Guns Of Icarus Online

Community => Community Events => Topic started by: Squash on August 24, 2013, 02:53:08 pm

Title: Saturday streaming!
Post by: Squash on August 24, 2013, 02:53:08 pm
Guess what? Because so many teams are playing in today's Northern Fjords games, we're going to be dual casting to keep the game moving at a speedy pace, so nobody has to wait for any of that delicious carnage.

Here's the twitch channel for the secondary stream:

And here's the brackets:

Our tentative plan is for the secondary stream to cover D, E and G in the brackets, though this could change to facilitate speedy gameplay.

Good luck to all the teams, and don't forget to tune in to our primary channel as well:
Title: Re: Saturday streaming!
Post by: Skrimskraw on August 24, 2013, 07:52:32 pm
I just want to give a big thanks to the ducks, and especially to squash for making this happen. You might ahve noticed that corvus havent been in more that 1 day, we have had complications gathering a team, but I personally have been following the flotsam although I have been on a introduction week for my secondary university studies. from what i have been following and personally felt was that the day corvus was present everything was prepared and we got pretty quick into our games, also the streaming was good, streamers seem to have a bias towards some teams but it was good hearing some totale neutrality, the indepth analyzis might have been missing, but I dont know if papa will make some or whatever.

Good going.
Title: Re: Saturday streaming!
Post by: TimTim LaBaguette on August 24, 2013, 08:06:20 pm
Just wanted to also give massive props to everybody that was organizing this tournament, very well done. Had fun staying up until 5:30am just to watch those stream : entertaining casters, bad puns in the stream chat, epic moments in game, my heart beating very fast during our whole 20-25min match against TCD, THANK YOU. :)