Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nenesse on July 22, 2014, 03:39:38 pm

Title: Captain-speak
Post by: Nenesse on July 22, 2014, 03:39:38 pm
I always enjoy it when my captain has his own terminology for stuff. In a way, it adds to the game's personality. Post your captain-speak here!
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: sparklerfish on July 22, 2014, 03:43:21 pm
It's not specific to me captaining, but I call a component buff a "sparklejob" because they get all shiny and sparkly afterwards.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Nenesse on July 22, 2014, 03:55:31 pm
Mine are:

front guns = front of a Squid or Pyramidion regardless of what they are

"Flames flames flames" or "flame on" = flamethrower regardless of where it is

Nitro = kerosene or moonshine

hull bitch = not the gungineer

"All according to plan" = thanks for pulling my ass out of there after I burned my engines by leaving the kerosene on"

"AHH ASIAN DRIVER" = sorry for moonshine-dashing straight into that cliff
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Nenesse on July 22, 2014, 04:00:20 pm
battle stations = below decks on a mobula

"make yourself useful" = I don't know what specifically needs doing
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: HamsterIV on July 22, 2014, 05:09:38 pm
"It's murder time"  = Their hull is down time to use the explosive.
"Find me something to kill" = Be on the look out for enemies especially in the blind spots the captain can not see.
"Same plan, less sucking" = We are going to do the same thing we did last time, only better.
"Shut down their guns/engines" = Aim for the component
"Boink" = Brace for impact I am ramming
"Plenty of sky to fall through" = We lost balloon but it is not going to be a problem for the next few seconds so keep shooting.
"All hands full repair" = everyone, even the gunner should be fixing things.
"Form up on me/ I'll form up on you" = I expect you to follow me/ I will follow you (other captain)
"I am going to pull a crazy horse" = I will fly full speed through the enemy formation to distract their gunners and get them to turn off angle
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: GeoRmr on July 22, 2014, 06:37:11 pm
For Dementio Daniel.

"VvWwwweeewwwoooooOOSH" ~ burning hydrogen

"MOONSHINE GO!" ~ we're going to ram, choose fast, engines or hull?

"mobula op" ~ good job we won

"Mountainuh" ~ any rock or building
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: BdrLineAzn on July 22, 2014, 07:00:45 pm
Here's some of mine

Juicing-either I'm using kero or moonshine

Stripped-their hull is down

Guns, guns, guns-start shooting

SORRY!-when I bump/bounce/accidentally ram into objects that is not the enemy

Ahrgeshdgdjsyeid-a jumble of words or phrases massed it all goes red
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: DJ Tipz N Trix on July 22, 2014, 07:32:37 pm
The only thing I notice is that instead of telling crew to repair components, I tell them to "heal" components.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: sparklerfish on July 22, 2014, 07:39:08 pm
"I'm getting on aft guns!" voice command.

Used on ships that lack aft guns.  For teh lulz.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Riggatto on July 22, 2014, 08:22:19 pm
Mangled zombie noise- I just made a terrible mistake

Maniacal Laughter- I just got a kill

That's... That's about it...
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: -Mad Maverick- on July 22, 2014, 09:59:06 pm
the only one that matters "ramp it!"
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: GeoRmr on July 23, 2014, 05:14:04 am
the only one that matters "ramp it!"

Hehe, Rydr's still quote you and say this on the rare occasions that we do! It's a lot harder since they moved the spawns closer ^^
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: -Mad Maverick- on July 23, 2014, 05:17:35 am
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: obliviondoll on July 23, 2014, 07:00:00 am
"Balloon's out, but don't panic, we've got a chute and it's a long way down yet." - most common thing for me to say when my crew is competent. They're usually on the armour before I realise it's time to repair it.

"Someone stay on the armour, and another to the balloon, please?"

And from a very experienced Engineer I had on my crew while trying to explain the basics of flight to his level 1 partner in saving-us-from-fiery-death: "Have you never seen Up? THE BALLOON IS EVERYTHING!" - pretty sure the new guy found an emergency teleport function to reach the balloon every time it was about to die after that. I've since picked up the line and used a few variations.

"Sorry guys, that was my bad" or sometimes just "my bad" or "nothing you could do there" - I screwed up and got the ship killed. Usually used with new players on the crew to reassure them that it wasn't something they did wrong. Sometimes with new people I like even if they did screw up, though that's less common, and only if I also screwed up and made their job harder.

And my list of drunken commands:

"Shoot the thing on the right! Aim for that one, no, the OTHER that one! Here, I'll mark it!" *marks the one they just shot by accident* "Shoot the one I didn't mark!" NOTE: This is a more common occurrence than I'd like to admit. My mouse precision is quite the opposite of "precise" when I've had more than a couple of vodka mixers.

"Man the fore guns!" or "Man the front guns!" Usually as captain, but sometimes while engineering. Always said when there is a maximum of ZERO enemies in front of the ship, and almost exclusively while on board a Galleon. A notable variation of this was "manning the port gun!" while playing as a gunner on a Squid. With a captain who was also drunk and managed to make "???" into a sound that was clearly audible through the mic.

"Sorry. I'm verry drunk" - On Captain channel after hitting a teammate, or on crew channel if it was terrain. NOTE: If I'm not rolling the "r" in "very" I'm probably close to sobering up. If I omit the "very" altogether, I'll probably be fine in the next match. If I'm saying this on captain's channel, I've usually just said "OH **** THAT WAS A SHIP!" on the crew channel.

"HELP EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!" - usually it's only the balloon and/or hull and maybe one weapon or engine. If we're ACTUALLY all on fire I tend to calm down and respond more intelligently... usually. The main exception is when I already know it's too late... and was probably my own fault.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: obliviondoll on July 23, 2014, 04:14:19 pm
And a new one.

"Ignore the engines, enemies aren't moving out of our arcs anyway. Keep the guns and hull up, and repair the balloon whenever you're free. If there's nothing else to do and everyone manning the guns already, I'LL fix the engines. If we're going to need them urgently, I'll let you know."

Also, in response to "Are we under attack already?" from a crew member...

"NOPE, I just wasn't looking where we were going... Sorry."
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: CheeseAlmighty on July 23, 2014, 08:28:24 pm
Oooh, ooh, I want to participate too :3

When the hull is down: nonononoonononononononono (with a increasing pitch) --- followed by "FISHSTICKS!" and random rambling if we happen to die there. Also, fiddlesticks.

When I ram things: "Le boop." Add falsetto to the boop.

If I manage to scratch my hull with the buildings/mountains: "TIS BUT A SCRATCH!"

Oh, and when I get a kill: "Hahauv!" (How does one accentuate sounds in text? Meh. It is "Haha!" with an accent, "come fly with me" if you wanna hear it :3 I promise biscuits, tons of cheese and hydrogen uppercuts. )


Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: BdrLineAzn on July 24, 2014, 02:06:28 am
"Nemoing/Doing the Nemo"-Flying with one full turning engine with a heavily damaged or destroyed second turning engine.

Some old ones

"Uppercutting"-A lift ram with or with out hydro.

"Sitting"-Drop the entire ship upon the enemy

"Butt ram"-Rear engine rams
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Jub Jub on July 24, 2014, 12:36:28 pm
I saw this post and figured I'd add my lingo into the mix ^_^;

"Running Silently" - Keep the ship fully repaired, buffed, chemsprayed, and on the look out for targets, but don't shoot them.
"Battle Stations" - Everyone needs to get where they should be during a combat encounter, cause there's about to be one in the next 30 seconds.
"Buff-run" - Buff engineers buff the entire ship ASAP
"No ____" - The enemy shouldn't have whatever is in that blank within the next 10 seconds, usually a component (i.e. "No Lumberjack" = "Take out the Lumberjack ASAP").
"Sharp-shoot" - Snipe out any and all enemy components at close range.
"I need ___!"/"I need ___ yesterday!" - Fix the component...Now.
"Where's my ____?!" - Usually translates into "Why isn't that particular gun firing?"

My other commands are a bit more "generic" and have been included in the previous posts, like "kerosene/moonshining", "butt-ram", "sitting/goomba-stomp", "uppercut", etc.

EDIT: Thought of one more
"I'm putting you in time-out!" - Usually said to a 2nd Gunner, or a Gunner that isn't listening. I turn the ship around entirely so they don't have gun-archs, and stay like that until they do as they're told, even at the cost of showing our backs to the enemy >_>;
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: sparklerfish on July 24, 2014, 03:48:06 pm
"Tactical bounce": any time I crash into anything for any reason.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Spud Nick on August 08, 2014, 11:38:04 am
Dutch Vanya Captain speak:

"That Junker is doing Junker things" Junker is shooting our teammate/running away

"Over yonder" enemy sighted! not telling you where.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Tanya Phenole on August 08, 2014, 12:08:50 pm

"CHEMSPRAY TEST!!!" Sammy, when sees a flamer approaching. "U FAILED" when anything catches fire

"Nicolas Cage attacks!" - mine kill by Purple Fog.

Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: pandatopia on August 08, 2014, 07:13:18 pm
I thought a chemspray test was a friendly fire mine.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: Spud Nick on August 09, 2014, 09:21:10 am
I thought a chemspray test was a friendly fire mine.

That is just a mine calibration test.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: macmacnick on August 10, 2014, 11:34:08 am
"Remember, I'm a horrible person.": when I bring mines.
*maniacal laughter*: I just mined an ally, or anyone in general.
"[SHIPNAME] TWERK!!!!!": Ramming something with the back of the ship.
"How good are you with a lumberjack?": the ultimate question for my gunners. ALL THE TIME.
*Random singing*: I'm in a good mood.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: sparklerfish on August 10, 2014, 08:48:38 pm
"Enemy [rock/building/other terrain] sighted on [port/starboard/ahead]!": I'm going to crash into something, or possibly have just crashed into something.
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: TeddyBearMafia on August 11, 2014, 12:24:21 pm
"Tactical bounce": any time I crash into anything for any reason.

This. When I hit things and it spins me around just fine, that's when the 'all-planned' comes out.

Also, I have a habit of saying 'engines burning' for either kero/moonshine, as well as explaining my battle plans in a few short words.  :P

Ala - "engines burning claw left hydro front guns" is something I know I have said to a crew of newbies before. They did remarkably well given the obscurity.  :-[
Title: Re: Captain-speak
Post by: BdrLineAzn on August 12, 2014, 01:08:16 am
"Shoot, he is trying to divide by zero" When ever another ship rams my ship and we don't bounce off and he continues to grind into my ship.