Guns Of Icarus Online
Off-Topic => The Lounge => Topic started by: timmymonsta on June 22, 2013, 10:00:06 am
Maybe it's just me not paying attention but I remember a few days ago we had about 80-100 players waiting in lobby on an average night. Last night I saw upwards of 350+! Was it just E3 that brought in all of these new players or is there another event that happened recently?
It started going for super cheap on Green Man Gaming (or something like that) a couple of days ago. Apparently it sold pretty well there.
it always gets a big player influx a couple times a quarter. then they all leave.... no one wants to deal with the chokehold certain people have on the competitive scene
I thought it was because of the Steam Cards.
my impressions were that it was from steam trading cards as well.
The game was put on sale in a few places, including an indie bundle. E3 and cards probably help too.