Guns Of Icarus Online
Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: AlienOvermind on August 12, 2014, 03:02:36 am
I wonder if Muse has any plans on going f2p with current pvp-mode? How many active players are in GoI now? About 200 maybe? This game really need some fresh blood and we already have nice in-game shop, so maybe f2p is a good option?
Patience Gilder, we do not simply murder people out of spite, we deliver divine retribution.
As for the subject matter at hand?
The game has always had roughly 100-200 players online at any given time, and it has been like this since the game came out one fall afternoon during a hurricane. It's not that you have to pay for the game that puts people off but rather the fact that this is a rather niche game, but that is another discussion topic altogether.
This game will never be DOTA 2, LoL, or TF2 which can subsist entirely on selling hats and etc. to think it can is quite ludicrous.
I am not sure, if that is a good idea for a small crew like Muse. More players would probably join, but that also increases their workload. It canĀ“t be guaranteed, that the new players will buy enough cosmetics to cover the losses of not sold copies and if someone really wants to troll, it would be hard for Muse to get rid of him. He just could make a new steamaccount and make a new GoIo account, without paying any money.
Simple answer is No. Your assumptions are all sorts of incorrect.
I don't think it is the price that is keeping the community from growing. GOI is a pretty unique experience, and one that doesn't appeal to many gamers. After every Steam Sale or Famous Lets Play influx the community returns to a few hundred players online at any given time. Making it Free to play would probably cause a similar influx only to die down to the current numbers as those who like the game stay and those who don't leave.
Muse had said they had considered it in one of their firesides, and that it is not completely off the table. But don't hold your breath.
Before anything involving F2P happens They better give mods more support in game :) I mean we got what we need to get the job done but.... reaction time isn't always the best.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this game go on sale 3 or 4 times this year, which is a lot considering this year's only half-over, not to mention bundles - Daemacil got his copy in a bundle with 9 other games and 4 music albums for $1 back in February. I'd be really surprised if the cost of the game was deterring enough people to warrant this, especially if you look at the downsides Muse would have to contend with.
Change this song with F2P microtransactions...
Then add a little pay 2 win and...
I'm pretty sure I've seen this game go on sale 3 or 4 times this year, which is a lot considering this year's only half-over, not to mention bundles - Daemacil got his copy in a bundle with 9 other games and 4 music albums for $1 back in February. I'd be really surprised if the cost of the game was deterring enough people to warrant this, especially if you look at the downsides Muse would have to contend with.
Sales have usually coincided with new patches or youtubers doing some sort of video or something. It's smart, put out a video, lower cost, and the sales come in. Muse has said in the past that the amount they make off the sale of the game far exceeds anything they've made off the in-game shop.
It's a lot of work to go F2P and Muse has enough on their plates. There simply aren't enough things to buy in the Shop that would allow Muse to subsist entirely on F2P revenue.