Guns Of Icarus Online
Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: GeoRmr on March 18, 2014, 04:35:17 pm
Dear muse,
The lag is getting worse, and worse, and worse. Slow-mo is happening more frequently, everytime someone joins or leaves a game there is a lag spike, lobby disconnects happen all the time and the UI bugs out from lag often. PLEASE schedule some server maintenence soon!
Remove the leave count, it is petty, useless, anoying, bad for the community, and inapropriate when the servers are so prone to dissconecting. Today I got a leave when I was kicked from raid on the refinery 2 seconds before the point limit was reached this is not acceptable or fair. (along with not registering the level 7+ win on my achievement)
Is it possible that the number of spectators or location of players matters?
It's pretty weird how in the same lobby one match is great, 2nd with freezes every few seconds and 3rd great again.
Some kind of sync between players?
Also, possible memory leaks. Sometimes client gets "heavy" after only few big games and needs restart to play smooth again.
i agree when i started playing this game i used to get a 200 ping and avg was 230
now im getting a whooping big 297 avg ping 310 and above
had slowmo on node
I'm getting a higher average ping than usual: 100ms instead of 88-89ms, and 200-210 ms instead of 140 ms for europe.
This might get the attention of the devs faster if emails are sent about it to the email. That said, I've had this problem too.
Signing under every George's word.
Game becomes almost impossible to handle with lag spikes, especially in pilot's slot
I'm still getting 350 ping to US servers, 350-400 on European servers and 100-150 ping on Aussie and Asian servers. No change for me.
But I'm used to high pings like this because of my location so I don't know how ping changes affects you guys :P
Quick question, anyone know where the Asia server is located?
I was told that Alex is looking into the server preformance issues.
pings and play to day got way worst for me (australian)
got kicked of the match 12 times lucky it was a sacrilege only match
then i played with the riders and i had a 470 ping and there was 7 seconds of almost nothing on my screen happening
on a euro server so i left after the match and went to a us server
where there it was worst at a 370-380 ping (worst because i always play on us server as there are no australian servers)
please muse fix this i can no longer play my current favorite game as a guns of icarus nut i have put up with a lot of bugs
but i can't put up with lag
also it seems desicing is more common when the lag is bad and i had chem sprayed the rear of the ship yet the srceen shot shows a very differnt result
I have to say that I am not experiencing any problems at all, here in Austria
Europe: <50ms
US: ~200ms
Asia: ~400ms, but I never play there
Had slowmo around 4 times in total, since I started the game
Leave count really is pointless once you get a few more matches in. It's good to see it on the low levels so I can guess how likely they are going to leave mid-game. Once there have been 50+ matches played, it's a relatively useless feature, I find.
I had some issues lately, but it was mostly on steam's end (I think). I'd get disconnected from a game during match start and try to close and restart it only to find that steam was having issues at the moment and I couldn't connect to them, meaning I couldn't log into the game. Although I don't think my leave count actually went up for any of that, despite me actually missing for an entire match once. On the other hand, I have had to leave matches to take care of CA/Mod business and those totally counted.
Originally the leave count was heavily pushed for by the community. There was a large trend for players to join games and just jump ship mid-match when things weren't going well for them. This happened just a crazy amount of the time. Instead of other penalties, the leave count was put in place so players would be aware if someone on their ship wasn't going to stick around, and acted as an incentive to keep people playing through the match. Nowadays we have a lot less people leaving midmatch, and the leave count is generally just annoying for the individual, as others are far less likely to care about someone else's leave count.
Although whether the leave count actually reduced the amount of players leaving midmatch is hard to tell. For instance we had the quick join, and it was believed that was responsible for players joining midmatch as a second gunner or pilot. Yet even with it mostly removed, this is still happening (although it probably is happening a lot less).
I would say that the leave count doesn't actually provide much of a benefit. It's still nice to have around, as occasionally you'll run into that player with 80 matches and 64 leaves. Perhaps having the leave count reduce by 1 every 10 matches or so? Or maybe just over time, each weekend they'll take off 2 or so?