Guns Of Icarus Online

Community => The Docks => Topic started by: Phoebe on March 31, 2013, 09:07:31 am

Title: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Phoebe on March 31, 2013, 09:07:31 am

I am looking for a crew with captain that more or less already has the same people playing everytime;

I've been floating around playing with and against a lot of different people who play in cog teams but I want to start learning and getting used to playing with the same crew a lot and ideally start participating in the cogs as well as a main gunner/gungineer

I am not competitive spirited but I do want to play serious, and I think I'm pretty decent

I should note that I have at least 30 hours of guntime with lumberjacks and I think it's an amazing weapon; but I can handle every gun in it's niche and know the ammo types to bring and the situations in which they should be used

I am submissive
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Moriarty on March 31, 2013, 10:12:20 am
The ducks are always multiplying.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: N-Sunderland on March 31, 2013, 10:38:28 am
The Raft will need a gunner/gungineer to fill in for JaceBoojah, due to his joining of our new Brood team. Lumberjack skills are a big plus. You can contact Squash if you're interested in joining the Ducks.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Helmic on March 31, 2013, 11:26:23 am
Newciv's still in dire need of crew, and a good gungineer's always in high demand.  We've got five of the eight needed so far, possibly six or seven if I can con a few more Newcivvers to buy the game.  You're certainly welcome to fly with us.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Phoebe on March 31, 2013, 11:29:35 am
Helmic; who is part of that crew? (some names) I haven't heard of them yet
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Helmic on March 31, 2013, 11:32:39 am
Me, Babee Teeeth, Kaos (who put NC at the end even though Kaos isn't taken because herpderp), Syrito, and Rota.  Crispy has the game but hasn't jumped on yet, and Gogeta just kinda took my copy and never played it even though other people actually wanted it so no one likes him anymore.  Raithis plays with us a lot too but he's not actually from the forum, been trying to con him into posting.  It's not a clan, it's a social forum that plays a lot of games together.  I suppose you could describe it as a smaller, friendlier Facepunch.  Usually there's 20-50 people online at any one point, it's active but everyone knows each other.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Coldcurse on March 31, 2013, 11:38:19 am
if its not to late, the flying dutchmen always accepts people and wants to get more teams in the cogs.

the flying dutchmen is not a clan based on pure hardcore gaming, but we are based on having fun and letting everyone participate in the cogs.
we almost have a team running but if you want you can join the seocnd team.
our second team will have me as a captain and mr.tibbs as a captain.

i hope you join our crew because you look like a person that plays for fun.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Skrimskraw on March 31, 2013, 11:50:58 am
Phoebe is an amazing gunner.

thats the role you should offer her.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: MasX on March 31, 2013, 11:55:37 am
we already had this convo but stay with the Gents !!!  Our reocrd is godly  and a pretty female such as yourself is good PR : D
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Helmic on March 31, 2013, 11:57:51 am
Oh, and Thoi.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Coldcurse on April 02, 2013, 03:32:57 am
we have lockheart and we have some other awesome players in our clan.

if you bring your own crew you can be a captain and think about your own division name.
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Phoebe on April 11, 2013, 07:09:52 pm
I still get a message or invitation from time to time so just thought I would add that I am no longer looking for a cogs ship; I am flying with Corvus crows for the cogs as part of their clan now;- which could not have been more perfect considering my new developing relationship :)

Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Captain Lockheart on April 17, 2013, 04:27:26 pm

Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Phoebe on April 17, 2013, 06:56:14 pm


Well I no longer have to flap my arms and throw tantrums about it; now I can just send in my tall and quite sturdy looking man over for a house visit :P
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Captain Lockheart on April 18, 2013, 05:22:07 am


Well I no longer have to flap my arms and throw tantrums about it; now I can just send in my tall and quite sturdy looking man over for a house visit :P
Well played... Well played *doffs hat*

*runs away*
Title: Re: I am looking to gun(gineer) a cogs ship
Post by: Coldcurse on April 18, 2013, 05:51:23 am


Well I no longer have to flap my arms and throw tantrums about it; now I can just send in my tall and quite sturdy looking man over for a house visit :P
Well played... Well played *doffs hat*

*runs away*

*coldcurse grabs lockheart by the neck and turns him around*
lockheart, sometimes you need to show them who is the man.

*starts to place bets on the opposit team*