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Messages - Watchmaker

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Free-look when aiming guns
« on: March 02, 2016, 09:57:43 am »
I believe we actually had this early in the beta, and it was widely despised.  As I recall, in practice it just made it very easy to miss shots, particularly at long range, because you'd moved the camera slightly but the gun itself hadn't caught up.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.5 Release Notes
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:57:07 am »
One balance change snuck in by accident - fall speeds were briefly more physically accurate (meaning faster than they used to be.)  This is disabled in production again now, it's something we're still testing.

Pretty much what Gilder said: taking advantage of low-level APIs like DX12 or Vulkan requires a) Unity to do the support for us and b) Unity to not break anything else in the process.  You may have noticed that we still haven't upgraded Guns to Unity 5, basically because their new lightmapping solution fails point b) for us.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.4 Release Notes
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:03:30 am »
The Minotaur has no AoE, the gun type it uses doesn't even support that feature.  We typo'ed the release notes entry, I think.

Impact force is 200k N for each of the direct and secondary hits of each pellet, for a total of 400 kN per each of the 5 pellets fired by a single trigger pull.

EDIT: other posted stats seem correct.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.4.4 Release Notes
« on: October 29, 2015, 04:49:24 pm »
Also so that we can tell people when the servers are down for maintenance or other known reason, rather than getting spammed with "why can't I connect" questions in every medium.

Muse, what on earth is the point of the launcher?

I imagine to promote events, let players be aware of patches, or anything that they need to point out really.

Release Notes / 1.4.3 Hotfix 2
« on: October 05, 2015, 11:38:29 am »
We've just released a client build fixing a number of issues:

1.4.3 (493)

- UI: map background no longer appears over the HUD when joining mid-match
- UI: Spectator ship healthbars now render behind status icons
- UI: Pressing ‘tab’ while on the deploy screen no longer hides the score
- UI: fixed a typo in the in-match achievements list
- Fixed several particle shaders not rendering correctly when over the skybox
- Restored missing “soft edges” effect to some particles
- Fixed missing ladder-climb sounds
- Mouse sensitivity settings are now applied properly on Linux again
- Fixed transition from deploy screen to match end sequence
- Fixed Linux crash when rematch vote fails

General Discussion / Re: New ship?
« on: August 18, 2015, 10:48:25 am »
This is all default values in the UI before it's populated with actual data.  Nothing more.

Gameplay / Re: mino push power
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:08:07 pm »
Does two pellets hitting a point cause greater push than one pellet hitting the point?

Each pellet produces a fixed, independent linear force when it hits, along the vector it is travelling.  Torque results for any hit will then vary based on distance from center of mass.

However, I suppose higher spread will technically cause some of those forces to cancel out when averaged over several pellets (since if they hit at an angle they will, to some extent, be pushing opposite to one another.)  So heavy clip probably nets you a tiny bit of efficiency in this regard.  Based on some quick math, I think you potentially "lose" up to 5% of each pellet's force at maximum range (you don't actually lose it, but that's how much is pushing sideways rather than directly away from you.)  The amount lost however depends on the exact (random) variance applied to that pellet and the distance at which it hits; 5% is an absolute upper bound.

EDIT: Okay, I misread the question slightly.  I think I answered what you *meant* (does two pellets hitting the same point produce more force than two pellets hitting different points?), but the answer to what you *wrote* is "Yes" because each pellet does apply its own force.  The more pellets that hit, the more force applied in total.

Dev App Testing / Re: Dev App 1.4.2 (520)
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:49:56 am »
I was hoping that would change soon.

99% not for this patch, but I've logged the request for future consideration.

Dev App Testing / Re: Dev App 1.4.2 (520)
« on: June 25, 2015, 03:38:10 pm »
The choice provided to us by the engine seems to be "uneven spacing at some resolutions" or "don't scale UI at all".

Dev App Testing / Re: Dev App 1.4.2 (520)
« on: June 25, 2015, 02:29:18 pm »
Okay, so as of build 520 we have our intended UI in place for all three modes (Deathmatch, Crazy King, King of the Hill.)

I know some concerns have been raised about the black score UI in practice/tutorial; we plan to remove it there (since there's nothing to show) but that did not make the cutoff for this particular build.

Dev App Testing / Re: Dev App 1.4.2 (515)
« on: June 23, 2015, 03:10:34 pm »
Build 515 is up.  Adds the last changes needed to test the new 2v2 Deathmatch map!

(which is a slightly adjusted version of Raid on the Refinery, but still)

Dev App Testing / Dev App 1.4.2 (520)
« on: June 23, 2015, 11:58:14 am »
We're testing for the release of 1.4.2, dev app build 514 is the first of this line.

Fuller release notes to come, but for the moment consider:

- The updated in-match UI
- New voice packs from the Workshop (Vladibear and Renaulde)
- AI gunners have been retired (since they didn't use gunner skills anyway)

Plus assorted bugfixes, including:
- Pilot skill effects should no longer appear unexpectedly at respawn
- The harpoon's rope no longer remains after a harpooned target dies
- Single-clicking the gatling gun no longer produces a tracer at the wrong position
- Fixed switching back to a level title after selecting a custom title

Gameplay / Re: Charged and Burst mines
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:47:24 pm »
Are you sure that the ignition chance is added on top of the existing fire chance of the 25% to make it 45%? The question popped up many times before and I can even recall you specifically saying it was a separate chance of 20% from the existing one.

Yes.  It was at one point handled differently, so you may be remembering a response from that time.  However it's been this way for about a year now.

Gameplay / Re: Charged and Burst mines
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:08:09 pm »
Incendiary on weapons with built-in fire chances is a little weird, and mine direct damage is a little weird.  So in total it's pretty weird.  But here's what *should* be happening:

1) Mines deal each of their primary and secondary damage as independent hits in an AoE with the usual AoE falloff described above.
2) Fire chance is calculated independently for primary and secondary, and rolled for both
3) Without incendiary, mines have a 25% chance to add 5 fire stacks *only on their secondary hit.*

Add incendiary into the mix, and you should get two independent fire rolls:
- 20% chance of +1 fire stack on the primary hit
- 45% chance of +5 fire stacks on the secondary hit

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