Guns Of Icarus Online
Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: Starbound on February 18, 2014, 04:41:53 pm
The environment is way to over powered. Me and my friends have recently bought the game and have been playing. We tried playing the map Northern Fjords, but our engines would break every 3 seconds. We were at a major disadvantage. We then tried Battle of The Dunes to see if it ws any better, then the sand clouds came in and destroyed our engines again. Personally I think the environmental hazards are way to OP (Over powered) And they move way to quickly. There was no way of escaping the sand clouds on Battle of The Dunes. Hopefully this issue can be resolved somehow soon. I don't think that people just want to be stuck in the air not moving when they are being fired upon. So if you could please, nerf the environmental hazards? It would be much obliged. Thanks.
there are no sand clouds on northern fjords
There may be no sand clouds on Northern Fjords but there is cold air if you go up high which can freeze your engines to an extent of them breaking.
There are several easy ways to avoid being destroyed by sand clouds:
-Learn their movement patterns. They all move in straight lines, so it's not hard to predict where they're going.
-Rise above them. They don't reach to the top of the map, so you can fly over them.
-Repair your components. If you allocate a couple of components to each crew member, none of them will ever go down.
Also make sure the captain is being careful about using tools in clouds. Using kerosene or moonshine in a sand cloud is a good way to kill your own engines.
Also there's no "cold air" that freezes your engines on Fjords. Not sure what's giving you that idea.
There may be no sand clouds on Northern Fjords but there is cold air if you go up high which can freeze your engines to an extent of them breaking.
Not in this game. Something else was destroying your engines, perhaps a piloting tool.
There may be no sand clouds on Northern Fjords but there is cold air if you go up high which can freeze your engines to an extent of them breaking.
Incorrect. Only maps that have component breaking hazards are the iterations of Dunes.
There are no sand clouds on fjords. You either ran into a tar cloud dropped by another ship, or your captain was using a pilot tool which was damaging your ship. Tar is very powerful but very difficult to use. Most pilots use it as an area denial tool to assist in escapes. A few captains can use it offensively but it takes a bit of skill and a lot of luck.
If the cloud you were in was black then you flew into your enemies tar cloud (or your capn kept a pilot tool running)
lol some of you guys didn't even read it. It is clear to me their pilot didn't realize he had piloting tools on. Probably moonshine from the sound of it.
What you need to do is all of you run the tutorials and practice mode to realize you have tool buttons. Take 30 mins, then join real matches and you won't have any more issue.
lol some of you guys didn't even read it. It is clear to me their pilot didn't realize he had piloting tools on. Probably moonshine from the sound of it.
What you need to do is all of you run the tutorials and practice mode to realize you have tool buttons. Take 30 mins, then join real matches and you won't have any more issue.
Yes, most likely a piloting tool is on. Make sure the captain presses '1' to make sure they don't have any pilot tools activated. The pilot can see the pilot tools when they are on the helm in the bottom middle of the screen. Make sure the wheel (the first one) is selected and not tar, pheonix claw, kerosine or moonshine - those tools do damage to the engines over time.
Try Again
The pilot should not have kyrosine on. Bcause with it on, the engines get destroyed.
Dont use kyrosine inside sand clouds.
Fjords does not have any hazardous clouds.
Dunes is the only map with deathmatch mode that has hazardous clouds.
Please try again.
if it was every 3 seconds it was moonshine.
I just wrap plastic wrap all over my engines to avoid getting them dirty. You should try it.
The only thing I find annoying (especially about Dunes) is that it's fairly hard to distinguish between normal clouds and dust clouds.
Speaking of dust clouds, does just being in them damage components or only when moving through them? If you stopped would your engines still take as much damage?
Being inside of a dust cloud will damage everything (almost everything?) on your ship, including engines, hull, guns. Possibly damages balloon, but I am not 100% sure. This happens regardless of whether you are moving or not. This means you generally want to be moving as long as you are moving against the cloud, not with it. Moving with the cloud keeps you in it longer.
Regular clouds on dunes are a nice white. Dust clouds are a brownish color, much closer to the color of sand.
Dust clouds will not damage Balloon or Hull/Armor. They will damage everything else though.
Trust me, I played far to many CP Battle on the Dunes recently to not know. ._.
I'm pretty sure hull and balloon take damage. Try taking a squid in sandbox and flying into a dust cloud - you'll see that the hull is visually damaged if you wait for a couple of seconds, and the balloon also takes damage (it takes quite a bit longer for the damage to be visually visible). In both cases you can hit the component with a tool and get a repair cooldown, which confirms that yes, sandstorms do damage to the armor and balloon (albeit greatly reduced damage in comparison to components).
That being said, the damage to armor/balloon is so small that it hardly matters (on most ships it won't even show up visibly if you get out of the cloud quickly).
Dust clouds damage everything. However, the damage is extremely minor to the armor, hull, and balloons. So much so that it won't even register for quite a while on the HUD. However, if you smack those components with a repair tool, it'll actually fix it and go into cooldown.
I'm pretty sure clouds inflict standard shatter-type damage, with appropriate modifiers for different components. So yes, everything takes damage.
Yeah Dust clouds damage the hull the same way tar does...yes you can get a tar kill best moment ever i think i broke my vocal cords laughing,
Pro tip: repair spire hull 30, go on dunes sit near a sand cloud with a spanner wait 90 seconds haha bing achievment complete,
I do something similar occasionally when I have to fully repair stuff as a gunner/pilot.
Dust clouds are pretty easy to avoid. You should play tutorials and try to manuever. %)
At least it's not pot smoke clouds. Thank the stars your engineers aren't trying to eat their rubber mallets after flying through one of those.
Grey I'm going to have to ask you to keep things helpful in this section of the forum.
Grey I'm going to have to ask you to keep things helpful in this section of the forum.
It is important to provide helpful suggestions and experienced feedback relating to the Feedback and Suggestions forum threads. I think you should try it with this one, Piemanlives. Though you might not have much to say considering he's made his point very clear and I'm pretty sure he's gotten his answer... The heavy flowing debris filled clouds provide a tactical advantage to those experienced enough to know how to identify them from regular clouds and use them strategically; it helps to prevent too much cloud cover usage which may cause many matches to become too slow and stagnant.
In Starbound's case he was not yet experienced enough at the time to tell the two apart and therefore assumed that all of the clouds were this unrealistically damaging. This is possibly why Muse has been working so hard on improving tutorials lately.
In Starbound's case he was not yet experienced enough at the time to tell the two apart and therefore assumed that all of the clouds were this unrealistically damaging. This is possibly why Muse has been working so hard on improving tutorials lately.
I'll have to agree, information is key to actually play successfully, without knowing certain aspects you can expect a slightly lower range of performance. For instance communicating what the various different types of damage actually do is very important, while more or less straight forward, the difference between piercing and high explosive in relation to certain components may not exactly be clear to newer players.
The only thing I find annoying (especially about Dunes) is that it's fairly hard to distinguish between normal clouds and dust clouds.
One is white, the other is brown.
For your sake I hope you are colorblind.
Oh hull and balloon damage: Dang, I will have to remember that now.
On cloud color, quite often, on dunes, the dust cloud will be hidden inside of the normal white clouds, effectively making them indistinguishable until I am inside, taking damage.