Guns Of Icarus Online

Info => Feedback and Suggestions => Topic started by: Simplex FourOhNine on October 29, 2013, 10:38:56 am

Title: Y-Axis love
Post by: Simplex FourOhNine on October 29, 2013, 10:38:56 am
Hi folks,

Just a thought about ship differences and weapon arcs and the like. What do people think about guns which have their arc on the Y axis? A medium mount pointing straight down/up for instance? Or angled at 45 degrees downwards?

Pretty circumstantial layout I admit, and I'm not sure how much use it would be, but it would be something different. A bomber type layout sort of thing.

Anyhoo, just an idea that occurred so I thought I'd share it.

 - Jon
Title: Re: Y-Axis love
Post by: roder on October 29, 2013, 12:09:36 pm
a bomber gun would be awesome, a bomber SHIP would be even more awesome lol although itd always be flying at ceiling height lol
Title: Re: Y-Axis love
Post by: Thomas on October 29, 2013, 06:30:48 pm
Well the gun arcs do contain a Y-axis component. Guns like the carronade have trouble pointing downward, but aim upwards a fairly high amount. Then there's the artemis which couldn't aim upwards if you tried to bribe it, but also has a high degree of downward pointing freedom. Then of course you have guns like the field gun that can't look any direction very well, and things like the gatling and flamethrower that have massive arcs in all directions.
Title: Re: Y-Axis love
Post by: Simplex FourOhNine on October 29, 2013, 11:11:51 pm
Sorry, my bad in explaining - I meant the mounts pointing on the Y-axis. As in, at default position, the heavy mount is pointing directly downwards. Or upwards. I just think it would allow an interesting and possibly amusing ship design. Probably not competitive, but then they don't all have to be - some can just be for fun! :)