Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => The Classroom => Guides => Topic started by: Wundsalz on February 10, 2014, 05:41:11 am

Title: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 10, 2014, 05:41:11 am
I just realized that the last gunnery guide in this section is rather outdated. Hence I'd like to pick up Echoez work (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749) here and extend it a bit. The gunnery basics will be elaborated here as well as viable ammunition picks for specific weapons.

arming time: Some weapons, like the Lumberjack or Hades do not deal their secondary damage if their projectile doesn't travel for a certain arming time. The secondary damage is applied to a weapon specific area of effect and is the major damage fraction of any weapon with arming time. Pilots using weapons with arming time should try to keep a sufficient distance to allow their weapons projectile to travel at least for the length of their arming time. The ammunition can alter the arming distance. Lochnagar reduces the arming distance directly by reducing the arming time. Other ammunition types like greased, heatsink and incendiary rounds reduce it indirectly by decreasing the projectile speed which causes the weapons projectiles to travel longer for the same distance. Lesmok rounds increase the arming distance by increasing the projectiles velocity.

arming distance: the distance projectiles need to travel to reach their arming time.

field of operation: the area in which the weapon can be used.

DPS: damage per second

hull strip: breaking an enemies armor, making the ship vulnerable for permanent damage.

raspberry: breaking an enemies armor, making the ship vulnerable for permanent damage.

Symbol explanation:

"( This symbolizes Piercing damage, a damage type very effective against enemy ship armor. Armour is the repairable part of a ship's health, you need to take it down before attacking their 'real' health that can not be repaired. Guns with this kind of damage are very good at destroying armour.


( Flechette is represented by this symbol, this damage type is extremely effective against enemy balloons, making short work of them. If you take out an a ship's balloon, it will start making a rapid descent towards the ground and of course, impacting the ground will cause the ship to take damage.


( This stands for Explosive damage, which is very effective against the enemy ship's hull. The hull is ship's 'real' health as said before, if this goes down, the ship will explode in a majestic display of screws and scrap metal. Weapons with this kind of damage are very good finishers, but are usually not effective against enemy armour, so make sure you wait for the armour to go down before taking your shots, you will know the armour went down when you see a black cloud appear on the enemy ship and black metalic parts falling down.


( Shatter damage is very effective against a ship's components, like their engines and guns, this damage type gets an 100% bonus against these components, making guns with that damage type very effective disablers. Aim for the guns and engines to cause some havoc!


( This should be pretty obvious, it symbolizes Fire damage which is pretty effective against enemy balloons by itself, though the main use of guns with fire is to ignite the enemy ship's components, putting fire stacks on them that will cause extra damage over time, anything with fire stacks on it is cursed to go down unless extinguished. Guns will also be disabled if 8 or more stacks of fire are applied to them from flames. Use with caution." - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Here's a table summarizing and quantifying the statements about damage types made above:
Damage modifier table. Source: GoI homepage, weapon section (

General notes:

"Just a short note about something that many people seem to misunderstand, if you want to use a certain ammo type you need to EQUIP it first, that means you have to reload your gun with the appropriate ammo type you want, you can see the ammo types you are carrying at the bottom of your screen when you are manning a gun and you can switch to them by either pressing 1, 2, 3 or 4 on your keyboard or switching through them with the mouse wheel, the ammo you are loading will be highlighted.

You can switch ammo types during any time of a reload, only the ammo type you have selected when the reload ends will be loaded in, ALSO make sure you are ON the gun when the reload ends, else the gun will be reset to normal ammo." - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

A major aspect of gunnery is the choice of the ammunition. Some ammunition types are chosen to make it easier, or even possible to hit with. E.g. a couple of weapons spread a lot making precise hits impossible unless heavy clips are used. Other weapons projectiles decay quite early, making long range hits impossible. In these cases lesmok rounds can be used to extend the field of operation of the weapon. Other weapons, like the Lumberjack or Hades suffer from arming time. Which can be addressed by ammunition like incendiary rounds of lochnagar shots to increase the weapons efficient field of operation. Last but not least ammunition can be chosen for the purpose of maximizing the damage output of a weapon. Here's a chart illustrating how every ammunition type affects the damage output relative to normal ammunition in %:
DPS alterations by ammunition including reload times. The table is based on a damage table created by the ducks ( (v.0.1.3 for GoI patch 1.3.5)

Whoever focuses on gunning on a ship should try to maximize his damage output. Often that can be accomplished by playing as an engineer with a buff kit, rather than as a gunner. Weapon buffs increase the damage output by 20% without any negative side effects. This bonus often outperforms the advantage three different ammo types provide. The most common gunineer loadouts are: wrench, buff, chemspray/extinguisher or mallet, spanner and a buff hammer.

Viable gun specific ammunition choices will be discussed in the following posts.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 10, 2014, 06:35:00 am
The Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun.


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

"The Whirlwind is a high fire rate, low damage gun, mimicing the old school machine-gun weaponry from your standard FPS game, it fires a stream of bullets in a wide cone, don't be allianated by its low damage stats though, it is a beast and can keep the pressure on the enemy's armour like nothing else from closer ranges. It is also a very good component disabler, so if you need a gun or engine down, just aim for it." - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Play style:

the main purpose of the gatling gun is to break the enemies hull armor. It's often a good idea to reload the gatling gun once the hit markers turn red - even if the clip isn't empty yet to ensure a fresh clip is ready when the enemy has rebuild their hull. This does not apply to squids (and also isn't always a good idea when fighting goldfishes) as their hull is very weak and can be broken again with the same clip. When fighting squids, hold your fire for roughly 2-4 seconds once the hull breaks (that's roughly the time the enemy team needs to rebuild it when camping it) and start shooting again just before they finish the rebuild so you can take it out again instantly afterwards.
Piercing hulls put aside, the gatling gun is also a decent disabler. Occasionally it is a good idea to take out components (e.g. weapons or engines) rather than going straight for a hull strip.

Viable ammo types:

( greased rounds
greased rounds provide the highest dps of all ammo types on the cost of a reduced range. They are currently the most common pick for gatling guns.

( charged rounds
while charged rounds provide slightly less dps than greased rounds, they deal the highest damage per clip and do not suffer from a reduced fireing distance. Charged rounds are a viable pick if ships with close range weapons (e.g. carronade, mine launcher or flame throwers) are fought and your captains wants to stay out of your enemies range.

( heavy clips
heavy clips are a viable pick against Junkers if you plan to keep barely in gatling range for whatever reason. The spread reduction allows to take out their slim hulls precisely even at the maximum gat-range. Heavy clips are also usefull to take out critical components (e.g. front weapons of the goldfish) quicker and more reliable.

( lesmok rounds
Lesmok rounds allow you to shoot enemies which are out of range for any other ammunition. However the massive spread of the gatling guns limits the usefulness of this ammunition type significantly. Usually the damage inflicted by a single gatling gun in lesmok range can be outrepaired by an engineer whacking the hull with a spanner. The one exception is the Galleon with its barn-gate-size hull.

Incendiary rounds are a utility ammunition choice for the gatling gun. While severely reducing the DPS they provide a chance to ignite components. They also grant the gatling gun the ability to burn down the enemies balloon if it isn't maintained properly.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 10, 2014, 01:20:50 pm
The Scylla Double-Barreled Mortar

([img]Primary Damage: [img]

Secondary Damage: (

"The Scylla, just like the Echidna, is an all explosive weapon, it deals a bit less damage per round but has a much larger clip and no random spread, its projectiles have a massive downward arc though, restricting it to mostly close range engagements, but this weapon will drop any ship that gets hit by a whole clip directly to their naked hull. Due to its larger magazine size, it can start firing slightly before the armour goes down to assist in breaking it and then continue to destroy the hull."  - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Play Style:
Mortars are usually used in combination with a hull stripper, most commonly a gatling gun. As a mortar gunner your job is to kill the enemy once the enemies hull has been broken (red hitmarkers). In the commonly used gatling/mortar arrangement you can also help your gatling gunner to break the hull. For most ships hold your fire and let the gatling gunner do his job until you can see smoke particles beeing emitted from the hull. E.g. when you're fighting a pyramideon and you've got a decent gatling gunner with a clear line of fire that should happen briefly before the gatling runs out of ammo. That's your sign to open fire with the mortar. Ideally you'll help to break the hull with your first shots and kill right right away without granting your enemy time to rebuild the armor.
Currently there's a clear favorite loadout for players dedicated to a mortar. It's the same as for the gatling gunner: greased rounds and buff equipment. With that setup you should load greased rounds, prefbuff your gun, wait for the enemies hull to emit particles, give your mortar the final buff hammer whack and open fire. If executed properly this pattern grants you an almost guaranteed kill on enemies with a low permanent hull, like Junkers, Pyramideons and spires.

Viable Ammo Types
( greased rounds
by far the most commonly used ammo type for the mortar. It reduces the maximum range of the weapon and maximizes weapons dps without reload times taken into consideration - and that's what should count, as any ship, including the galleon, can be destroyed with a single mortar volley.
( lesmok rounds
lesmok rounds are an uncommon ammo choice for the mortar. It's useful as it allows the mortar to shoot further away which makes it an viable option to be combined with mid-range weapons like the hades. Also the increased projectile velocity allow an easier lead of your shots which might come in handy when fighting fast moving targets or if you need to compensate for your own ships movement - e.g. swaying on a junker
( burst rounds
While burst rounds significantly reduce the dps, the damage per clip is increased which allows you to support your gatling gun with breaking the hull earlier. If you use burst rounds, try to aim for the enemies guns. damaging the enemies guns and hence reducing their dps can grant you the upper hand in an outgunning situation.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Mod Josie on February 10, 2014, 06:47:12 pm
This thread is genius - I hope as many people see it as possible. Breaks it down but with just enough detail. I hope you find the time to do this for all the weapons :D
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 01:38:49 am
I plan to add weapons here until the entire GoI-Arsenal is covered. Also feel free to discuss aspects of the guide if something needs clarification or debate certain ammo choices for weapons here.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 02:49:17 am
The Barking Dog Light Carronade


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

"The Barking Dog, is the light shotgun of this game, it deals a large ammount of both Flechette and Shatter damage, making it an effective balloon popper and component disabler, keep in mind that this gun has a very restricted range and gun arc, you should immidiently notice how this gun can't turn downwards much. Blast away at close range and pop those balloons!"  - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Play style
A carronade shot consists of 16 projectiles with a spread angle of 5 degrees which is the largest spread of all weapons. Carronades are powerful ballon popers, decent disablers and can help out with striping hulls by dealing roughly 45% of a gatlings dps to the armor.
Due to the projectile spread the gun is inefficient at longer distances unless heavy clips are used.
Carronades are often used on very agile ships like the squid. This makes communication with your pilot very essential if you want to take out components with heavy clips, as a sudden sway can easily ruin your shot. Announce that you want to take out specific components just before you're read to fire. This way your captain can try to avoid sudden steering for the brief moment you need to aim and shoot.
In my opinion the heavy carronade is best played as a gunineer with buff kit and heavy clips, as buffed normal rounds outperform the dps bonus of ammunition choices like charged rounds. With this loadout heavy clips can be used for long range shots and to take out specific components. Once you're really close to an enemy and you're sure that all projectiles of the carronade hit anyway, you can switch to normal rounds to maximize the damage output. Keep in mind though, that heavy clips deal more dps than normal clips if more than a single one of those 16 projectiles/shot misses the target!

( heavy clips
Heavy clips bundle all 16 projectiles of the carronade into a single point, making the weapon pin-point accurate. Not only does this allow the weapon to be used efficiently at longer distances, but it also unfolds the true disable power of this weapon. While heavy clips reduce the dps, they allow to target specific components rather than spreading the projectiles over the enemy ship. To be more specific a carronade loaded with heavy clips can:
1-shot light weapons,
1-shot light engines when buffed (unbuffed they deal 288/300 damage to engines which might still be sufficient to take them down if the enemy pilot used steering tools recently)
2-shot heavy weapons
2-shot heavy engines
and they can take down an enemy balloon with an entire clip if the weapon is buffed and the balloon isn't maintained while the clip is shot. Unbuffed the carronade deals roughly 80% damage to the balloon with heavy clips.

( incendiary rounds
Incendiary rounds can be used to start fires on the enemies ship. Due to the large ammount of projectiles, each shot will add slightly more than 3 fire charges/shot on average. fires on hull and ballon while receiving damage the normal way at the same time make engineers sweat - especially if they've just rebuild the component.

( greased rounds
greased rounds maximizes the dps of the carronade if reload times are not taken into consideration (+27%).

( charged rounds
charged rounds maximize the dps of the carronade with reload times taken into consideration.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: macmacnick on February 11, 2014, 03:00:15 am
Greased Is also useful for the carronade in certain situations.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 03:14:33 am
Greased Is also useful for the carronade in certain situations.
added. They actually might be a better choice compared to charged rounds as they allow a brief dps boosts which might come in handy once in a while.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Alistair MacBain on February 11, 2014, 03:30:28 am
Burst rounds in a mortar arent really useful if you dont have the mortar paired with a carronade.
The gat strips armor way to fast to make it useful. It may is a option for gunners but never for engineers.
With a carronade you can unload one or two clips before the armor is down to kill or damage some components. A gat strips the armor to fast to make burst useful. The reduced rate of fire narrows the timing to much.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Coldcurse on February 11, 2014, 04:52:17 am
Also the mortar is good against balloons.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 05:03:15 am
Also the mortar is good against balloons.
Not at all. You'd need 5 greased clips to take it down... while no one bothers about balloon repairs on the enemies ship.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Coldcurse on February 11, 2014, 05:06:19 am
Also the mortar is good against balloons.
Not at all. You'd need 5 greased clips to take it down... while no one bothers about balloon repairs on the enemies ship.
sorry that I said "good", I ment decent compared to other guns.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 07:39:18 am
The Artemis, Light Rocket Launcher


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

Play Style

The Artemis combines a wide field of operation (wide horizontal arcs, a wide arc downard, long max range, no arming time) with a good disabling power and decent explosive damage. Furthermore if they are grouped up, e.g. in a junker trifecta, they are also capeable of breaking hulls. 3 artes deal roughly as much damage to the hull armor as a heavy carronade (or half a gatling gun). It's an all-rounder weapon which does a lot of jobs decently.
When shooting the Artemis you've got two jobs:
1. take out critical components of your enemy. That's mostly all guns pointing at you or an ally and the engines to immobilize them.
2. kill enemies once their hull is down.
Usually the Artemis can be fired permanently to accomplish these tasks, but sometimes it's a good idea to delay shots a little bit. For example if you expect a heavy gun, which points at you or your ally, to be rebuild with in the next couple of seconds, it is often a good idea to hold your fire for a brief moment to take it out again right away. Also Artemises are frequently the only source for explosive damage in sniper matches. Hence it sometimes makes sense to delay your shots a bit if another weapon, like a mercury or hades, is about to take out the enemies hull.
Unbuffed and with loaded with normal/burst rounds the artemis can:
1-shot light weapons
2-shot light engines (1 shot with charged rounds or buffed normal rounds)
2-shot heavy weapons
3-shot heavy engines (2 shot with charged rounds or buffed normal rounds)

Viable Ammo Types

( burst rounds
Burst rounds increase the AoE of your shots, which allows you to take out components with less precise hits or multiple components with the same hit if they're nearby.
( lesmok rounds
Lesmok rounds increase the velocity of the rockets and hence the maximum range. It's a good choice for ultra-long-range sniper builds like merc+arte mobulas.
( greased rounds
greased rounds maximize the dps without reload times. Using greased rounds makes sense if your enemy is rather close and you want to kill it with the Artemis rather than keeping it disabled. Note that greased rounds decrease the projectile velocity quite a bit. Hence you need to adjust your lead in order to still hit your target.
( charged rounds
charged rounds increase the dps significantly and can be used if you want to finish off enemies with the Artemis rather than disabling them.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 11, 2014, 11:20:39 am
The Mercury Field Gun.


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

"The Mercury is a slow firing sniper cannon, its high damage makes it an ideal long range armour destroyer as well as a very good disabling weapon, as one shot from it will instantly destroy any single gun or engine. The gun fires a fast moving projectile that has a slight drop that you need to compesate for at longer ranges." - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Play Style
point and shoot at the enemies armor and components.
Currently a buff engineer with charged rounds is probably the best load-out choice if you want to focus on shooting the mercury.
Mercuries can 1-shot all guns and engines.

Viable Ammo Types
( charged rounds
Charged rounds maximize the damage output of the mercury.
( heatsink ammunition
Heatsink increases the number of bullets for the merc from 2 to 3. Even with the reduced damage the mercury deals enough damage to snipe out all guns and light engines witha  single shot, which makes heatsink useful for disabling. However the reduced projectile velocity alters the trajectory of the shots.
( lesmok rounds
I mention Lesmok rounds here because I occasionally see people picking it to shoot the mercury. Lesmok rounds increase the projectile velocity, allowing easier hits in the distance. However due to reduced clip size from 2 rounds to 1 round the dps drops to less than 50% of the dps with charged rounds. Frankly I recommend not to use it. With some practice even slim junker hull can be hit reliably at a distance of 2000m with charged rounds and fights beyond that mark are pointless anyway.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 11, 2014, 12:53:04 pm
Burst might be more useful on the carronade than I previously thought. While most ammo types on the carronade can one-clip a balloon, burst rounds can deal 1555 damage in one clip, which is enough to destroy the balloon even if an engineer whacks it with a mallet (Balloons have 1200 hp, a mallet repairs 250. 1550 total.). So if you can land every single pellet, you have a guaranteed one-clip regardless of pesky engies repairing the balloon.

That being said, you have to land every shot. In practice, it's probably better to take greased and kill the balloon before the engineer has a chance to whack it. Also, burst loses its utility if the balloon is already damaged because then the other ammos can one-clip it.

Just me looking at numbers, haven't tried it out yet. Any thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: macmacnick on February 11, 2014, 07:27:45 pm
Lochnagar also works well in mercuries, to take down the armor really easily (i.e. a galleon's armor) the drawback is that you have to aim beforehand and also rebuild the gun afterwards.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: N-Sunderland on February 11, 2014, 08:19:50 pm
I don't see it being of any particular value for the reasons you mentioned and because it deprives you of charged, a necessary ammo type for sustained DPS (unless you go gunner and take both, but that'd be a terrible idea for the merc).

It's true that with a buff (on one or both) two loch mercs will take down a Galleon's armour in one go, but you're depending on a few things:
-the armour being unbuffed
-the engi not having time to get a mallet hit (you could have your merc guys fire simultaneously, but that's easier said than done)
-the Galleon not drifting out of the shot right as loch is loaded in
-the projectile not going straight into one of the Galleon's guns and ending up wasted, which is a very real possibility

So in the end it isn't really worth the trouble. Charged merc takes hull armour down quickly enough without all that risk (and so does Hades).
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Captain Smollett on February 12, 2014, 01:13:39 am
I just wanted to say that this is a really amazing guide and something that all new players should read.

Also can someone confirm artemis shots drop?  I always thought they kept altitude throughout flight.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 12, 2014, 01:30:54 am
I'm pretty sure they don't drop at all either. I've just blindly quoted Echoez statement. The Artemis guide would probably be better off without it to avoid confusion. Unfortunately I can't modify the post anymore :-/

Ragarding the burst rounds for the carronade: I've never tried them myself, but your reasoning seems plausible. Frankly, I do not know whether a carronade can be turned into a reliable one clip-balloon killer. There's little room for error (6 projectiles of the entire clip may miss). Then again it's likely that another gun can help out with finishing the balloon.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 12, 2014, 02:57:05 am
I think a lot of newer players would benefit from having this as a Steam guide. A lot of players probably won't know this guide exists on the forums, but if it's in the shift-tab overlay, maybe they'll see it and start to bring better ammos.

If you don't have the time to reformat it in the Steam guide format (or in Echoez' words, can't be arsed to), I'd be willing to do it for you (and of course give you coauthor credit) as you build this post on the forums.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 12, 2014, 01:38:56 pm
I do not want this guide to be distributed through other channels than this forum thread until it is completed and a bit more polished than it is right now.
Also before distributing it I'd like to get Echoez and Ailens (,74.0.html) permission to use their content. It's a kind of dickish move by myself to have reposted their stuff in this thread without it already.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 12, 2014, 02:34:27 pm
Ah, I understand.

If you want any help on this in the future, don't hesitate to ask me.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: N-Sunderland on February 12, 2014, 03:58:43 pm
I'm pretty sure they don't drop at all either. I've just blindly quoted Echoez statement. The Artemis guide would probably be better off without it to avoid confusion. Unfortunately I can't modify the post anymore :-/

I'll fix it. Do you want the quote from Echo removed entirely for the Artemis?
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 12, 2014, 04:25:30 pm
yeah, I think it's pretty much redundant with the text below it.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Nosgard SilverClaw on February 12, 2014, 04:40:39 pm
Burst might be more useful on the carronade than I previously thought. While most ammo types on the carronade can one-clip a balloon, burst rounds can deal 1555 damage in one clip, which is enough to destroy the balloon even if an engineer whacks it with a mallet (Balloons have 1200 hp, a mallet repairs 250. 1550 total.). So if you can land every single pellet, you have a guaranteed one-clip regardless of pesky engies repairing the balloon.

That being said, you have to land every shot. In practice, it's probably better to take greased and kill the balloon before the engineer has a chance to whack it. Also, burst loses its utility if the balloon is already damaged because then the other ammos can one-clip it.

Just me looking at numbers, haven't tried it out yet. Any thoughts on this?

Tried it myself in the past, and I stand by greased. My carrondate loadout is Greased, Heavy Clip, and Incinderary. Greased waste a balloon. Heavy Clip precision damages an engine or gun when balloon is down. Incin is for general harassement when balloon is down. Works well from everything i've seen. Burst..I see what your going for, but if your really close your gonna hit pure balloon, If your really far away your gonna hit a little of everything and not break any single thing. I don't see the value here in terms of raw damage. :(
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: N-Sunderland on February 12, 2014, 04:53:09 pm
yeah, I think it's pretty much redundant with the text below it.

Ok, done.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 12, 2014, 05:40:40 pm
The Beacon Flare Gun.


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

The beacon gun is a utility weapon. Beacon shots travel until they either reach their maximum range of 750m or get stuck in a cloud or a ship. Regardless of what causes the Projectile to stop, it starts to emit light, revealing any ship which are close to the flare to anyone. If a flare is shot at an enemy ship it sets 10 fire stacks on the hit component. The beacon gun doesn't shoot pin point accurate. Its projectiles spread a little bit.

Play Style
The main purpose of flare guns is to give you the upper hand when it comes to spotting enemies. Note though that the flare works in both directions - if the flare gets stuck too close to you, your position will very likely be compromised. Nothing points your enemies attention more into your direction than green party light which spoils your cloud cover. Hence the best thing you can do with a flare gun is actually very often not to touch it.
Here's a rule of thumb to decide when to shoot the beacon: If you've got an idea where your enemy are likely located AND you're sure that your shot will not get stuck close to your or your allies position, shoot the beacon! Otherwise leave the gun alone!
Of course there is no rule without exceptions. Sometimes it's worth to shoot a beacon even if you're in the middle of a cloud. One common situation like this is an enemy trying to use cloud cover to shake his spot. However you should make sure to communicate flare shots like this with your captain, as he might want to use the cloud-cover himself for other purposes like tactical relocation.
The secondary, often a bit underestimated purpose of flares is to use it as an actual weapon. Each beacon projectile has a 100% chance to set 10 fire stack on the component hit by it. 10-20 fire stacks on the hull or the balloon of a ship can make engineers sweat on their ships and more than 8 fire stacks on a weapon causes their gunner to be kicked out of it and blocks its usage until it's extinguished.

Viable Ammo Types

Usually the beacon gun doesn't need to be reloaded with any fancy ammo. Normal rounds reveal enemies just as as any other ammo type does and the precision of the gun is still sufficient to reliably hit hulls and balloons.

( Lesmok Rounds
Lesmok Rounds increase the range of the beacon gun, which comes in handy if you're flying a sniper ship and need to spot your foes from afar.
( Heavy Clips
Heavy Clips make the beacon gun pin-point accurate and hence increases the chance you actually hit the component you aim for.
( Heatsink Ammunition
Heatsink ammuntion increases the number of flares from 2 to 3. It increases the turn rate of the beacon gun, which can come in handy as a beacon is a gun you quickly want to hop into, place your shots and leave it again. The drawbacks of this ammo type is the reduced projectile speed, which decreased the maximum range of the beacon and makes aiming harder as you need to compensate the longer projectile travel time with an increased lead.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 16, 2014, 08:29:51 am
The Hades Light Cannon.


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (


"Now this is an interesting gun, the projectile itself deals fire based damage, which is a good all-rounder type, but after its arming range of around 150 meters activates, the gun also deals the secondary piercing damage AoE, you will notice that after the arming range has been reached the projectile will burst into flames, that's when it will deal full damage."  - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)

Play Style

The hades is the second most powerful weapon when it comes to breaking the hull armor. And unlike the gatling gun, which is the only weapons which outperforms the hades at this particular task, the hades can shoot over an enormeous range of up to 1400m and even beyond 2500m with lesmok rounds. In general you should try to hit the hull with the hades, as damaging its armor is its main purpose. Unlike the gatling gun the hades deals decent permanent hull damage as well. Hence it's usually the best option to continue fireing once the enemies hull armor has been broken.
Every shot has a relatively high chance to set a fire stack on the component it hits, which puts additional pressure on the engineers when it comes to repairing. Due to the chance of setting fires, targeting the enemies balloon can be a viable option as well. While the hades only deals roughly a quater of a light-carronades dps to the balloon, the firestacks it induces can burn it down rather quickly. Note though that shooting at the enemies balloon with the hades is almost useless if the balloon is chemsprayed. That's because chem spray prevents firestacks from beeing applyable to the sprayed component, which is the hades main damage source vs. the balloon.
The gun suffers from an arming distance of 150m, which causes the major fraction of its damage not to be dealt if an enemy is very close to your ship.

Viable Ammo Types

( lesmok rounds
lesmok rounds increase the projectile velocity and hence increase the maximum range of the weapon. Furthermore the increased velocity decreases the difficulty to hit with the hades. This makes lesmok a viable option even in mid-range combats - e.g. if you're up against a strafing junker or  a fast moving squid. Note though that lesmok increases the armind distance of the hades to 270m!

( greased rounds
greased rounds maximize the dps of the hades and reduces the arming distance. Use greased rounds when you're confident to hit your enemy even with the slowed down projectile velocity, which makes aiming with the hades a bit harder!

( charged rounds
charged rounds maximize the dps of the hades when fighting within the normal distance.

( burst rounds
The AoE of the hades is fairly large. Hence the percentage AoE boost of burst rounds are quite effective on the hades. Use this ammunition if you want to hit your enemies ballon and its hull at the same time while dealing some minor damage to components along the way.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Mod Josie on February 16, 2014, 06:40:40 pm
When this guide is finished and I have built a PC capable - would you be open to turning this into a video guide?
It'd be a great resource to have somewhere that the community could just link people to. I know I'd use it if someone else made one - especially one as comprehensive, useful and in-depth as this guide. :D
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 16, 2014, 06:41:11 pm
Hey, uh, I'm reworking my spreadsheet right now and I just realized that a lot of the DPS calculations are incorrect. It turns out that the GoI wiki has (or at least had) numbers different from what's in Evadne's Notebook, especially for shots/sec. I'm going to use Evadne's numbers for consistency (and hopefully accuracy).

I'm in the process of correcting things, and I should have a new spreadsheet out in about a week (that should also have some layout changes).

Yeah, that would explain why my spreadsheet said that hwachas had a dps of 13 versus armor
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 16, 2014, 07:25:23 pm
That didn't take as long as I thought. New version is up now. DPS calculations should be correct.

Stable links
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 17, 2014, 03:26:48 am
Thanks for your work and your heads up in advance Erheller!
I just took a look at the updated document and didn't spot dramatic changes at the first glance - did I miss something?
I'll probably update the table in the op (along with some other changes/additions) once I've covered all guns.

When this guide is finished and I have built a PC capable - would you be open to turning this into a video guide?
It'd be a great resource to have somewhere that the community could just link people to. I know I'd use it if someone else made one - especially one as comprehensive, useful and in-depth as this guide. :D
If Ailen and Echoez don't mind - go ahead!
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 18, 2014, 02:17:08 am
Mostly it was just the firing rate of guns that was incorrect. About half were correct, of the rest, most errors were pretty minor. The hwacha was off by a factor of 10, though.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 18, 2014, 08:05:12 pm
The Dragon Tongue Flamethrower


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: -


"The Dragon Tongue, or just the Dragon, works just like you would expect a regular flamethrower to work, it unleashes a fiery hell onto the enemy from close range. While the fire damage from the weapon is not all that high or powerful against anything but the enemy's naked hull and the balloon, the weapon's ability to ignite enemy ship components and apply multiple stacks of fire continuously is probably unmatched. This will make enemy engineers run around in panic, extinguishing the fires you set. Spread the warmth!"   - Echoez (,1628.msg28749.html#msg28749)
The flamethrower has the unique characteristic of shooting particles rather than projectiles like all other guns. Unlike projectiles, particles can travel through components which allows single particles to hit multiple components in a series.
Each flamer particles has the chance of 23.9% to ignite the component it hits.

Play Style
the main purpose of the flamethrower is to add fire stacks to components rather than dealing direct damage with the gun. Fire stacks are most threatening to the balloon, followed by the hull armor, followed by a long break, followed by components. That being said, when shooting the flamer, you should still try to aim for guns and engines rather than the enemies hull. That's because of the flamers particles ability to hit multiple components in series you'll very likely hit the hull and/or balloon of the enemy as well if you target their guns and engines. Furthermore if a gun catches more than 7 fire stacks the player is kicked of the gun if he mans it and no one can use it again until the fire on the gun has been reduced to less than 8 stacks again. This can come in very handy to disable guns.
The flamer should be shot regardless of the enemies hull status. It is capeable of dealing a noticeable permanent hull damage and setting stuff on fire while your enemies engines try to patch the hull together again literally makes them sweat.
One last note regarding setting fire charges: chem spray prevents setting firecharges. If you see a component covered in a white, spiderweb-like texture you will not be able to ignite them. This renders your weapon almost useless against chem-sprayed components.

Viable Ammo Types
( greased rounds
greased rounds maximize the fire charges/time and direct dps at the cost of a reduced range.

( lesmok rounds
lesmok rounds almost double the range of the flamer at the cost of reduced firestacks/time and reduced direct dps

( burst rounds
While flamer particles don't have an AoE to increase, Burst rounds increase the size of the particles themselves allowing easier hits on (multiple) components. - Source (,3522.msg61965.html#msg61965)

A rather uncommon choice for the flamethrower. Still heavy clips can come in handy if you want to use it to disable guns. Remember that 8+ fire-stacks kick players off their gun. Hence, in case you want to your enemies gunner(s) to permanently cry for their engineers to fix their toy you've ruined, heavy clips can be a viable ammo choice. However choosing this ammo comes along with a dps drop and a reduced fire stack chance/time.

( incendiary rounds
I mention these rounds here because it seems to be a common ammo choice for the flamethrower. Hence I'd like to elaborate why you should choose greased rounds instead whenever you consider to use incendiary rounds. The idea behind picking incendiary ammo is to maximize the chance of setting fire stacks on components. However greased rounds provide a higher ignition chance/time than incendiary rounds (6.4 firestacks/s with greased vs. 5.1 firestacks/s with incendiary or 4.42 firestacks/s vs 3.94 firestacks/s with reload time taken into account). On top of that greased rounds deal 5/3 of indendiary rounds direct dps. Furthermore the maximum range of the flamer particles is only reduced by 20% with greased rounds, while the range of the incendiary particles is reduced by 25%.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Dr Pantaleon on February 23, 2014, 06:37:33 pm
Salutes to you Sir for putting together this guide! I don't have anything to add, everything necessary is already there. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 24, 2014, 01:16:34 pm
Thanks! And don't worry, I'll continue to update this thread. The frequency of posts adding new guns has just been reduced lately because I'm quite busy with other stuff atm. Still I should be able to find a time slot of half an hour once or twice a week to add a new post.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 24, 2014, 02:05:21 pm
The Echidna Light Flak Cannon


Primary Damage: (

Secondary Damage: (

The light flak cannon deals a decent ammount of explosive damage within brief bursts. Its projectiles have got an almost neglectable drop and spread. Compared to the mortar the flak cannon as a quite high precision. This, combined with the relatively high projectile velocity which makes hitting moving targets easier, makes the flak cannon a good choice for a mid-range encounter finisher.
The gun has got an arming distance of 225m which means that the major fraction of this weapon is not dealt if your target is very close to you.

Play Style
The main purpose of the flak cannon is to take out the enemies permanent hull once their armor is down. if you notice the hull breaking sound, see the log notification of a hull break in the upper left corner or see hit markers turning red on your target, it's your time to place your volley into their hull.
Usually light flak cannons are shot by engineers. If that's the case for you, make sure that you don't get sucked into gunning - the light flak really isn't needed in your engagements until the enemies hull break. Feel free to focus on other stuff at the beginning of your engagements like repairing stuff or buffing equipment (like the weapon which is stripping the hull for you). While you focus on helping out on other places than your gun, keep a close eye on your engagement with the enemy, as you definitly want to be ready to fire the flak instantly after the enemies hull breaks. If you see your hades/gat gunner nailing his volley or your ally joining you on the same target, head to the direction of your flak cannon already! Once smoke emits from your foes hull, which is an indicator their armor almost being broken, you already want to stand next to flak.
When shooting the flak as an engineer with  buff equipment, make sure to keep your flak pre-buffed and finish the buff right before you start shooting! A flak cannon on its own can not inflict sufficient damage to kill any ship but the junker with a single volley if it's not buffed and normal ammunition is used. If the gun is buffed the pyra, mobula and spire can be shot down with  a single clip as well.

Viable Ammunition Types
greased rounds maximize the dps of a single flak volley. They also reduce the arming distance of the flak cannon.
charged rounds increase the dps of the weapon as well as increasing the damage per clip.
lesmok rounds increase the maximum range of the flak. It's a good choice if you plan to snipe your enemies and will likely get rid of their armor before they reach the 800m mark. On the downside your dps will be lowered and your arming distance increases.
When shooting the weapon unbuffed, burst rounds are the only ammo type which lets you deal more than 700 damage with a single clip (735 to be more precise). It is the only ammunition which allows you to kill a pyramideon or mobula with a single volley and leaves a spire with 15 permanent hull health points.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: redria on February 24, 2014, 03:02:34 pm
Viable Ammunition Types
greased rounds maximize the dps of a single flak volley. They also reduce the arming distance of the flak cannon.
Greased rounds should also decrease the maximum range, yes? What is the effective range using greased? (armed range -> max range) Also, how does this compare to the hades effective range with normal ammo?
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Alistair MacBain on February 24, 2014, 03:20:02 pm
Light flak with greased

Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: redria on February 24, 2014, 03:38:25 pm
Light flak with greased

Ohey. Look at that. A thing I should have looked for before asking silly questions. *facepalm*
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 24, 2014, 03:43:38 pm
neat I didn't stumble upon that gem so far, thanks for linking it! :)
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: GeoRmr on February 25, 2014, 08:26:55 am
I rate heat-sink clip as better ammunition for the light flak over greased rounds.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Crafeksterty on February 25, 2014, 01:46:18 pm
Wow, i never tought of heavyclip on a Flamethrower for the sake of stacking on a single component.

This is great, thanks. Brings up more creative ways to build my ships!
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on February 25, 2014, 02:30:48 pm
I rate heat-sink clip as better ammunition for the light flak over greased rounds.
what's your reasoning for this?
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: macmacnick on February 25, 2014, 04:53:47 pm
Heatsink: 30% ammo in the clip, and 50% faster gun turn speed/ -30% projectile speed (smaller arming time), -25% damage
So, ≈8 shots per clip (rounded up from 7.8 ) and -25% damage, so its damage output should be about the same as the gun with regular clips loaded.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 25, 2014, 08:33:02 pm
Heatsink on light flak vs. greased on light flak

Heatsink: More damage per clip (697.2 damage per clip with heatsink versus 588 for greased)

Greased: Much faster rate of fire (1.5 seconds to empty greased clip, 2.8 seconds to empty heatsink clip

My calculated theoretical rates of fire don't seem to coincide with actual rates of fire (at 16.67 rounds per second, the flamer should take 18 seconds to empty a clip, but it's actually closer to 20 seconds), but greased still has a distinct advantage over heatsink in this regard.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: N-Sunderland on February 25, 2014, 08:38:42 pm
Heatsink on light flak vs. greased on light flak

Heatsink pros:
More damage per clip (630 damage per clip vs 588 damage per clip)
Lower arming time

Greased pros:
Faster theoretical rate of fire (1.5 seconds to empty clip vs 2.8 seconds to empty clip)
Greater range

Heatsink is -17% projectile speed, and greased is -20%. Heatsink has greater range.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: macmacnick on February 25, 2014, 08:46:10 pm
...I used the wiki as the source of the projectile speed decrease information... Someone needs to update the wiki.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 25, 2014, 08:50:38 pm
Oh, I completely missed that heatsink got changed a couple patches ago.

Right now the tooltip says that it's -17% damage, -20% projectile speed (and some other stats that haven't changed). Assuming that's right, light flak will have 697.2 damage per clip with heatsink versus 588 for greased. But greased can empty its clip much faster than heatsink. Range and arming time *should* be the same between the two.

...I used the wiki as the source of the projectile speed decrease information... Someone needs to update the wiki.

Yeah, the wiki has some really inconsistent information. Wilson's Notes apparently take their stats from the game files themselves and are self-updating, according to awkm.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: N-Sunderland on February 25, 2014, 08:53:35 pm
Whoops, yeah. I got damage and speed mixed up. Neeeever mind.

Still, they have equal projectile speed.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Erheller on February 25, 2014, 09:00:04 pm
Whoops, yeah. I got damage and speed mixed up. Neeeever mind.

Still, they have equal projectile speed.

Thanks, updated the comparison post.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Echoez on March 18, 2014, 10:11:22 pm
This is much more in-depth from what I went for when I was still realy into this, great job Wundsalz, you describe everything in great detail, what was a simple beginner guide is now a much more complex tool that players that are above the basics can use to better refine their playstyle while still being a very good starting point for raw beginners.

Salutations to you good sir!
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Devinstater on May 05, 2014, 07:08:05 am
Any thoughts on the Banshee rocket Carousel?
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: GeoRmr on May 05, 2014, 07:46:53 am
Heatsink on light flak vs. greased on light flak

Heatsink pros:
More damage per clip (630 damage per clip vs 588 damage per clip)
Lower arming time

Greased pros:
Faster theoretical rate of fire (1.5 seconds to empty clip vs 2.8 seconds to empty clip)
Greater range

Heatsink is -17% projectile speed, and greased is -20%. Heatsink has greater range.

This is untrue, they both have -20% projectile speed. [You already noticed ^^] The only rounds that reduce arming distance further are incendiary with -25% projectile speed (not recommended, I find that the 5% is negligible and not worth the greatly reduced -25% clip-size and -30% rate of fire).

With the already relatively fast rate of fire that the light flak has I tend to prefer heat-sinks increased damage, when buffed it is capable of killing ships in one clip.

I would argue that greater range is not a pro but a con, the purpose of bringing these ammunition types should be in the interest of reducing arming time, otherwise burst rounds with their +20% clip-size and no negative damage modifiers would be preferred.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on May 05, 2014, 08:21:53 am
The Banshee Rocket Carousel

The banshee rocket carousel deals decent damage to the permanent hulls but with only roughly 500 hull-damage per clip it is not able to kill any ship but the junker on its own with a single volley even if all projectiles hit the hull directly which is unlikely due to the banshees strong projectile spread.
In addition to the hull damage the rocket carousel has got a high to set fire charges on your enemies components. there is a 35% chance the component the banshee hits directly is set on fire with one stack. In addition to this any component within 3m of the projectile impact has got a chance of 26.4% to be set on fire with two fire-stacks.

Play style:
Banshees are usually paired up with gatlings or hades guns which are excellent hull-strippers. Hence your primary job is to destroy the enemy ship once their hull armor is down. However due to the high ignition chance of the banshee it can help out with the hull stripping as well. Fires, especially on hull and the balloon, put additional pressure on the engineer who tries to keep up their hull under your gatling or hades fire. In general it's a good idea to just point and shoot the banshee at your enemy. If you see smoke emitting from your enemies hull and you think your hades or gatling gun will get rid of the hull-armor within the next few seconds it's a good idea to delay your shots a little so you can hit your target once their hull is unprotected.
Due to the high ignition chance, the banshee can be used to attack balloons, as fires pose a major threat to it. If your enemies balloon is not chem sprayed (which prevents fire stacks and is indicated by a white glow around the balloon component), it's often a good idea to place a couple of shots at their balloon. Note though that balloon destruction are not a primary objective of the banshee, but a situational side-usage.

Viable ammo types:

( greased rounds
Greased rounds optimize the dps and ignition chance of the carousel at the cost of reducing its maximum range.
( heavy clips
Heavy clips make the carousel pin-point accurate and hence allow you to use it efficiently close to its maximum range despite the guns strong projectile spread. A single heavy clip banshee volley deals roughly 340 damage to the hull and hence is not able to kill any ship, including the junker, on its own.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: GeoRmr on May 05, 2014, 09:07:23 am
The Banshee Rocket Carousel

The banshee rocket carousel deals decent damage to the permanent hulls but with only roughly 500 hull-damage per clip it is not able to kill any ship but the junker on its own with a single volley even if all projectiles hit the hull directly which is unlikely due to the banshees strong projectile spread.
In addition to the hull damage the rocket carousel has got a high to set fire charges on your enemies components. there is a 35% chance the component the banshee hits directly is set on fire with one stack. In addition to this any component within 3m of the projectile impact has got a chance of 26.4% to be set on fire with two fire-stacks.

Play style:
Banshees are usually paired up with gatlings or hades guns which are excellent hull-strippers. Hence your primary job is to destroy the enemy ship once their hull armor is down. However due to the high ignition chance of the banshee it can help out with the hull stripping as well. Fires, especially on hull and the balloon, put additional pressure on the engineer who tries to keep up their hull under your gatling or hades fire. In general it's a good idea to just point and shoot the banshee at your enemy. If you see smoke emitting from your enemies hull and you think your hades or gatling gun will get rid of the hull-armor within the next few seconds it's a good idea to delay your shots a little so you can hit your target once their hull is unprotected.
Due to the high ignition chance, the banshee can be used to attack balloons, as fires pose a major threat to it. If your enemies balloon is not chem sprayed (which prevents fire stacks and is indicated by a white glow around the balloon component), it's often a good idea to place a couple of shots at their balloon. Note though that balloon destruction are not a primary objective of the banshee, but a situational side-usage.

Viable ammo types:

( greased rounds
Greased rounds optimize the dps and ignition chance of the carousel at the cost of reducing its maximum range.
( heavy clips
Heavy clips make the carousel pin-point accurate and hence allow you to use it efficiently close to its maximum range despite the guns strong projectile spread. A single heavy clip banshee volley deals roughly 340 damage to the hull and hence is not able to kill any ship, including the junker, on its own.

Burst rounds should be added to this: Extra ammo for more overall damage (and more fires started per clip than greased), no reduction in range, and increased AOE for the spread of fires.

Of course greased rounds have their advantages over burst, (for an engineer to quickly empty a clip and return to repairing, on a squid for example) but generally I  dislike greased rounds on this weapon as it IS double explosive used to kill hull, and with already low damage values greased rounds seem like a large sacrifice of kill potential.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on May 05, 2014, 09:10:32 am
The Banshee Rocket Carousel

The banshee rocket carousel deals decent damage to the permanent hulls but with only roughly 500 hull-damage per clip it is not able to kill any ship but the junker on its own with a single volley even if all projectiles hit the hull directly which is unlikely due to the banshees strong projectile spread.
In addition to the hull damage the rocket carousel has got a high to set fire charges on your enemies components. there is a 35% chance the component the banshee hits directly is set on fire with one stack. In addition to this any component within 3m of the projectile impact has got a chance of 26.4% to be set on fire with two fire-stacks.

Play style:
Banshees are usually paired up with gatlings or hades guns which are excellent hull-strippers. Hence your primary job is to destroy the enemy ship once their hull armor is down. However due to the high ignition chance of the banshee it can help out with the hull stripping as well. Fires, especially on hull and the balloon, put additional pressure on the engineer who tries to keep up their hull under your gatling or hades fire. In general it's a good idea to just point and shoot the banshee at your enemy. If you see smoke emitting from your enemies hull and you think your hades or gatling gun will get rid of the hull-armor within the next few seconds it's a good idea to delay your shots a little so you can hit your target once their hull is unprotected.
Due to the high ignition chance, the banshee can be used to attack balloons, as fires pose a major threat to it. If your enemies balloon is not chem sprayed (which prevents fire stacks and is indicated by a white glow around the balloon component), it's often a good idea to place a couple of shots at their balloon. Note though that balloon destruction are not a primary objective of the banshee, but a situational side-usage.

Viable ammo types:

( greased rounds
Greased rounds optimize the dps and ignition chance of the carousel at the cost of reducing its maximum range.
( heavy clips
Heavy clips make the carousel pin-point accurate and hence allow you to use it efficiently close to its maximum range despite the guns strong projectile spread. A single heavy clip banshee volley deals roughly 340 damage to the hull and hence is not able to kill any ship, including the junker, on its own.
( burst rounds
Burst rounds increase the AoE of your shots and hence enlarges the area in which you can set fires. It also increases the hull-damage per clip to 630 which is enough to reliably kill a junker with a single volley even if a couple of shots miss.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Wundsalz on May 05, 2014, 09:26:21 am
I've updated the guide and added burst rounds. Can someone delete my previous post or replace it with my last post, please?

I really do like greased rounds on the banshee. It does not reduce the damage per clip compared to normal rounds. But it does increases the dps by 25% (7% if reloadtimes are included) compared to normal rounds. They ensure that the clip can be emptied while the enemies hull is down and single burst volley isn't sufficient to kill an enemy reliably anyway. Also, in direct comparison to burst rounds, greased rounds have a 2.5% higher dps including reload times.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Devinstater on May 05, 2014, 11:34:47 pm
Thanks for the thorough response. I love it when I get to fire the Banshee.

Where did you get the great graphic with the firing arc info? I had an issue with the Zcarronade being unable to aim down... It would be nice to be able to learn these things so I can alert my captain ahead of time.
Title: Re: Gunnery for Dummies v1.3.5
Post by: Alistair MacBain on May 06, 2014, 02:05:05 am
Those are the pages of the Wilson Notes.
At the upper left corner you got a book icon. Click this one and you will see several useful things. Wilson Notes Volume 1 and 2 are for guns.
But to get all pages for those books you need to complete the challenge fo this gun/map/ship.