Guns Of Icarus Online
Off-Topic => The Pit => Topic started by: Charon on August 12, 2013, 08:03:08 am
This is a thread for REAL LIFE WEAPONS that SUCK.
If you can think of a weapon that has an incredible flaw, post it here. If it's not a modern weapon, be sure to post the following design or enemy counterdesign that fixed those flaws.
Banshee rocke.... oh real weapons ... huh
pls kill me
Pigeon guided missile... I'm not even fucking joking. (
Banshee rocke.... oh real weapons ... huh
Guys let's put pricks on our gun, we rebuild houses with them after the war!
I give to you the Chauchat
WW 1 France's idea of what a light machine gun should be. It had a reputation of jamming if dirt got into the magazine or firing compartment. Just the sort of thing you want to give to troops in muddy trenches. Also the barrel could not be exchanged when it got overheated.
The original Bazooka was quite a failure when it came to German tank destruction. While it allegedly fired over a 100 yards, it was really found to only really be about 30 as you had to hit the tread or the very rear of a tank. Patton described it not as a tank hunter but as a weapon of last resort for infantry as they are overran by tanks.
I would need to do some research, but weren't a lot of the first forced air capture designs for automatic weapons total failures?
In WWII Russians used to strapped bombs to dogs, and trained them to run under tanks and when they got ran over the bomb would detonate. Moral problems aside, the dogs used were trained with russian tanks-which ran on diesel and the germans used petrol. Little did the russians know is that a lot of animals use scent over sight as their primary means of detection. See where this is going?
In WWII Russians used to strapped bombs to dogs, and trained them to run under tanks and when they got ran over the bomb would detonate. Moral problems aside, the dogs used were trained with russian tanks-which ran on diesel and the germans used petrol. Little did the russians know is that a lot of animals use scent over sight as their primary means of detection. See where this is going?
I remember reading about that, moral problems aside, it was kind of hilarious.
I remember reading about this thing. Someone thought it was a great idea to mix airplane and tank. didn't work out. Least not until someone thought up the A-10 Warthog.
The Tsar Tank, made to strike fear into the the hearts of the enemy, however it was under powered, vulnerable to artillery, and had a tendency of getting stuck.
The Tsar Tank, made to strike fear into the the hearts of the enemy, however it was under powered, vulnerable to artillery, and had a tendency of getting stuck.
Thanks for linking that. I saw it in a game once I never found out what it was called, or if it ever had existed. Safe to say, it would have been damn cool had it worked.
Now, anybody who found any of those things on, raise your hand.
*raises hand*
Never was on cracked but I have other sources.
FP elitist
I vaguely recall the stories of the American Expeditionary force referring to a french light machine gun as the "Worst piece of equipment ever foisted off on the fighting men of the the United States," and used wikipedia to find the gun. Fun story, Pershing refused to let superior American made weapons onto the battle field (like the Browning Automatic Rifle or the Thompson Sub Machine gun) because he was afraid the Germans might copy them. Instead the American soldiers had to make due with the Chauchat.
Nope I was not on, what ever the hell that is.
Remembered mine from an article on a tech/science site then googled flying tank. No idea what cracked is.
Dammit people, you're all boring :P
Guys let's put pricks on our gun, we rebuild houses with them after the war!
What's wrong with the G11?
granted it's a bit durable, but it's rather unwieldy to use as a bludgeoning device...also expensive.
And no, it's not a pun....
I think a worse weapon would be toe socks...
Mashed peas
Mashed peas
Creamed corn
Mashed peas
Creamed corn
A mix of Oxygen, Nitrogen and other trace chemicals: Air.
Foam Noodles.
Foam Noodles.
I don't know, man. With enough effort, you could decapitate someone with one of those.
Noodle Foam
Foam Noodles.
I don't know, man. With enough effort, you could decapitate someone with one of those.
The holes in the center of foam noodles.
Half of those Child-Safe scissors...
During WWII the soviets would strap dynamite to dogs and train them to run under the tracks of a tank. It wasn't uncommon for the dogs to run back to the trainer and blow them up instead
I heard that they trained the dogs to run under the center of tanks (where they could easily fit without getting crushed). They would carry a backpack with a antenna that acted like a trigger when it scraped against the bottom of the tank. In training the dogs would run under the tank and get rewarded for doing so. The theory was the dogs would imprint the idea of running under tanks with a backpack as a sure fire way of getting a treat. Then on their big day the trainers would swap out their training pack for one filed with explosives. Unfortunately they did the training with Russian tanks burning Russian grade gasoline. When the dogs were let out on the battle field they went after what they were trained to run under, things that looked like Russian tanks and smelled like Russian grade gasoline. The results were less than desirable (for the Russians at least).
Macaroni Art
Never saw anyone win a fight with that.
You've obviously never been to kindergarten.
I posit: Nothing.
So nothing is the worst weapon ever?
So nothing is the worst weapon ever?
well it certainly is better than something...
But not overused as everything...
though anything might be a better choice...
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
You don't.
That's what's so scary about nothingness....
Loneliness is as scary as it can drive a man to insanity before it kills him...
You can never save someone's life.
Only postpone their death.
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
Nothing fears no man and knows no mercy. None of it's victims have ever lived to tell the tale. Scary, huh?
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
Nothing fears no man and knows no mercy. None of it's victims have ever lived to tell the tale. Scary, huh?
Then the question do we know if this "nothing" truely exists?
...we don't.
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
Nothing fears no man and knows no mercy. None of it's victims have ever lived to tell the tale. Scary, huh?
Then the question do we know if this "nothing" truely exists?
...we don't.
All in nothingness...
Nothingness kills instantly and leaves no trace of the crime.
How do we even know this 'nothingness' exists?
Nothing fears no man and knows no mercy. None of it's victims have ever lived to tell the tale. Scary, huh?
The strange thing is: no man fears nothing.