Guns Of Icarus Online
Community => The Docks => Topic started by: zwaene on March 01, 2013, 05:46:05 pm
What is it ye be sayin'?
The rumours tell of a great monster roaming the night skies.
With it's noodly tentacles and the enormous meatballs filling his body and it's eyes pointing out like those of a sea serpent, making all those believe who deny him.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one and only allmighty force in this universe!
But beware!
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is never allone.
A small group of believers always protect FSM with mighty ships and sails as black as the night, they follow him on his journey both to protect and show they're faith.
These sky pirates only listen to and obbey commands of FSM and they call themselves The Pastafarians.
Ofcourse they often recruit new members to help them on they're everlasting quest of justice, so if u ar interested be sure to come and play with us ;).
I'm shovin' off ye scurvy dogs!
All hail to The Flying Spaghetti Monster
[--- to be continued---]
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Hail to His Noodliness!
At th' moment we be still lookin' fer crew hands!
Are ye able t' play around 20.00 +1 GMT?
Are ye mature 'n 'ave voice chat?
Are ye willin' t' accept that thar be only one divine flyin' spaghetti monster in this world?
Then contact me (Capt. Falco) or zwaene in game or reply on this forum post!
I'm at GMT - 5...
YAR! Le's shov' off som'time, me hearties!
can i apply?
can i apply?
Didn't you just ask for recruits to your own team in another thread?
well not a team, a crew for a cog team. but having a teammate is also needed. and getting a teammate in the crows is hard, you need to be a captain in the crows clan first and i hope i have more chance with the pastafarians, i hope that you dont have this policy because i really really like to participate in the cogs
To clarify, I'm not a Pasta Pirate, I'm just intrigued like crazy right now.
So, to clarify. You're currently in the Crows. You're forming a COGS team as one of the captains. So are you looking to join Pasta in addition to that other stuff, or instead of?
XD i know your confusion, im gonna make it really clear now.
-in the crows i have almost no chance to make a team of new players, so the game gets more attractive to new players.
-i want to join a clan that gives me the chance to make a team of new players, that are crazy enough to participate.
(i want to make a team for the cogs as soon as possible, this will put us in the high brackets and give us more experience as we fight in the weeks)
-i want to be the first flying dutchman in the cogs ;P (this is tottally not necessary but would be cool)
-i think the pastafarians can give me this chance
Dus, bent u het verlaten van de Crows? Bent u de hoop dat de Pastafarians laat je samen een 8 persoon team voor hen?
nee de crows laten het toe dat je in meerdere clans bent
Oh! Je moet dat uitleggen aan de Pastafarians, dat is heel ongewoon.
als het nodig is ga ik wel uit de crows, maar dan blijf ik wel bevriend met ze
Okay, so the story is he wants to head an 8 man full team. He's part of the Crows, but the Crows allow you to be part of two clans. He wants to join the Pastafarians in order to recruit enough people to join his team. If the Pastafarians wont let him stay in the Crows and be part of the Pastafarians, he will leave the Crows, though he'd rather not as he's friends with them.
Again, I'm not in the Crows or the Pastafarians, just curious.
no i think it will be fine if i leave the crows, i will stay friends with them.
i just hope that the pastafarians can help me.
im confuzzling myself here
maybe its even possible to create a team that is half pastafarian and half crow
maybe its even possible to create a team that is half pastafarian and half crow
maybe its even possible to create a team that is half pastafarian and half crow
well that was quickly answerd
Okay, so the story is he wants to head an 8 man full team. He's part of the Crows, but the Crows allow you to be part of two clans. He wants to join the Pastafarians in order to recruit enough people to join his team. If the Pastafarians wont let him stay in the Crows and be part of the Pastafarians, he will leave the Crows, though he'd rather not as he's friends with them.
Again, I'm not in the Crows or the Pastafarians, just curious.
I think a lot of people is confused here, and I think a lot of the confusion comes from coldcurse writing posts without really asking the crows about it.
first off, yes we allow people to double clan.
this is not in the sense that you can fly for both the crows and another clan.
this is in the sense that you could be a part of a community clan, like kings gambit, and then the crows, but you are expected to fly for the crows, and no one else, then you will be kicked from our clan.
This will also be done in adventure mode, where our players are allowed to be in various guilds etc. but you are still expected to fly for the crows.
so no a team consisting of PaFa and Crow members is not going to happen.
We won't let new player captains have a team without the proper skill level of flying against the other clans, who are just destroying unskilled teamplay.
our goal is to train captains to become better, and have them train their crew.
thank you for saving me from my confuzzling post
i have no intention to join the pastaferians anymore, i stay with the crows.
but id like to do some matches against zweane and falco
Haven't checked the forum in 2 days, suddenly messages everywhere :D
i have no intention to join the pastaferians anymore, i stay with the crows.
but id like to do some matches against zweane and falco
We would welcome th' opportunity t' fight ye landlubbers!
arrr I have me own rights to steer me ship and talk in me lingo.
yarr all be walking me plank of me precious ship The Flying Dutchmen.
I will face you with me crew of hungry keelhaulers and take down your tiny dingie, lets see who's the landwalker.
but first... i need some wenches and mead
Hello Pastas!
Just wanted to stop by say good game for our match at the Cogs. You guys put in a solid effort and as you can see from the stream you made us work for every point. It was a great effort and I hope you're proud of all your accomplishments over these past weeks, you've earned them.
Finally, it was a pleasure to play against such a bunch of really cool players, and the best sports around.
Until the next rumble!
Hello Pastas!
Just wanted to stop by say good game for our match at the Cogs. You guys put in a solid effort and as you can see from the stream you made us work for every point. It was a great effort and I hope you're proud of all your accomplishments over these past weeks, you've earned them.
Finally, it was a pleasure to play against such a bunch of really cool players, and the best sports around.
Until the next rumble!
Well we definitely learned some things from our match. We'll make sure we're ready next time we face you!
Howdy Pasta's,
May I get a steam name contact for your leadership role person? Muse has asked that we get together some contact info for each clans leader/spokesperson. An email would be ideal as well. Please PM me if you don't wish it to be public.
Ahoy swabbies!
We Pastafarians be seeking new souls to add to our collection of airfaring sailors!
From now on we be goin' t' start a cabin 'Spaghetti Fest!' every wednesday around 20.00 pm +1 GMT fer trainin' purposes.
Feel free t' join 'n don't be scared t' ask us riddles about th' Pastafarians, 'n if ye're interested, about joinin'.
We be also goin' t' make a recruitment cabin called 'Pasta Boilin''. 'tis mostly fer testin' new crimps or jus' plain ole fun.
See ye in th' skies!
I must say, my gut feeling was that the Whalers would take it, but Zwaene's return seemed to make all the difference. The Pastafarians are well and truly back. Congrats on that great victory, guys.
Honestly, we fought them...was it today? Both Pafa and paddling were warming up. Most of the dirty duck crew hadn't arrived yet, but we still had decent crews.
We played on dunes, and they wrecked us.
It was all we could do to keep the Lucky Duck in the air and return fire, they were ferocious. Our unfortunate teammate got caught out by them a few too many times (and I think they got us at least once, maybe twice) and while we clawed a few kills ourselves, we ended up losing that match pretty hard. You should have seen it, it was impressive.
Based on their performance in the pre-Cogs games, we were pretty confident that they were going to be the ones to walk out of their cogs match with victory in their pastary hands. Congrats guys, it was a great match, you are a force.
I must say, my gut feeling was that the Whalers would take it, but Zwaene's return seemed to make all the difference. The Pastafarians are well and truly back. Congrats on that great victory, guys.
It did make all the difference. Zwaene is an integral part of the group for two reasons:
1: He and Falco communicate best with eachother as captains because they speak to eachother in some strange, gutteral, secret language that they are both affluent in and I think it's at least twice as fast as english or something.
2: His catchphrase of "S**T F**K MOTHERF****ER" (he resorts to this even when speaking flemish) stirs the whole team into action immediately, and he has his crew trained like Pavlov's dogs to react on that command. It's like a secondary buff. We just couldn't adapt right away to our replacement pilot's, Candlehax, curses; they're much more specific and flavorful. They also tend to last longer. Like... minutes at a time. Really an earful. Very entertaining though. We need to find out where he went so we can make him do commentary.
We much appreciate the support guys, thanks a lot =) I personally appreciate the kind words, Morblitz. It's not easy contending against the best, but we try. All we really want is more play time with the top performers and couldn't accept being knocked out of the ranks today, so we were fighting hard.
I also thank Coldcurse for nudging a secret ship into the match at the very last moment without giving us time to react to the change, allowing us to test our true versatility. Very sneaky. I urge that Coldcurse should, on his next attempt to prove that a weapon or build he is employing is far too OP to be allowed, not test theories against PaFa on the match that will keep us in the rankings. I don't think anyone was swayed by the power of the artemis in this case. I do, however, feel that the current buff to the artemis was unnecessary.
Sammy B. T.'s support in today's match was really, really helpful. He deserves a big thank-you for filling in for our mysteriously vacant team member. I think Zwaene is baking him a cake now.
I also want to remind any hopefuls that we are still recruiting for replacement members! Yarr poopdeck!
Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene Zwaene ZWWWAENEEEEEEEEE
Thanks for the great match today, guys. From the start to the finish it was impossibly close, Pyra after Pyra falling to gatflak/mortar. We really thought we had you, but you guys did a great job of turning it around. I have to say that I'm really frustrated with how we fell apart once you guys got the point, but there's no point in dwelling on it. In the end, you guys did better, and deserved the victory. Best of luck for next week :)
Thanks for the great match today, guys. From the start to the finish it was impossibly close, Pyra after Pyra falling to gatflak/mortar. We really thought we had you, but you guys did a great job of turning it around. I have to say that I'm really frustrated with how we fell apart once you guys got the point, but there's no point in dwelling on it. In the end, you guys did better, and deserved the victory. Best of luck for next week :)
One of the best matches we've played N-Sunderland.
I was actually annoyed that it was the Labyrinth because it's not a 'real deatmatch', but in the end it proved to be the most fun we had on a Cogs match :D
Hello my loves! As you guys have been the one teaching me the basics in guns of icarus (which i appreciate very much) i think that you should consider training me even more, and take me into your team so that i can make man-love to Flynn and Swaene everyday!
Hello my loves! As you guys have been the one teaching me the basics in guns of icarus (which i appreciate very much) i think that you should consider training me even more, and take me into your team so that i can make man-love to Flynn and Swaene everyday!
Absolutely. I might livestream the event. All of it.
Great matches today. I can't believe how close that was. You guys were awesome opponents, it's really too bad that wasn't the final.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and Flynn, you didn't specify who that match had to be 5-0 for. I want to see you eat a cactus now :D
Any skilled hopefuls who possess a deep love of this game and want to play in a clan: PaFa REALLY needs crew right now! We are taking on Gunners, Engies, and Pilots!
Is PaFa still going on? You guys rock.
Yep, they were in Cogs last weekend, defeating the Gents 5-4. They'll be playing against The Brood in Cogs Week 6.
Yep, they were in Cogs last weekend, defeating the Gents 5-4. They'll be playing against The Brood in Cogs Week 6.
(sheesh it was rhetorical just trying to bump their thread in a way that doesn't sound so obvious :P)
Just kidding. But I do know you guys are still active.