Guns Of Icarus Online

Community => Community Events => Topic started by: Morbie on November 09, 2013, 01:16:06 pm

Title: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Morbie on November 09, 2013, 01:16:06 pm
Welcome one and all to the signup for Cogs  Season 3. Qwerty is currently swamped by Uni work so he's asked me to put this up, and keep an eye on you rapscallions. Anyway, back to business, and sorry about that whole 'rapscallion' thing.
We have an amazing season ahead of us, so get your team signed with this fun, easy semi-interactive signup sheet today!
Just fill out the following:

Team Name:
Team Colors:
Team Logo:
Contact Email: (Can be sent via PM)

See you in the skies.
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Cl ick to Ca p t ain on November 09, 2013, 07:01:15 pm

Aeronautical Knights
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on November 09, 2013, 07:35:08 pm
Black Flight Squadron
Same old logo
Same old contact
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Wundsalz on November 09, 2013, 08:00:23 pm
Team Name:
Sky Invading Rhinos
Team Colors:
Grey, Green
Contact Info:
skyinvadingrhinos [äth] g mailcom
Team Logo:
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Frogger on November 09, 2013, 08:11:23 pm
Team Name: The RAFT

Team Primary\Secondary Colour: Gray\Yellow

Team Logo: (attached)

Contact: Frogger (frogger4600 on Steam & Skype,

Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Adrasteia on November 09, 2013, 10:34:50 pm
Team Name: The Brood

Team Primary\Secondary Colour: Burnt Ochre and Horologist Gray
                                                (because those are our actual team colours)


Contact: Sammy

Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Byron Cavendish on November 10, 2013, 04:34:52 am
Team Name: The Gents
Team Colors: black (top hats)
Team Logo:
Contact Email: myself here, feast on thrones (Can be sent via PM) and on steam, same names.
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Shinkurex on November 11, 2013, 02:13:08 pm
Team Name: Zill's Merry Men
Team Colors: Green/Blue
Team Logo:
Contact Email: (Can be sent via PM)
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Coldcurse on November 25, 2013, 03:34:55 am
at the start of 2014, the dutchmen will rise again.
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Jawjee on November 26, 2013, 08:42:06 am
at the start of 2014, the dutchmen will rise again.
I promise to get drunk when we'll do it.I mean, ya know, after all that "Happy New Year" stuff, I can get wasted.
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Coldcurse on November 26, 2013, 08:51:46 am
i sense a second deadpool incoming
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Sir Maxio on January 01, 2014, 01:09:19 pm
Team Name: In The Games Room
Team Colors: Blue/Yellow
Team Logo:
Contact Email:
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Tropo on January 07, 2014, 04:34:27 am
Team Name: Sacrilege
Contact Email: or steam tropo

Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Frogger on January 07, 2014, 11:20:56 pm
Since the initial sign-up for the Cogs S3 was posted, the Ducks have undergone some restructuring. As the RAFT no longer exists, the above sign-up for the RAFT should be ignored and deleted. I will herein be registering our new team, the Mandarins, in the RAFT's place.

Team Name: The Mandarins

Team Primary\Secondary Colour: Navy Blue\Yellow

Team Logo: (see below. By Pechka!)

Contact: Frogger (frogger4600 on Steam & Skype,, Sammy B.T. (sbtatum on Steam)

Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: TheRealDeadpool on January 09, 2014, 03:58:06 pm
I AM FINALLY HERE!!! DEADPOOL HAS ARRIVED FOR THE COGS !!! so much explosions and rammig ur minds will get blown out of ur MINDS XD

DeadPools Army : DPA
color: red and black

email that can be used is :
or notify me on Steam. u should alrdy have me there if not. DUDE UR MISSING OUT XD
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: TheRealDeadpool on January 09, 2014, 04:00:24 pm
yes my pic is small BUT its not the size that matters is how u use it !!! XD
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: TheRealDeadpool on January 09, 2014, 04:46:53 pm
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: TheRealDeadpool on January 09, 2014, 04:50:02 pm
I AM FINALLY HERE!!! DEADPOOL HAS ARRIVED FOR THE COGS !!! so much explosions and rammig ur minds will get blown out of ur MINDS XD

DeadPools Army : DPA
color: red and black


email that can be used is :
or notify me on Steam. u should alrdy have me there if not. DUDE UR MISSING OUT XD
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Skrimskraw on January 13, 2014, 04:57:46 pm
Team Name: Merry Thralls
Team Colors:  Dark Green / Brass
Team Logo: in progress
Contact Email: PM: skrimskraw

collaboration between merry men and glowwater thralls. not affiliated with the other mm team.
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Mattisamo on January 14, 2014, 11:55:29 am
Team Name: The Mad Hatters
Team Colors: Black and Pink
Team Logo: WIP
  Steam: [G] Stenqvist
  Skype: Mattisamo
Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Sasquatch on January 14, 2014, 05:32:28 pm
Team Name: The Waddling

Team Colors: Black (Primary), Orange (Secondary)

Team Logo: Provided Below

Contact Information:     Sasquatch:      Morblitz:

Title: Re: The Cogs Season 3: The Clocktower of Edgar Lusse Signups
Post by: Mysterious Medic on January 16, 2014, 11:28:21 pm
Team Name: Crimson Sky Riders

Team Colors: Dark Red, White

Team Logo:(

Contact Info: Mysterious Medic: