community => The Docks => Topic started by: Arturo Sanchez on December 30, 2014, 11:46:33 am

Title: Clan Mantra's thread
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on December 30, 2014, 11:46:33 am
After finally giving gay of thrones a go (god its so boring), I got to the bit where that cripple kid learned about the noble houses and their symbol and words.

So... let's establish where the various clans of guns lie in terms of ideology. No real limit to how many mantras a clan can have. But they do have to be mantras, lil nuggets of wisdom (or bollocks, whatever) that you feel is associated with your respective clan. Dun wanna be hearing no long ass pledges or oaths.

As for the AI clan?


"In the land of twilight under the moon, we dance for the idiots"
-main page of the clan's profile. From the clan's original name .hacks (I change the clan name very often. The tag remains the same though."

"Nothing teaches better than a good schooling."

"Don't specialise, be versatile."

"Players learn to get better. Noobs want to win."