Guns Of Icarus Online

Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: GeoRmr on February 07, 2014, 08:08:31 am

Title: Spotting Mines
Post by: GeoRmr on February 07, 2014, 08:08:31 am
I would love an addition to the spyglass mechanic to be able to spot and mark mines.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Crafeksterty on February 07, 2014, 08:25:39 am
Me to, but then allied mines should be automaticly marked while the enemy has to mark the mines. Dont know, but would be great.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on February 07, 2014, 09:01:36 am
Removes the surprise of mines. Cant agree the pros would outweigh the cons of spotting them.

As for allied mines: "Mines have no allies. Only enemies."
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: GeoRmr on February 07, 2014, 09:20:45 am
Removes the surprise of mines. Cant agree the pros would outweigh the cons of spotting them.

As for allied mines: "Mines have no allies. Only enemies."

People with out microphones have no way of telling their captain they're about to ram straight into a mine. I'd like to have it with no mines are spotted by default, and you would loose spot on them the same as a ship.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Milevan Faent on February 07, 2014, 09:57:47 am
I'd argue that the only way to know if this makes mines worthless is to test it on the Dev App. I do agree with people that there are no "allied" mines, and as such no mine should be auto-marked. It does increase communication without a mic, but mines are hard to hit with as is. Might end up being a nerf, thus why it should be tested on Dev App first.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Andika on February 07, 2014, 12:02:59 pm
I don't think most crew members would have the time to spot all the mines thrown around their ships, especially since it is possible to throw mines in a way that nobody on the ship would notice them. In the heat of the battle people don't have much chance to spot so much anyway, as they gotta shoot and repair, so this idea could in fact work. It could give captains an extra tool to fight mines. They would still have to rely on their crew, and most of them would not spot mines, but once or twice this could save a ship. It's the same as yelling "Mine behind us!'" in chat, but this one would allow people without mics to contribute, and spots could stay on to help captains navigate out of mine fields. Worth a try in dev app. I'm just worried about having too many spots on the screen, as they could get messy and they take away the realistic feature of the game (the same arguments that were brought up against spotting ships can be echoed here basically).
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Ernest Wolf on February 07, 2014, 04:35:37 pm
It would be a great tool, but in the same time, there would be less need for mines.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: HamsterIV on February 07, 2014, 05:51:05 pm
I think the range finder needs a tweak. Instead of providing that funny circle it should put a dot on another object visible to all other crew members as well as the range to that object. It will allow crew to spot and highlight things for the captain and vise versa. For example if the pilot is about to descend on to the edge of a building a crewman could paint the the building so that the captain knows where it is and how far away it is. Same could apply to mines and enemy ships.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on February 07, 2014, 09:29:06 pm
It would be a great tool, but in the same time, there would be less need for mines.

Not can't spot mines that are in flight. Plus ammo types vary the ranges. Even if you spot them, there is no guarantee you won't hit one. Specially if the enemy has a good miner and mine oriented captain that can place a mine a meter from your face. Mine will explode before you can spot it. Which is what miner teams try to do. If they can't do that then something is wrong, someone is lagging, or someone just hasn't practiced enough.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: The Sky Wolf on February 07, 2014, 10:08:17 pm
I think the range finder needs a tweak. Instead of providing that funny circle it should put a dot on another object visible to all other crew members as well as the range to that object. It will allow crew to spot and highlight things for the captain and vise versa. For example if the pilot is about to descend on to the edge of a building a crewman could paint the the building so that the captain knows where it is and how far away it is. Same could apply to mines and enemy ships.

I like that idea a lot. The Range-Finder should be able to find the range for everything it is pointed at to help the new captains out; be it enemy/friendly ships, mines, buildings, wreckage, or the ground itself. This feature would balance itself out due to the fact that the one finding ranges isn't ready-to-go on a gun or even repairing/buffing something, but is taking the time to find ranges.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Spud Nick on February 08, 2014, 01:09:43 am
A disclaimer before the match should be enough for most players. Simply state in lobby chat that there will be mines everywhere and you might hit a few.
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: macmacnick on February 08, 2014, 01:19:41 am
That's an unspoken rule in cake lobbies  :P
Title: Re: Spotting Mines
Post by: Insignus on February 11, 2014, 09:36:25 pm
Perhaps a compromise solution would be to have a commo wheel voice that says "MINES!"