Guns Of Icarus Online
Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: GeoRmr on February 14, 2014, 07:06:49 am
Describing the harpoon as doing "Massive hull damage" in the loadout selection, I think is fairly misleading...
To be fair the harpoon gun isn't the worst gun against hulls. It even outperforms the beacon at dealing hull-dps by a factor of almost 4, making the harpoon gun the 15th most powerful hull-killer ingame.
To be fair the harpoon gun isn't the worst gun against hulls. It even outperforms the beacon at dealing hull-dps by a factor of almost 4, making the harpoon gun the 15th most powerful hull-killer ingame.
15th most powerful ≠ dealing massive hull damage
To be fair the harpoon gun isn't the worst gun against hulls. It even outperforms the beacon at dealing hull-dps by a factor of almost 4, making the harpoon gun the 15th most powerful hull-killer ingame.
15th most powerful ≠ dealing massive hull damage
Do I hear a new meta?
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The Harpoon deals almost as much piercing per shot as the mercury. It unfortunately only has 1 shot and lacks the huge amount of shatter the merc has giving it much less dps.
In an ideal world, the harpoon will be a viable armor breaker when it gets reworked and greatly improve close range combat, but until then, labeling it as an armor breaker is a bit misleading.
It's definitely not an ideal armor breaker, and I would hate to see it become more of a damaging weapon. I like it as a quirky utility weapon that relies more on tugging your enemy around rather than straight up destroying them. It's actually pretty effective at messing up enemy arcs and maneuvering ability, but of course it's doing the exact same thing to your ship.
Hopefully it will be the next weapon that's looked at, although I won't get my hopes up. ((My money is on the hades))
It's definitely not an ideal armor breaker, and I would hate to see it become more of a damaging weapon. I like it as a quirky utility weapon that relies more on tugging your enemy around rather than straight up destroying them. It's actually pretty effective at messing up enemy arcs and maneuvering ability, but of course it's doing the exact same thing to your ship.
Hopefully it will be the next weapon that's looked at, although I won't get my hopes up. ((My money is on the hades))
I actually disagree with you a bit. I'd personally like to see the harpoon as a dual threat weapon like the artemis. The artemis can disable and finish, I think it would be awesome if the harpoon could break armor and throw off gun arcs, tow off points etc.
The armor dps should probably be around that of a mercury (which is on the lower side) so that the harpoon becomes just as viable as any other weapon.
I do agree with you that having the harpoon fixed would be one of the best things to happen to the game. That gun used to be so amazing and a true fix would make it 10 times better than it ever was.
Hopefully it will be the next weapon that's looked at, although I won't get my hopes up. ((My money is on the hades))
Rumor mill was saying that physics was going to get a bit of an update, and that harpoons would be affected as well, though I have seen nothing to really confirm this.
I saw somewhere that Awkm would be looking at light flak due to how much it got nerfed and how little it is used these days (I actually don't know of almost any builds that use it these days outside of the art-hades-flak pyra). I can see hades getting a small nerf soon since right now it seems like any build without a hades gets torn apart anywhere from mid-close to mid-long ranges, which is a pretty significant range.
But currently harpoons are almost impossible to use due to the fact that it doesn't actually pull a specific part of your ship in the direction of the harpoon. It usually does just about the opposite. A harpoon in slot 2 of a pyramidion usually means the enemy will always be in your blind spot permanently.
In an ideal world the harpoon would reel enemy vehicles towards you at great haste. Imagine hooking a mobula from behind while on a Spire and reeling him into your hwacha without him having any way to defend himself.
The harpoon has the potential to become extremely OP.
Agreed Smollet, I am actually looking forward to a harpoon fix in the far far future more than the upcoming coop mode.
In it's current state it is widely accepted as being entirely useless, this has been acknowledged by muse and they themselves have labelled it as broken. New players are drawn to it because it sounds interesting and end up assembling ineffective builds.
If it's broken and totally useless, if it's capabilities are misleading and damaging to inexperienced players only through their ignorance, why leave it in the game? Take it out and bring it back when it works.
Depends on how they fix the Harpoon.
Imo, the best way in terms of stats is to make it a piercing hull braker. But also take away 30% of the affected enemy ships engine output. (with pulling stuff and whatever removed)
I also question how the harpoon plays out (with current functions) if the ship that harpoons the other ship is not affected by the chaotic physics.