Guns Of Icarus Online
Community => The Docks => Topic started by: RAGEFACE on July 19, 2014, 03:45:57 pm
I've been playing GOI for a while now, but would like to join a fairly active clan so I am able to participate in more organized matches and have a steady crew. I prefer piloting and engineer.
Well, you've come to the right board then. There are many clans that are actively recruiting, I recommend checking out their threads and seeing if there are any that appeal to you. The threads should also give you a better idea of who is in the clan so you can seek them out in game.
If you want to play competitive you have a good shot at playing for the black cloaks. It's not a clan, and every week we do Sunday Skirmish. We change week to week and you can fly with the cloaks even if you are already in a clan. There is no clan leadership officially, and we elect our commanders for every event we play in, so you can immediately influence the group. I'm about to open signups for Sunday Skirmish 12 once 11 wraps up. We didn't get quite enough to fly in 11 but so far we've played in Skirmish 10 and we also won Squid Races.
If you want to engineer, we are looking for good people, but we cannot give you a pilot slot. If you want to pilot, the best thing you can do is start your own team
g'day rageface
sacrilege is currently looking for engineers and one pilot for our other team can't promise any thing but come hang out some time