Guns Of Icarus Online

Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: Squidslinger Gilder on April 04, 2014, 05:50:32 pm

Title: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on April 04, 2014, 05:50:32 pm
If we're set on realism in GOIO then this is an idea that comes straight out of history. Guns jamming. Pilots in WWI had to worry about this. In part because the quality of the ammo was very poor. There was stories of pilots spending time before flying, going through their ammo and removing mishaped bullets/etc.

So how would one implement this in GOIO? Often times pilots in WWI would carry a hammer for moments when they'd have pound on the gun to dislodge a jam. Looking at GOIO, we'd have 2 possibilities I can think of:

-Gun does not go into red state but a state like with heavy fire stacks. Just requires the gunner/engineer to whack it once with a repair tool. This will of course be annoying depending on how often the gun jams. May have a low % chance or make it where the gun jams only when fired quickly or in long increments.
-Gun jams damage the weapon but the weapon still fires. Say until you whack the gun to repair it to full, each shot ticks off a small portion of gun health. This seems more reasonable and less annoying.

Now considering this, there could also be new changes for the ammo types and classes.

Say stock ammo has a higher % chance to jam. Custom ammo on the other hand does not or has it extremely low. Passive benefits to classes could change that to affect it and offset gunner's viability. To take it a step further, give limited supplies.

-Gunners gain anti weapon jam ability. As gunners are masters at their trade, they make sure ammo and weapons are well maintained. Guns will not jam when they are using them. Get unlimited custom ammo and can preload it for everyone.
-Engineers get limited ammo supplies. Engineers understand the mechanics of how guns work but don't take time to master them. Higher % chance of jamming on stock ammo, low % chance on custom.
-Pilots get even fewer supplies. % chance higher all around. These guys are bumbling idiots with guns.

When ammo supplies are used up, then being able to use custom ammo comes down to the gunner preloading. Now of course this will be heavily unpopular. Specially with noobs who like to spray clouds. But, you'd certainly be more careful with shots and gunners couldn't just sit on a gun all day doing nothing.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Captain Smollett on April 04, 2014, 09:35:00 pm
If we're set on realism in GOIO

This statement isn't true or accurate, and probably not the best way to begin any thread.  While this thread has substance and good ideas, the opening sentence distracts from it rather than strengthen it.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on April 04, 2014, 09:46:46 pm
It would have ruffled feathers either way. Might as well get a jump start on the ruffling.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Spud Nick on April 05, 2014, 01:36:43 am
Weapon jams might be a good way to balance out new guns. Instead of arming time.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Mattilald Anguisad on April 05, 2014, 05:21:23 am
Becouse we urgently need to nerf gatling gun and flamer!
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Velvet on April 05, 2014, 08:34:13 am
Weapon jams might be a good way to balance out new guns. Instead of arming time.
arming time = skill/tactical problem, weapon jams = indirect firerate nerf that's also annoying as hell

I agree with Smollett about the first line. It's obvious where you're going with this thread and it does nothing to advance your argument.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on April 05, 2014, 05:38:14 pm
arming time = skill/tactical problem, weapon jams = indirect firerate nerf that's also annoying as hell

I agree with Smollett about the first line. It's obvious where you're going with this thread and it does nothing to advance your argument.

Who said I was even arguing? I'm just posting an idea and clarifying that it doesn't mean I'm not on the side of the flying turret brigade. If you come looking for a fight then you can see that however you like as Smollett and yourself have. If others come for that too then its simple....

Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Erheller on April 05, 2014, 06:17:28 pm
Who said I was even arguing?

I'd like to point out that you included the first (contentious) sentence because you wanted to "get a jump start on the ruffling [of feathers]." In spite of what the rest of your last post implies, I highly doubt you're the victim here.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Velvet on April 05, 2014, 06:36:36 pm
Who said I was even arguing? I'm just posting an idea and clarifying that it doesn't mean I'm not on the side of the flying turret brigade. If you come looking for a fight then you can see that however you like as Smollett and yourself have. If others come for that too then its simple....
I'm not looking for a fight. My use of the word "argument" was merely due to the normal assumption that any idea is going to meet opposition and therefore its proponents will normally find themselves arguing to defend and support it. Any proposal is by nature to some extent an argument against those who would disagree with it.

Anyway, nobody's really that bothered about prioritising realism over fun so please stop suggesting that that is in any way a majority consensus on how the game should be designed.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on April 05, 2014, 07:54:11 pm
Anyway, nobody's really that bothered about prioritising realism over fun so please stop suggesting that that is in any way a majority consensus on how the game should be designed.

Thats cause the ones most bothered either quit or never post here. You can get people to post up a storm on facebook but for some reason they are terrified of the concept of "forums." Its the same blasted thing cept with less pictures!

Who said I was even arguing?

I'd like to point out that you included the first (contentious) sentence because you wanted to "get a jump start on the ruffling [of feathers]." In spite of what the rest of your last post implies, I highly doubt you're the victim here.

I merely stated a fact that I expected Ducks to make the first move on this and they did. So think of it as removing one bullet in a perpetually loaded gun by taking it away from them. Even if you come out in force like in the past, I don't have to bother anymore now. In fact, this thread is done as far as I'm concerned, good luck arguing.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Velvet on April 05, 2014, 08:15:37 pm
Anyway, nobody's really that bothered about prioritising realism over fun so please stop suggesting that that is in any way a majority consensus on how the game should be designed.

Thats cause the ones most bothered either quit or never post here. You can get people to post up a storm on facebook but for some reason they are terrified of the concept of "forums." Its the same blasted thing cept with less pictures!
Allow me to clarify.

I mean no active player would prefer to see realism prioritised over fun. I think it would be widely agreed in the community that fun is more important than realism, and as far as I'm aware a desire for realism is not the reason that anyone has for opposing certain suggestions that have been made.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Captain Smollett on April 05, 2014, 09:52:43 pm
First of all I'm a Duck, not the Ducks.  I play with them but in no way speak for them.

Secondly the realism contention is a straw man argument that honestly is getting old.

Thirdly I wasn't arguing before with any if your content, just contending that your opening statement was polarizing and not conducive to debate. It seemed your intentions were not purely related to positive gameplay change based on your initial tone.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Tropo on April 05, 2014, 11:03:58 pm
Gun jam sound delicious

i would like to see guns jamming worked in to the game at least in adventure mode

i remmber other games like dod, dods that had guns jam and over heating

omg would love to see it
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Dementio on April 10, 2014, 04:35:12 am
It would absolutely destroy anybody new to this game.

However it does sound like it would ensure more dynamic gameplay and give the gunner a bit more importance.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Wundsalz on April 10, 2014, 05:10:26 am
gun jams don't sound like a fun mechanic.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: Dutch Vanya on April 10, 2014, 05:54:51 am
gun jams don't sound like a fun mechanic.
I agree, but we also know he didn't suggest it as a fun mechanic. He's just trying to make a point.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: HamsterIV on April 10, 2014, 01:55:51 pm
Isn't any weapon that gets "destroyed" essentially jammed? The weapon's parts are not unusable, it just needs to be smacked until it works right again. I could see a jamming mechanic working by guns slowly taking damage after extended use. This would force occasional gun maintenance on the crew even if they are not taking fire. It might reduce the deadliness of trifecta and quadfecta builds, but would be most damaging ships that some how acquired two gunners.
Title: Re: Guns jam, ammo changes, and passive class abilities
Post by: JaegerDelta on April 10, 2014, 07:54:45 pm
Isn't any weapon that gets "destroyed" essentially jammed? The weapon's parts are not unusable, it just needs to be smacked until it works right again. I could see a jamming mechanic working by guns slowly taking damage after extended use. This would force occasional gun maintenance on the crew even if they are not taking fire. It might reduce the deadliness of trifecta and quadfecta builds, but would be most damaging ships that some how acquired two gunners.

dude trufax, i am totally for this solution for some reason, just seems like its a good way to simulate damage from use. besides, non-stop firing of any relatively complex weapon will cause damage to to the extent of breaking way more often than enemy fire would. the internal moving parts are what matter, the outer parts are usually fairly robust and can take hits without breaking the gun. when various media depict guns stop firing due to enemy fire its because the operator(s) are dead, not the gun being broken. ramble ramble ramble anyway yeah nice one hamster.