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Messages - Tsal Vlaxitov

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I almost exclusively play as a gunner and from my short experience with it, the guy who forces me to switch to engineer is the same guy who thinks its ok to stay in a galleon's broadside for the sake of shooting at another ship. Its either that or hes soo unaware of his surroundings that he fails to notice hes in a galleons broadside to begin with and needs several engineers to carry him through that handicap. This is no exception to higher ranked captains either as rank is clearly not skill gated in this game. Good pilots can easily get by with one engineer and that one engineer is either shooting or chilling half the time. Besides that, why wouldn't you want someone to focus on gunning and someone else to focus on fixing? That ridiculas term "gungineer" is an engineer who only guns and never fixes anything other than his gun most of the time and once again, the pilot who demands all engineers is too unaware to notice that. I do more fixing as a gunner than alot of "gungineers" I've seen in action.

Engineers might be better on paper but in their actual in game roles this is how its working out to my witness. That said I would love for there to be an undeniable advantage to having a a gunner over coordinating different ammo types between different engineers but really only to keep those pilots who would exclude me or at least moan about it from doing so.

You can get by with one engineer against a team of newcomers. Otherwise, two is a necessity. You should  try playing as an engineer more before you say things like this.

Yeah I do realize that which is why I said in my short experience. Maybe once you're pro 2 engineers is totally necissary and I do intend on ranking engineer up. Its just so far that in my short experience when I'm losing its because were being outflown an overwhelming majority of the time.

I almost exclusively play as a gunner and from my short experience with it, the guy who forces me to switch to engineer is the same guy who thinks its ok to stay in a galleon's broadside for the sake of shooting at another ship. Its either that or hes soo unaware of his surroundings that he fails to notice hes in a galleons broadside to begin with and needs several engineers to carry him through that handicap. This is no exception to higher ranked captains either as rank is clearly not skill gated in this game. Good pilots can easily get by with one engineer and that one engineer is either shooting or chilling half the time. Besides that, why wouldn't you want someone to focus on gunning and someone else to focus on fixing? That ridiculas term "gungineer" is an engineer who only guns and never fixes anything other than his gun most of the time and once again, the pilot who demands all engineers is too unaware to notice that. I do more fixing as a gunner than alot of "gungineers" I've seen in action.

Engineers might be better on paper but in their actual in game roles this is how its working out to my witness. That said I would love for there to be an undeniable advantage to having a a gunner over coordinating different ammo types between different engineers but really only to keep those pilots who would exclude me or at least moan about it from doing so.

General Discussion / Question about the kickstarter packages
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:34:50 pm »
I'd love to pitch in on the kickstarter and the packages look exciting but also unclear as to what is included. I do apologize if the information is already up somewhere or that I'm misunderstanding it in which my question is likely redundant. What I'm basically looking for in the packages is a 4 pack, preferably at least 1 copy being lets say a digital CE. The swag like map, poster, usb bullet, ect. takes a backseat to just wanting 4 solid copies of the game all inclusive to whatever content there will be available on release.



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